EFU In-Game/IRC Quotes

Started by Kotenku, September 08, 2008, 05:53:45 AM

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Listen in Silence

Thuldorn Razorbeard after having his hand cut off, and being posed the question whether it was healing well.

Thuldorn Razorbeard: Pah, flesh wounds like this ain't killing nobody.

Luke Danger

I want to make the Golden Hammars a friggen 4 foot ARMY!

You know the Mithrilsouls of old EfU were very much that, right?

- Egon the Monkey and me having a quick tell chat


Hello Gekko
* thomas|IC Is only acting out because he has nothing to kill
* Ommadawn stabs thomas|IC
* thomas|IC slaps Ommadawn around a bit with a large trout
I slapped...
Ommadawn with my..
* thomas|IC turns into a GHOUL and DEVOURS all of you
Did you have your corn flakes this morning thomas?
I had Honey Combs
Brings the worst outta me
Really? I never noticed.
First time I had it in a year
* thomas|IC slaps Ommadawn around a bit with a large trout
* thomas|IC slaps Ommadawn around a bit with a large trout
* thomas|IC slaps Ommadawn around a bit with a large trout
* thomas|IC slaps Ommadawn around a bit with a large trout
* thomas|IC slaps Ommadawn around a bit with a large trout
* thomas|IC slaps Ommadawn around a bit with a large trout
* thomas|IC slaps Ommadawn around a bit with a large trout
* thomas|IC slaps Ommadawn around a bit with a large trout
* Ommadawn flees
* thomas|IC slaps Ommadawn around a bit with a large trout
* thomas|IC chases Omma like an Old Woman Trout wielding Ghoul intent on assuaging his Hunger


Oro is on a letter sending rampage, he's single handedly deforesting the island


Oh, dude I caught the most embarassing typo
I almost finished a sentence with
..., Ms. Howland
Then I realized
That would've looked bad on Bell. XD


Ages ago I died while exploring, snoteye came to the rescue.
Me: [Tell] This may sound kind of lame, but is there any chance You would be willing to grant me a mulligan on L3? My stealth dropped to a point where I cannot sneak back now :(
[Me: [Tell] I will recite some sort of epic tragic poem if need be to earn it. :(
[DM] Snotfaec : [Tell] I'm afraid I cannot break policy for that. :/
[Me: [Tell] Not even if it's a really epic poem? :o
[DM] Snotfaec : [Tell] Not in advance, no. <.<
[Me: [Tell] I got XP for cutting something's head off once. Could I pull some lumberjack shit? XP for impresive treesmashing skills? :P
[DM] Snotfaec : [Tell] You are not going to make 1k XP from chopping down trees. :P
[Me: [Tell] It was worth a try.
[Me: [Tell] Shouldn't trees have a high CR? I mean they are massive and have a pretty nice DR. .
[DM] Snotfaec : [Tell] But they're immobile.
[Me: [Tell] They can crush you with a falling branch.
[Me: [Tell] Or attack you with allergens
[Me: [Tell] +4 vs sinuses
[DM] Snotfaec : [Tell] :P
*dies again*
Me; [Tell] IMO you're missing out on some quality lumberjacking.
[DM] Snotfaec : [Tell] :P


Quoting yourself should be illegal. Cruzel. You coward.

I can has fun?

Can we have a rule in this thread that you can't quote your own quotes?

(Although, technically Cruz was quoting Snoteye)


Ugh, two pages in and the Gods of Humour have already forsaken this thread.



Cry havoc, and let loose the dogs of LOL.

Oskar Maxon

Yes, please, can we not quote ourselves, people? Ourselves as in our own punchlines?


I agree Oskar. It's like I said:

Quote from: lovethesuit;91231Quoting yourself should be illegal.


my next wizard
isnt going to be fat.


all the hate on my fat wizard. ):
I dunno.
I don't hate your wizard.
Since when was it ok to insult fat people in FR setting?
People insult everything
Alot of people hate him because of his weight!
Religion, weight, race...
Im all for gender religion and race
but why weight!?