Factions rant

Started by Cerberus, October 22, 2009, 12:46:45 PM

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Let me start by saying I think the Mithrilsouls was the best faction I've ever belonged to thus far. For the most part those players always tried to include everybody in the faction into the goings on of the other members and (that I noticed) didn't play favorites based on player, PC concept, PC level, etc (no clique mentality, it was a faction mentality). They helped each other out and always shared loot and in the least (most of them) traded down to other members and then sold off the item nobody wanted, which in turn kept the faction very strong. They wern't greedy, took care of and included everybody in the faction into just about everything the faction was doing.
Now I'd like to say, what's the point in letting somebody join your fadction if you're going to ignore them and NOT include them in any of the faction activities. Just because a PC fits the criteria for your faction, don't insult and waste the players time by accepting them and then ignoring them. If you are going to send tells to one or two players when you log in about where you are and what you're doing then do it with ALL members or don't do it at all. If you do send tells to one or two and go off doing things without including other members that are IG, then face the facts, you're a player clique mentality schmuck, not a role-player.


You probably shouldn't be sending tells to your faction members or anyone else for that matter saying where you are/what you're doing. FYI.


I disagree cruzel, i think its perfectly acceptable to send a tell saying, "hey are you doing shit right now, me and the gang are chatting, etc" its a huge waste of time to wander aimlessly searching for people.

And Cerberus I dunno what factions you belong to, but usually you get out of it what you put into it. A faction isn't like, hey I joined so now I want free loot and access to everything.

If you join a faction you should earn your status in that faction, and yes, you gain certain benefits depending on what it is, but it shouldnt be a given that you are on equal footing with the people that pushed the faction to prominence or are actively participating in making the faction prominent.


Dash, If you are NOT going to include a PC into the faction activities then DONT accept them into the faction in the first place. Pretty easy logic if you ask me.


I'm a pretty friendly guy. As I tend to try to include people in whats going on. So yeah. Be nice.


lol theres a difference between actively not including, and just not making an effort to bring everybody around all the time. As I said, I don't know any of your specific examples, but theres no reason to expect everyone in a faction to be best friends and always want everyone there all the time.

To clarify: Sometimes you suspect someone of being a traitor. Sometimes your character doesnt like the other character. Sometimes you have some secret agenda. The list goes on.


Quote from: Dash;150519To clarify: Sometimes you suspect someone of being a traitor. Sometimes your character doesnt like the other character. Sometimes you have some secret agenda. The list goes on.
So basically you accept people into your faction that you distrust and dont like. Now there is a cool concept. Lets start a faction of a bunch of characters that dont get along and distrust each other. Oh wait, we already have Banites. Or do they actually include each other in faction activities. Like each one having a secret agenda and not all but that guy over there because... because why? Wasn't he accepted and approved and all that jazz? Hmm... Lets not include him becasue, he's played by so-and-so.


No, you're missing the point. You accept people in your faction but you don't necessarily instantly become best-friends. I see what you're saying man, with being included in things, and it sucks when you are excluded, but its unreasonable to assume that its your player name that causes people to exclude you. And if you have proof of that its an ooc issue that should be taken up with dms privately, not ranted about randomly in the off topic forum.


You make your character known, befriend with others and that results to if the other characters seek you out or not.

It's a fact. Trying to involve others is well and good, but if we are talking about people not hunting you out in irc and tells to get into something all the time, that's not their problem. It's unfortunate, but it's life. You can't force anyone.

Enforcing "Remember to send tells to your faction members everytime something happens, and get them there or be square."

"Take that guy in to this conversation or you're out." Will that work either? It's roleplaying. People play a role and then interact with those it seems natural to interact with at that current role.


Quote from: Dash;150514I disagree cruzel, i think its perfectly acceptable to send a tell saying, "hey are you doing shit right now, me and the gang are chatting, etc" its a huge waste of time to wander aimlessly searching for people.

Here's my proof that it happens... And if he sends tells to one or two members of the faction and discludes other faction members he has a clique mentality.
And I'm not just picking on Dash, I know there are others that do this same thing and it's just frustrating watching the clique get richer and the role-plyers (that dont send or get tells) get poorer.



As one of the founders of the Mithrilsouls, I'm glad you liked it.  The RP was pretty good with a very strong element of dwarven faith that linked the PCs and factions together.

There was some very good DM support at times and on the whole it was a lot of fun.  PCs were very generous with each other because it was IC and many of the players were much more RP-oriented than interested in PvP and driving plots.  

That said, we really didn't have much impact on the server until the Montezzis forced some conflict upon the faction.  A few things could have been done on both sides to help develop this conflict in a more enjoyable fashion IMO, but the Mithrilsouls really didn't react well to the antagonization and they were wiped out.  

As a faction, we really weren't doing much of impact on the server.  While it was great fun to gear up and patrol the UD, smoke some trolls and stomp around, it had pretty much run its course.  

So from someone inside the faction, I'd have to say that the Mithrilsouls were a blast, but don't really stack up to some of the better PC factions the UD and the Archiplego have seen.


Is this rant pointed towards the Bane faction? Because I take offense!


As a follow up, having felt like my PC was "ignored" at various times as well although I knew that it was likely my imagination...

Everyone here is right.

Cerb feels like his faction PC is left out.  It's a legit statement.  Dash and other have explained that there are many reasons why PCs may not include other PCs.  

But I'd like to suggest that this type of feeling can be avoided very easily, and here is how.

1.  PCs clearly RP with the other PC why they are not including them.  This can generate some good conflict and plots all by itself.  Probably preferable.

2.  PLAYERS of PCs that are not including another PC but have secret IC reasons why they are not doing so - should send the PC a Tell.

"Hey, we didn't invite your PC to the event for IC reasons.  Sorry man.  But feel free to try to find out why IG."

3. Players of PCs that realize they are unintentionally excluding other PCs for whatever reason should make an effort to contact them via the forums or preferably IG.  Problem solved.



Mithrilsouls did exactly what a faction of dwarves would do. They wern't trying to save the world, they wernt trying to infiltrate all the other factions, they wern't trying to become all powerful. What they were trying to do was survive and be as strong as they could be, to be a clan. Thats what dwarves do best. Or at least thats what my impression was. If they wanted to they could have had more effect on the server, but their goals wern't set in that dirrection. That I remeber it was the Montezzi's that killed a couple Mithrilsouls, which caused the dwarves to be dwarves and retaliate even though they knew they'd probably loose.
(You know I'm RIPnogarD, right)...
My point is if you accept a PC into the faction, then include him in the faction (which the mithrilsouls did), dont accept them in and say well I dont trust them. wtf, why'd ya let em in then? Or tell them go out and do whatever you want. How do you find out if you can trust them or if they "earned" their way if you arn't with them or they arnt doing anything you want them to be doing or you have no clue what they're doing.
Quote from: morva;150533Is this rant pointed towards the Bane faction? Because I take offense!
NO, it's not actually. It's aimed at the clique mentality players that are part of a faction.


[double post, sorry]
Let me try putting it this way...
You know there is one faction member on because of the player list so you wander around RPing and emoting *appears to be looking for somebody* and then you see two other other of your faction members pop IG and then five mintues later the IRC channel starts scrolling about the quest all three of them are on and how cool it is. Dont tell me those two that just arrived logged in on top of the other PC that was already IG and they were at the starting point of a quest already.
And then there is the fact that I get nothing, not even xp from a DM for walking around with my thumb up my butt (not looking for it, just saying), while the DM's see them RPing together (Maybe even DM spice and loot)...
Like I said, "Clique gets richer and the role-player gets poorer."