Let me tell you about Jean Katreya

Started by Caster13, March 07, 2010, 12:51:37 AM

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Yes, I'm sorry, but she's dead >_>

And yep, that's still the Grugor Leathers that Bailey sold her. It's gone through a couple of different dying cycles, but it's still it.


I'm so sad that Jean is dead, she was an amazing pc and I was so happy to have got to be involved in the Stewards with her.
I had hoped for many more wonderful, long conversations in future and much more nature based plotting!
Can't wait to see your next pc, Caster and enjoy the break!


Though I only meant Jean briefly, she was a fun char. I hope to see your next char in game soon. You added alot to the nature faction, i'm sure you will add to whatever venture/faction you join next.


Fun character to interact with. Have a great break!


cool deep character and nice picture



A great nature PC Caster, and I enjoyed every interaction.  :)


Oh dear.

She will be missed.


Nooo!  Not Jean. :(

Who is going to tend Mactl'ysha's garden now? :(