"Big Game Hunt" - Sunday Campaign.

Started by Nights Bane, October 27, 2012, 10:43:53 PM

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Nights Bane

Big Game Hunting!
A persistent sunday campaign, based on a tandem class dynamic, set in Faerun.

Two classes:  "Apothecar" - and - "Ranger".

This is the first line of speech an NPC speaks to you at the very beginning of the campaign to give some setting flavour:

"Welcome to Waypost Water.  So you are the two fellers that Pwyll Greatshout brought here to handle this 'cock-up' with the local druid circle eh? - *Sniff* Well.  You'll know they spanked everything Athkatla and Waterdeep sent their way? Whole armies, like.  Well I reckon since Pwyll is paying for your bread, board and sword here you'll be wanting to keep him sweet, aye?  And if yer ask's me, theres nothing Pwyll likes more than coin.  So if you can get trade running through these forests once more he might even give you that old mansion you're staying in as a reward.  Anyway.  What do I know. I just run the abbatoir round here.  "

Mechanically, the two players are a crafter and a hunter/gatherer,  and the interplay of potion/item creation and item acquirement is paramount to the heavily hacked and customised classes.  The module is self contained with regards to scripted creatures/creature drops, hunting and crafting, and even with things such as a taxidermist to immortalise your favourite hunts in the local village area.

The meta plot, however is completely ran by a DM.  It relates to the 'big picture' of development within the setting, and a druid faction that so far is unwritten.  

How can -I- help?  

Everything relating to this project is currently stored on 'Google drive' under the address:  

pass : howlandforpresident

The most important part to note here is a file called "To-do - By Nbane" which contains current features/changes/bug fixes.

So, if you think you'd like to put a creative suggestion, or mechanical, or help with scripting/learn about scripting, or 2da editing- this is a good chance to get involved in module building.  

I'd like efu DM's to note, this will only be ran in the end for two people, and by one DM, and only on Sundays- and thank them for letting me poach from the community on their forum!

Currently proposed Features:
"Two Custom Classes"
"Custom Crafting system"
"Persistent scoring/Storage"
"NWNX support"
"Shayans Subrace Engine"
"Hak creatures/weapons/icons etc..."