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Topics - Black-Forest

Bug Reports / Earth God Essence Polymorph
March 07, 2019, 08:19:08 AM

The item "Earth God Essence" which is a Relic for the Earth domain, appears to have a bug in how its polymorph functions. The item description suggests it'll turn you into an elemental, and the spell name even says "Custom", but when used it turns you into a Giant Spider. I tried everything I could think of, thinking the option for the elemental might in sub-menu, kind of like protection from alignment, but it doesn't seem to be.

This is the item in question:

User error, or bug?
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Senta Marke
June 01, 2014, 10:16:09 AM
Retiring my Ordinant, Senta Marke. He was my first character and suffered throughout his 2ish month existence from severe First Character Syndrome, as I didn't really have any idea how to work with goals on EFU and get stuff done.

Got a better idea of all that now and I decided it would be better to start fresh than try to salvage a sinking ship.

Thanks to all my Ordinant Brothers who helped me out and kept me around because I made them nice potions, and thanks to Esme and Jonus and Jormund and everybody else outside the Society who hung out with Senta and tolerated his grunted replies and bizarre seat-of-his-pants sorcery.

It was fun, folks. Onwards to brighter horizons!

Have screenshots (Spoiler alert: they're pretty boring)!

Humble beginnings from before Senta bolted on his Society Armor (I basically never took it off after I put it on the first time).

The first time I saw Ordinant Kingsley, she drew steel and tried to kill Narvis.

Conjuration shenanigans!

And, most importantly, People Making Bad Decisions™