Looking for concept?

Started by Gippy, November 04, 2012, 03:10:18 PM

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I know I have not been very active in DMing for quite awhile now except here and there, but next week I would like to introduce a new faction to Mistlocke.

I would like any interested players between concepts to PM if they are interested.

Some tidbits about the faction:

They will be led by a charismatic Ilmateri turned mercenary.

They will gain all sorts of strange bonuses from being withered.

They will have a Goad as their second in command.

They will all come from Old Port.

They can be any alignment, race, or class except for paladin.

Their agenda is primarily neutral or good.

- Gippo.


Still seeking players. The more we have to start, the better. I'm on IRC and in #Sick. PM me if you want more plot details.