Tolinar Mistbourne, a Small Medium at Large

Started by Dredi, December 31, 2021, 11:20:18 AM

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Tolinar Mistbourne

That was absolutely wild and I loved every minute of it. Honestly, a huge shoutout to the DM to for making that a truely memorable death, even if the entire thing did come out of nowhere. - Sorry I dont have screenshots for you all, I'm rubbish at taking them :<

Dont let your Memes be Dreams.

The first concept for the Lore-Dwarf came from a theorycrafting session with Ciorba to figure out how much lore you could reasonably accumulate on a single character. Unfortunately it turned out that the best way to do this was to do a GSF: Divination Bardic Dwarf, which was far from an ideal meta build and probably would struggle to even survive.

So I made it anyway. 

Mechanically, Tolinar's build was absolutely trash, he couldn't really do anything except support very well -- and he wasn't even particularly good at that. I had insisted on wanting Tolinar to be reliant on medium armor when concepting the character - the idea of an Old, Bardic Dwarf striding into battle and fighting things head on really appealed to me, unfortunately the requirement for 18 charisma (for that sweet level 4 spell slot) quickly made it apparant that this was.. not a good idea and Tolinar, forced to accept his aging body reluctantly took on a more backline role.

And yet he survived some really incredibly deadly stuff - Goblin Hell, The Seige and Death of the Pallid Prince and more secretly, sealing the breach left behind by the weapon's release in 94, witnessing the death of Thorna Uld, the daughter of the last shaper of Uld.

So, Who Was Tolinar?
Tolinar started life in the Burgage as a refugee from 94, a dwarf who fled when the silverspire erupted (An Event Tolinar would refer to as the "Rise of the Black Mountain") and getting caught in the ash cloud that descended before being able to ecape the ring. Tolinar lost everything that day, family, friends and his home. Destitute, he was forced to little ticker.

Life there was awful, in the time of the red-jacks, Tolinar was fined and taxed most of his life savings by the reds in support of the knaves and the count, forcing him to relocate to the ponds for a time, where he fell in with a bunch of elves headed by Gilthalas Wealdrath.

What became more apparent for Tolinar as time went on however, is that he was dying - a fact only a scant few picked up on. His coughing, which started out rather mild and subtle soon became a racking, breath stealing cough, the ash he had breathed in during the fallout from the black mountain was killing him now too, having scarred his lungs it steadily became more and more difficult to breathe and (the plan was) that Tolinar would likely die without major medical intervention within a few months - something that Tolinar, having lost pretty much everything he knew and loved -  was trying to come to terms with: His own mortality.

So, he ran the rings, a notoriously dangerous thing and, with the elves of Wealdrath and his kin, Khazau'ur at his side, made it decently far into them, before the elves found what they were seeking and the ringrunning group began to disintegrate from there.

Tolinar Returned more recently to ticker square, in the last few months of his ailing health as realisations struck him and the truth of the matter began to set in. He was going to die, but who was going to remember him?
Tolinar's experience as a diviner and a seer for the ancestors led him to a number of conclusions but above all else he valued memory and being remembered, themes core to the Ancestors and remembering those that had come before. Some choice interactions with Adrian Velstra and Menfred Japes led Tolinar to believe that for all he had done and seen that he himself would soon be forgotten, just another name lost to the passage of time.

So, Tolinar devised a plan, one that would both help people and try to secure his place in history: Take up the mantle of ticker square, restore the harbour and, eventually, prepare for an exodus of tickerfolk to a haven in the deeper rings, a plan heavily stylized off one of the ancestors who's memory he revered,  Old Thane Greer. So while it was without doubt that he did legitimately care about the people of little ticker, the truth was that there was a certain selfish intent to his actions.

Unfortunately -- or perhaps fortunately, in the end this never came to pass. With what Tolinar saw as a an awful miscarriage of justice resulting in the death of the wizard Mundus he got into an altercation with a glitt retainer and was summerily executed on the grounds of little ticker. In the end, he died much sooner than even he expected, but his spirit was cast on to the ancestors to the sound of righteous dwarves chanting his name which is more than he could ever have asked for.

So ends the story of Tolinar Mistbourne. Time to move onto the next one eh?

(The Words of the Ancestors is here: should anyone like to read it :) )

Ah. But you want to see loot, dont you?



Tolinar was a great character who felt like a fount of information and knowledge. It felt like he was everywhere and saw everything. Great work!


Tolinar will be missed! I really liked our interactions and dynamic. I also appreciate the pun in the title.


Tolinar was quite cool to see around, he felt dwarfy while being unique in his own way as a scholar.


The best dwarven friend an elf can have.
Truly great pc. Keep it up Preggy.