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Just a little thing to see how our saves are globally: poison, etc etc?
Bones was made to have 30 minutes of fun in a  DM event. He got to level 8.

His build was janky as hell (I gave him the dodge feat when I didn't know kobolds got it for free) and tried to make the most of it.

Playing with Brolair, RPG, Electro, Astra, Sqt and the others was extremely fun.  Onto the next one.

Some screenshots.









Papa Cesar was the leader of a halfling gang called Vinny's Boys. I had a lot of fun playing the little guy and here are some of my favorite moments.

This is the earliest picture I could find, with the original members: Cesar Songhill, Milo Caffrey and Harry Horowitz.

In the beginning, if you were a halfling, you were in. This way we ended up meeting many interesting  PCs like Maggie Moil.

We also did Orbs 3. This was the first of MANY deaths.

We did some field trips with the boys.

And prayed to Vinny.

Cesar's deal was that he was a gambler, and he always put everything on the line for the chance to win big. Which he did, sometimes. He also lost, a lot.

Playing Death Roll, was a big trait for Papa Cesar.  Thanks to Whyleth for teaching me this game. It was so fun.

I loved Cesar's look, and I even got some loot for looking so fucking good.

Here are some moments I found really funny, because at the end of the day I played this character to have a laugh. And mission was accomplished several times.










We had our own song!

I miss the crew, and I miss Papa Cesar, but I had a lot of fun. Thank you alll.


Wesley died.
Holy shit those were three intense months.

Obligatory screenshots and I invite you post your own, if you have any.

Thank you to all his friends, his enemies and the DMs.

His First day as a Moonspear.

Early Wes was an idiot, late Wes too.

Aldstan was the reason I rolled up Wes, I wanted to play with that character and be a thorn by his side.

Early Wes

Rocking that new Moon Drip

Early adventures

Being a thorn at Aldstan's side.

Duel at Stone Island

Being attacked by Zhou Fenxian was definitely a turning point for the once child actor

Aldstan was killed and Wes was thrusted into turmoil from which I learned much about PVP.

Wes killed the Mongrel Shaman Gore Tail, The Tiefling Liv Signe, The orzan Sergei, The Orzan Szarlej, Danebluff and her half orc guard and the Orzan Vratislav.

And after so much death and zealotry from House Moonspear, he had had enough..




And so Wes had a bunch of enemies, even in his former house. I remember he even fought a duel that night,




Then he had more adventures, he started ringrunning with purpose and his story ended in a fantastic way.






And some tiefling boots.

Thank you for reading.

The Golden Boy rests in peace, an eternal smile  etched on his face.

Not much to say about Emmett that wasn't said in game. I do have to take the time to thank my beloved Belmores.

The players who have brought to life such delightful characters as Pavlina, Alcide, Talbert, Sarah and Joachim have made me enjoy this character in unbelievable ways.

I also have to mention other characters whom Emmett loved such as the Peter Pickwick crew: Anum, Merryweather, Albert, Vimmyl, Casper. The Glitts: Kinsley, Earc, Casper (again cause I love him), Sorch, Warley. The Moons: Mebril, Aldstan, Saint Luc (Emmett prayed to him), and Bartimus. Lalena, Rin and Penny were really good friends.  I don't know, I think I'm going to miss some people and I just wanted to say that if you were well liked by Emmett, you knew.

About loot, yeah Emmett had DM loot, and good stuff. But as a player I don't really care about it. I care more about moments, and these were my favorites.

One of the first gatherings of the Belmores.

His look would change from time to time

He defeated Aldstan early on during one of Lady Belmore's Games.

He was kidnapped by Ink Claw

He made strange friends

Pride was one of his flaws

He got stronger.

He didn't always say the right thing. Actually almost never.

He got to see a different side of people.

Welcome to the Steadings.





























His last words were of love.



At the end of the day,  I enjoyed being Emmett and I am thankful to the players and the DMs, especially Skaghunter and Sternhund, for making his time such a memorable experience.