Who's your character based on?

Started by bone_machine, April 08, 2010, 10:57:17 PM

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When rolling your latest EfU:A PC who did you have in the back of your mind as the inspiration for your creation?

For my current PC, Alousious Libriyen, it would have to be good old Grima Wormtongue from Lord of the Rings.


Most of my PC's are based on older NWN pc's. My Bard Katalyn is based on a previous bard, Lucia, who was based on Luna from Lunar Silver Star Story. Sofia Morales is based on Daciana Varzaru who was based on Griffith from Berserk.
Annabelle is based on...cockney?
Cockney and beer.


Mist was based on the tormented dreams of abused children I captured.

Spider Druid....Ooooo

Luke Danger

James Byrdeye: Bond, James Bond. Last name a play on a char from a PSX game I used to play when I was younger

Gloin Mithrilaxe: Gloin, Father of Gimli, namewise. Conceptwise, a Dwarven Guardian from Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II (Guardians are mainline dwarf infantry). I threw some Gimli in there as well.

Rob Darkspell: Robin Hood was a guy I had in mind... unfortunetly, it was hard to show his skill with archery mechanically due to my lousy build skills at the time :P

Not an EfU character, but one I enjoyed playing him:
Thomas Carrinson (Rogue/Shadowdancer). I think, once I really fleshed him out (origonally he was sort of a 'throw' character), I put some Ammon Jerro (NWN 2) and Manticore (City of Heroes/Villians) into him. Fights evil with what it understands best... and doesn't expect from the good guys.

Drakill Tannan

I wanna make a chracter based off scarface. If only the server was in spanish... then i could really have a PC talk with style! English is so restricted in what insults concern....


My current character drew inspiration from Lovecraftian Horror.  Slime, tentacles, an academic / scholarly individual sucked into a situation in which they find themselves both helpless and hopeless, unanswered questions, insanity, and the inability to cope with ones own insignificance in the universe.  

It's all there wrapped in a neat little package that calls herself Pelandri / Mactl'ysha.


Windbag is based on his portrait. I saw a gruff and ugly old guy, who could've been a priest of Kossuth or Grumbar. So I figured, what the hell, let's do the opposite and play an idealistic priest of Akadi.

And Nietzsche, too. Because every pseudo-intellectual hipster must have a Nietzsche reference in whatever he does. For Windbag, it's the whole "man is something to be overcome" deal.


Interesting thread.

Raymon Coolidge is based off of Clint Eastwood's (odd, considering his portrait, I know) characters in many ways-- from his earlier Western movies to his more recent work, Gran Torino. All of them mesh together in an odd way. Of course, this is only very loose like most of my characters.


My current PC is loosely based on Ford Prefect.

Drakill Tannan

Magon Barcide was originally based in Magon Barca.
There is a hero on HoMM3 called Adeline, who is casually a fire witch.


Zodara Gongor is based on the early eighties movies about barbarians. Like Conan the barbarian and Deathstalker. Basicly these movies was about big strong men in loincloth, chicks in chainmail bikinis, boobs and alot of swordfights.

Egon the Monkey


All of my characters are based on the terminator.


Horst was based on swedish vikings, big, blonde, cut your face in half with an axe, vikings.


Edward Harker = Lord Derfel: Warlord Chronicles.