BECOME AS GODS: Saevel Raedrimn, Coronal of Firsanerekaar

Started by IIIIIIIII, November 10, 2018, 04:32:03 AM

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This character was created on Saturday, September 16th, 2017 at 12:11:59 AM.

WARNING: Lots of images!

I made Saevel with the idea of being a social-first leader PC in Sanctuary. At the time I made this PC I was just coming back to EFU after a year or so hiatus and wanted something I could play with a variable schedule that did not depend on being level 9 continuously. Saevel actually spent most of his life at level 8, only hitting 9 for a maybe a total of four or five months split between two occasions.

This is going to be a long obituary. I'm deeply thankful to all the players and characters I've interacted with over the past year. Unfortunately, there is no way I'm going to be able to mention every single important conversation, event, or character Saevel interacted with because there a lot.


Saevel was born in the north of Evermeet to a family of fisher. Despite this relatively humble origin his family's status as sun elves and citizens of Evermeet afforded them a great deal of opportunity that Saevel gladly took advantage of. His childhood was filled with learning about the staples of Elven life. Though he received a wide degree of training in everything from swordplay to art he found that he particularly enjoyed painting, writing, calligraphy, and theology. A century or so later when he left childhood he decided to join the church of Corellon Larethian, the father of Elvenkind. In the service of the church he was appointed to the rank of Aegisess and was assigned to a group that acted as a mix between missionary and diplomat. This group was to wander between between settlements with the aim of maintaining relations between distant elven groups and the main church of Corellon on Evermeet.  Saevel was in the midst of a trip to the forests of Tethyr when the darkening occurred. The group was quickly scattered by the advance of the Dread  Empire. Saevel found himself on his own. He survived by scavenging from abandoned wood elven villages and staying hidden from the main advance of the Dread Armies. Salvation, though, was not far away and soon came to him in the form of a portal to the underdark.

Any celebrating was short lived as the loss of the Seldarine finally hit him when he reached Sanctuary. Saevel fell into a deep state of melancholy and spent the next five years in the Garden of the Lost, not able or willing to take a part in the daily struggles of Sanctuary's elven population.

Half a decade later a vision came to him in the midst of reverie. Saevel believed he saw the very creation of the elven peoples by Corellon himself, that he was witness to the entire process and knew now the secret of an ember of divinity that smoldered within his people. With a newfound purpose he shook off his mourning.

His original goals as stated in character notes.
Quote from: Character Notes for Saevel Raedrimn
Short term goals:

-The establishment of a new elven church. This New Faith would be dedicated to worshipping the innate divinity of and empowering the elven peoples.
-Recovery of lost elven peoples.  Each elf has the potential of Godhood within them and must be found and protected. The mourners must be awakened from their grief.
-Representation on the council of Sanctuary. The Elves must become a political force to be reckoned with. Show Sanctuary that they need the elves more than the elves need them. To accomplish the above goal, Saevel will be seeking to become Councillor.

Long term goals:

-A new Seldarine. The promise of godhood exists. Elves must reclaim, and ascend to, the Throne of Corellon Larethian. To accomplish this he intends to hoard relics that he comes across and when enough are gathered try to use them to ascend.

One thing that also helped me play the character was establishing early on what Saevel's motives actually were. I decided early on that Saevel was not in this for any sort of power or personal gain. His motives regarding the elves were entirely sincere. He genuinely believed his people to be incredible and worthy of any sacrifice. These ideals would guide his development over the next year or two.

Saevel's descriptions over time.


[hide=The Morvian]
For the first month or so, Saevel was largely played late night EST due to my work schedule at the time. It was mostly spent questing.

Eventually Saevel's late night sendings and leaflets

City Sending by Saevel Raedrimn : My greetings, cousins. I am Saevel Raedrimn, former Aegisess of our Divine Father. I have words to share with all of the Tel`Quessir: words that shall bring unity to our people and illuminate a path forward for the future of our kind. Please, do seek me out when you are able. Any letters may be delivered to the Garden of the Lost. Good dark, Uai.

garnered the attention of the elf group at the time, then run by Diz-e's own Enaethya Therri.

Eneth's group, the New Fellowship, was in the midst of their own race saving plan related to gathering the essences of elven deities.

A few days later, Saevel was told more about the group and gladly joined.

Unfortunately, it was short lived. Enaethya would perish a few days later, with her amulet disappearing and the group falling apart. Despite this, Saevel would continue to proudly wear the emblem of the organization for months.

Eneth's death had the inadvertant effect of unifying the remaining elves. In learning more of her death, Saevel was introduced to Lahanis, an elf who he would grow fairly fond of over the next several months.

They had a fairly nice chat in this first meeting, where Saevel outlined his beliefs and attempted to recruit her.

Through Lahanis, Saevel met Aelynthi and together they formed a solid core of a new, loosely affiliated Elven group. Together they ventured to an arena that the Mindflayer Intryzz put on. The first hints of who had Enaethya's amulet began to appear, though Saevel was incredibly resistant to the idea of being toyed with and having this hanging over him. It was largely ignored, with hopes that it may be obtained another way in the future.

A new Agent, Alphonzo Zurello, took an interest in the elves, and Saevel in particular, around this time.

Aelynthi and Lahanis were not especially keen on working with the Spellguard but Saevel was much more receptive.

Zurello offered a degree of independence to Saevel and command of an Elven 'non-combat' unit within the Spellguard. Saevel, naive and overambitious, agreed to his terms. The Morvian was founded.

The group's name was derived from a legendary elven weapon created by Elven smiths thousands of years ago. Though incredibly potent and graceful, it was to be wielded by humans.

The Morvian was to be a unit consisting entirely of elves serving elves. The idea, from Saevel's perspective, was to exploit the Spellguard's resources to equip and train a group of elves. Eventually, the Morvian would break away to form the core of an independent elven armed force.

Recruiting persisted, but was unsuccessful. Despite being open with elves about his intentions very few were willing to join him. It was still early yet, though, and he continued.

A routine expedition of the Morvian took a bad turn when a devious drider appeared. Though nearly costing them their lives Saevel, Zaknakoth, and Zacharia Swift managed to defeat the creature.

Saevel's own bravery was rewarded by Anebril Cys'variana with a sword from the Garden's armory.

Saevel would bear this sword until the very end.

Saevel had now been part of the Morvian, and the Spellguard, for about a week when a goodly citizen approached him worried about the elf's future. Saevel ignored the paladin's caution as he confident in his own choices. Around this same time, letters start to reach Saevel from other Elves.
Letter 1
Letter 2
Frustration grows within Saevel.

Quote from: Saevel's Journal
Do they truly believe me so foolish? Words of confusion and anger I have expected from the humans, whose own minds are barely able to comprehend the meager few decades they are given, but from my own kin? Do my own people truly not understand what it is I try to do? Is it truly thought that I have sold my soul to the Spellguard, that I am blind to their evils?

I know of the evils that the Spellguard have and continue to perpetrate. I am no fool. Yet, I also know that the existence of my entire race rely upon a single order not being given, for words to not be spoken. It would be a trivial for the reformed order to lay ruin to the Garden of the Lost, to slay each and every Tel'Quessir that resides within. A conclusive end would be brought to my peoples in a single night's time and I've no intention of allow that to occur. The Morvian in their current state are a means to an end and little else. The Elven will be finally recognized as members of this Sanctuary.

From there, membership upon the council is inevitable. It is in those offices that change can begin; It is here the power of the Spellguard can be tempered and progress made. It is on this committee that an elven councilor, with the backing of an armed, well trained elven division, can see done what is needed to save his people. It is there that our true goal may be realized; that we may finally begin our ascent. It is here we shall begin to stoke those embers of divinity that lurk within our souls until they burn as bright, glorious, raging fires of Godhood.

I fear that my kin focus on single trees when an entire forest looms before them. What ever came of Elven patience?
Saevel Raedrimn

Another day, another threat from another of my kin who has naught but blind hatred. I have repeatedly told them of what I plan. I have told them I fear the forever death of our People. They have responded with human-like screeching about the color of armor I need wear to see us survive.

How have we gotten this far as a people? How have we survived so long with survival instincts so poor?
Saevel Raedrimn

Some days later a Spellguard alarm would sound. Someone, or some thing, was attacking Spellguard assets in the Moldmire. Curious, Saevel, some humans, and Siona, the other Morvian Elf, decided to look into it.

The Paladin Ejdhera destroyed the Spellguard's operation in the moldmire. Saevel and the others caught the trail and followed it, only to see the paladin and his posse soundly beat those who opposed him.

Saevel and Siona were both captured and had their spellguard armors taken.

Though ultimately humiliated by the defeat, the Paladin's lessons would illustrate some failings in Saevel's plan and lead him away from the Spellguard.

Saevel cleanly cut ties with the Tower. Zurello decided he would still offer Saevel his 'favor' if he were to aid the Spellguard in one last expedition. Though he'd continued using the name for some time after the group left the Spellguard, the Morvian was for all intents and purposes dead. The lessons learned here would later form the foundation of Saevel's next group.



[Hide=The rise of Councilor Raedrimn]
With his dismissal from the Spellguard Saevel Raedrimn's attentions turned to representing his people on the Mayor's Council.

It wasn't long until a situation arose where he thought he could prove himself.

Quote from: DM Shout
Word spreads across the city. Battles have began on the surface with the other free powers of the world. A large group is seen heading to the Mythallar chambers for a dire task.

It turned out that the Spellguard had been operating beacons upon the surface. It was necessary for a party to go there and see it repaired. Unfortunately, it was located between two warring parties who both had a portion of what was necessary to repair the beacon. Saevel joined with this group of Sanctuary adventurers and Spellguard agents hoping he might be of some use.

It turned out that one of the two warring factions was a group of Elven crusaders calling themselves the Wilted Blade. Saevel quickly introduced himself and took control of this conversation. The Wilted Blade made this offer: Destroy their enemy and the group would be gifted their beacon part as well as whatever spoils were found on their enemies. Though others insisted on speaking to the other party before any decision was made, Saevel had every intention of doing everything in his power to help these elves.

The other faction turned out to be a collection of banites and slaves. Thoroughly disgusted, Saevel and a number of other adventurers openly advocated for saving the Elves. Though some others seemed disappointed by the idea, the Banites were dispatched and the matter otherwise resolved.

Both pieces of the beacon were found and repairs were underway. These Wilted Blade, a branch of the Revenant Court, were offered refuge in Sanctuary by Saevel, an idea that some like were not particularly fond of.

Lahanis was especially displeased.

At this point, the Elves are quickly becoming a prominent political force in the city. Meetings between the elves and others take place daily, and mutually beneficial arrangements of all sorts are being made.

This increase in political capital does not go unnoticed by the Secretary or the Mayor. Saevel is finally made Councilor...

..And it's not long before he is drawn into council matters by fellow Councilors Oliver Orrell and Olof Ingman.

Sanctuary's bubble has finally burst and crisis after crisis begin to appear. Sanctuary's homeless, the tentdwellers, begin to cause issues in the city. Unlike some of his colleagues he approaches it with less of a heavy hand, showering the lower class with money and work like an Elven Caesar.

During all of this, a small cadre of clerks including Aelynthi Venfaren, Lahanis, and Obadiah Jenkinson have been gathering evidence against Councilor Olof for his many crimes. Saevel, though vaguely aware of the investigation, had chosen to remain ignorant. Just before their move is made, Jenkinson fills Saevel in.

Though it doesn't go quite to plan, Ingman is nevertheless sentenced to death.

The city comes together to celebrate the removal of a cancer.

Later that evening there is something of an impromptu elven moot. Here, it is decided that the Elves shall band together under the banner of Councilor Raedrimn. A militia with the interests of the Elves and their councilor is formed: The Sentinels of the Coming Dawn. This early iteration includes such figures as Lahanis, Aelynthi Venfaren, Vahralas, and Talaedra.

A couple days later, a group of lowersmen led by Jack Bundy attack the House of Trade.

The bank is utterly destroyed.

The remaining coin is taken from the still intact vault by Hyram Sinclair so that a new bank can be established in final sanctuary. Saevel and the other councilors are not particularly thrilled.

Later that same day, there is an incident in the square. A watcher intervenes on behalf of a citizen that had been harassing some of the elves. The conflict escalates and the Watcher is slain.

A plan is formulated by the young elven Sentinel, Vahralas. He wishes to visit Myth Drannor to determine the truth of certain rumors. Saevel agrees to try and visit, though he is not without doubts.

Saevel's presence and the retreat of the Ark begins to draw outsiders to him. Aroben Dornelis and Saevel have a tense conversation regarding the future of the elves.

Eventually an accord is reached.

Elven peace is short lived, though, as differing idealogies clash in the Garden.

For most of his time as Councilor, Saevel maintained positive relations with the Knights of the New Path. While he was not a particular fan of the Knights, he believed them non-human enough for some degree of trust. He also thought it prudent to uplift them as much as he was able so that there was some opposing force to the Spellguard.

Several times he would defend the various Wardens from ploys by the Spellguard to see them executed for enthrallment.

The day finally came to visit Myth Drannor. A (poor) lie is constructed to give reason for the Elves and sentinels to visit. Thervion sees right through Saevel and demands that two chaperones attend.

Radvul the Dwarven Hero and, inexplicably, Councilor Oliver Orrel are chosen by the Elves. A Spellguard Agent at the Mythallar gives us a warning that should be obvious. Despite this, the Elves press on.

The Elves assemble on the other side of the portal.

True to the warning, the forest refuses to allow the Elves to continue unless their human companion is killed. Orrell is escorted out, the elves refusing to kill him.

The forest reacted appropriately.

The foolhardy elves are taken prisoner and yelled at. Talaedra is killed. Vahralas commits suicide. Aroben is beaten and left on the surface.

Despite the outcome, that trip to Myth Drannor would become one of Saevel's greatest regrets.

Councilor Saevel, lacking coin for much needed repairs to his prefecture, enacts a brewer's licensing system. No one is pleased by it but it makes Saevel plenty of coin.

Aelynthi, Lahanis, and Aistacariel begin to pursue a plan to turn a queen of the last Fey Court into an Elven God. Saevel watches their progress intently.

Oliver Orrell, former councilor, is brought before the Mayor for myriad crimes. He is stripped of his position and a trial is set for a later day.

Saevel's relationship with the Mayor and Thervion at this point is not necessarily one of loyalty, though he does respect the secretary and mayor a fair amount, but more one of self preservation. He also enjoys when he is able to poke the eye of the Spellguard.

Some days later, a spellguard portal opens to the surface hold of Bridlefast. After a tense stand off, the situation of these free people is learned...

...and the peoples of Sanctuary hold the line while the town is evacuated.

It is a rousing success. Most of the town was evacuated with little losses on the side of Sanctuary. Due to the nature of the battle, those fleeing are asked to submit to enthrallment tests. Saevel, despite his dislike of the Tower, agrees that it is prudent.

While Saevel handled affairs of the Council and Garden, Aelynthi, Aistacariel and Lahanis embarked on a surface venture to a strange isle. It was an unmitigated disaster, with many perishing before some powerful, dark, unknowable force. Aistacariel sacrifices herself for the lives of Aelynthi and Lahanis, though at great cost. She is turned into a vengeful shade to do the bidding of her new alien master.

Lahanis and Aelynthi swear to save her. She is eventually slain and both of the elves ask Saevel to bring her back. Saevel knows this sort of magic is well beyond him and likely means his death. He agrees.

As matters develop behind the scenes, Saevel continues politicking...

Lahanis and Aelynthi are dead, slain in their pursuit of bringing Aistacariel back. Saevel is despondent.

Saevel falls into mourning once more. It gives him much time to think. He recalls Myth Drannor and the disaster that occurred. Though he loved his sisters, their close mindedness led to the disaster on the surface. He knows now that there can be no line that cannot be crossed when it comes to the future of the elves.

For the next two weeks he plans a ritual. Something that would bring joy to his people, to raise their spirits, and sanctify the Garden.

The intent is to reach through the aether to Arvandor, the ancestral homeland of the elven people, and bring some of its essence back.

Relics and other trinkets that had been gathered for Aistacariel are used here. Saevel pulls upon them, reaching out across the void...

He is successful. The autumn winds of Arvandor blow throughout the Garden and spill into the street of the Gods. Yet, something reaches out for him. Saevel answers and a portal forms. He enters.

He finds elven ruins and spirits of his People. Not willing to leave them there, he brings them to the Garden. He learns much there.


[hide=The fall of a Council and rise of a King]

Newly invigorated by his ritual, Saevel branches out. Something that he'd been concerned with for a while was the infiltration of thralls in the city.

He deputizes a couple of Watchers to look into it.

Meanwhile, he has finally raised enough coin to begin repairs on his Street. He wants the rubble cleared away and shrines torn down. He hires a number of tent dwellers and offers them a nearby abandoned shrine to offer further incentive them.

Unfortunately, the shrines are never able to be taken away as much of the coin goes toward something unforseen: the creation of a brand new gate.

It's also during this time that Saevel befriends Rana Al-Saif. Truthfully, he is afraid of her skill and believes it best that she remain on his side.

He also begins to rent out the Temple to a persecuted cult of Kossuth. He has no interest in their religion but has need of coin and has little desire to maintain the Temple.

Several weeks before, a drow woman and her gensai companion humiliated Saevel. For some time, the Councilor had been close to Vick Furcifer, an assassin and member of the Red Banner. Saevel meets with him to see at least half of the monstrous taken care of. Unfortunately, the Gensai and Drow are killed for other reasons. He later has the bounty directed toward a particularly annoying halfling in the Spellguard.

Word reaches Saevel of a dwarven necromancer that had slaughtered his people. He offers reward on the creature and vows vengeance.

The necromancer is caught and attempts to justify his crimes. Saevel will have none of it.

The dwarf is tied down by the Priestess of Kossuth, Shula Sol. Unfortunately, the noble peoples of Sanctuary allow him a final word. He uses it to summon undead to his side.

The dwarf is killed in the melee, saving himself from a proper burning death.

Saevel discusses how he found the Elven spirits as the loyal Sentinel Captain Miira Te'lisen speaks of a visitor she had in the Garden.

Saevel is betrayed by the cultists he rented the temple to. Shula Sol ended her own life in ritual sacrifice and in doing so did open a portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire. The Temple is not in particularly good shape but the gate is closed and the crisis ended.

Sanctuary has an unprecedented number of arrivals lately. Saevel visits the mausoleum to pay respects to Elven dead.

On his way out, though he meets a curious new arrival..

He has a certain way with spirits and Saevel, ever eager to aid his people both living and dead, does what he can to cheer them up.

A number of new Councilors are brought in. Saevel speaks out against Naomi, fearing her to be too invested in the Spellguard. Nevertheless, Thervion allows her to join with a major caveat.

The Street of the Gods renovation is completed and Saevel is brought before the mayor on charges of allowing thrall into the city. His idea for a new gate did not go over well. He is told to immediately secure it else he will face exile.

Not wishing the Spellguard so near his home or to empower them further, he makes an arrangement with the Knights of the New Path to protect what he calls the Itinerant's Gate.

Slowly, the ranks of the Sentinels begin to fill again largely emboldened by the Linderil twins and their quest for godly essences.

Before the rise of the waters in lower there lived a collection of mourning elves. Their bodies are returned to the Garden by a compassionate pactholder at the behest of Ethelaie. Saevel and Ethelaie finally put them to rest.

Councilor Saevel discovers, through torch wielding mob, that the shrine he gifted the tent dwellers some time ago has long been inhabited by something much worse than homeless humans. He avoids responsibility for the mishap but is now greatly mistrusted by Councilors Vaughn and Mekuria.

Relations with the Spellguard come to a head. Commander Miller issues a full withdrawal of the city by Tower forces. In the chaos that followed the Knights of the New Path abandoned their post in the Street of the Gods. Many people die.

The Watchers and Warders are banned from the city and so begins the two week war.

A war council is held, though to little effect.

After a couple weeks of fierce battle, a decisive blow is made by the Spellguard forces when the House of Governance is overrun in order to free watcher hostages.

This loss is further punctuated when the boy mayor is assassinated by an unknown force.

Distraught, Secretary Thervion challenges Kyros Miller to a mage duel.

Throughout the city Saevel and the other residents are witness to incredible sights and use of magics.

The duel ends and the people of the city gather to see the outcome.

Thervion won and has taken the mantle of Commander of the Spellguard. The Council is disbanded.

Saevel, no longer Councilor, declares himself Coronal of Firsanerekaar, an elvish name for Dunwarren.

Krod and Alice Fairclow form the Consulate, a new government. Saevel has no intention to join but meets with both to arrange a deal.

It is accepted and Saevel is now, for all intents and purposes, independent. Though the shadow of the Spellguard still lingers...



[hide=Coronal Raedrimn, the Autumn Cloak, Lord Among the Lost.]

An Elf Moot is held to discuss the future of the Elven People.

Autumn passes and Winter comes to the Elven Garden.

The Linderil's plan to raid a Dhaerow Wizard's home are discussed. Saevel speaks of his friend Vick Furcifer, now departed to the surface, and of the arrangement he had with him.

A new elf appears in the Garden and joins the Sentinels.

A new Drow appears in the area around Sanctuary. Saevel tries to learn more information from a particularly shifty human.

Word reaches Saevel of the failure of the Linderils. They perish assaulting the drow stronghold. Saevel was not pleased with their methods and increasing obsession but mourned the loss of some of the most capable elves in a long time.

The Coronal discusses his outlook with a newly arrived Elf.

Two weeks before, the one known as Jean-Luc Liora murdered and ate an elf. When word reached Saevel he waited until he could act. Though he was ultimately unsuccessful in striking down the villain he was able to raise a sizable bounty upon him. Unfortunately for the elf, a decent portion of the city rallied around the murderer.

Saevel decided it most prudent to make amends with his elf's killer. Through an intermediary, peace was arranged.

In exchange for six thousand coin and a public apology, Saevel swore that no elf would ever strike against Jean-Luc.

Saevel hired humans to finish it. It was lucky he had a sudden and large influx of coin.

Then he went on with his business with the elf avenged and the name of the murderer never again to be a thought in his mind.

Groups would begin to approach Saevel about reforming a government after the consulate had been absorbed by the Spellguard. Saevel had no desire to lead humans any more.

In part due to outside pressure, but also because he desired it he would later formally cut his ties with the city, declaring his street independent of the rest of the city. Naomi Mekuria took it surprisingly well all things considered.

Recruitment began again in earnest.

Itham Sylpeiros was an elven assassin. Though Saevel openly denounced his actions, in secret he was supporting the sentinel. Following his murder of Blathnaid and subsequent death at the hands of Rhyldryn, the vengeful drow came to Sanctuary looking for the Coronal. He found him.

Saevel was once again at the mercy of a drow. Thankfully, he survived and never saw him again.

A short while later Saevel's greatest friend the halfling Kora Bramblefoot used her own relics for a ritual of her own. She took some inspiration from Saevel's recently published tome regarding the nature of divinity. He was quite proud of what she had accomplished and her successful ritual would become inspiration for his own.

Following the attack on Traensyr by the Covenant and Exiles the former Director Kingsley was freed from enthrallment. Saevel eagerly joined in the cleansing of the vaults.

Soon, it was time for Saevel's ritual, the first step in his plan to become a God of the Elves. Utilizing the knowledge collected in his book, he carefully placed his relics in the ritual circle. He drew upon the magic as he knew to do..

...and it was a great success. Though it was not complete. Saevel burned with a white flame, but there was more needed.

A few weeks later a new crisis rocked the Street of the Gods. The Spellguard had 'accidentally' opened up the ground beneath the street, exposing residents of the street to deadly electricity. Six elves perished.

Furious, Saevel met with the Seeker and some others.

Unfortunately, the eye of the Tower was upon him.

Forced to swear away any further support, he barely made it out alive alongside his long time friend.

Vahralas, long time advisor and comrade of Saevel, had recently lost a hand. In an effort to fix it, he performed a ritual. Unfortunately, it did not go well. While his hand was restored his form was morphed into that of an orcblood.

It was soon time for Saevel to complete his own ritual. The Coronal had a vision of what must be done. He needed find "Winter's Chill' and he'd believed he found it.

In a trip to gather more relics, the Captain of the Sentinels, Vhaele, perished. Saevel performed a miracle and restored her to life.

The day of the final ritual finally came. Saevel's outfit was changed and preparations were made.

Vahralas' orcan form was to be the key reagent for this ritual. Savel Raedrimn killed his friend to begin the ritual.

Tremendous magics were drawn in, flooding the Garden of the Lost.

Quote from: DM ShoutA titanic eruption of crimson light, followed by living, snaking shadow, explodes from within the elven Garden of the Lost.
Spectres and wailing spirits fill the Street of the Gods, spilling out into
Saevel Raedrimm, dripping with shade and wielding a blade promising DEATH, walks the city!
Elven spirits, led by Saevel the Wraith, rampage through the House of Governance!

Quote from: City Sending by Allan TornaganSome insane Elf came out of the garden, drenched in shadow, promising doom to humanity!

Quote from: City Sending by Kora BramblefootA god walks among us, people`a Sanctuary. Challenge `em at your own peril...


A Mothers Dying Wish

I'm legitimately sad that this stupid flower eating elf friend of mine is gone.

But yeah, you had a great run. Lot of stuff I wasn't even aware of in here given how late I came around.

Saevel definitely helped a lot of PCs grow, and that in and of itself is a very impressive achievement. You certainly helped me develop my own into the role she has quite a bit and I'm super grateful.


Ciorbă de Burtă

Very well done! Such a perfect elf. It was a true pleasure to interact with Saevel, especially in the politics of the Council. I always knew there was so much of Saevel I would never get to see, so I'm very grateful for the diligent documentation you've done. Thank you, and have fun going forward.
The princes applaud with a furious joy;
And the king seiz'd the flambeau, with zeal to destroy.


A+ Screenshots.
Long term PCs like this I always feel are like little time capsules of PC plots. I've always enjoyed our encounters across various characters because while I tend to enjoy more shorter term impact PCs, longer PCs such as yourself can really allow things to shift and change with the waves I make.

Seeing those old shots of our efforts with the Morvian was amazing, and I was glad to help get the ball rolling even as semi-enemies. I've always felt that during the Directorate/Council Era the SG were always served best as CIA style agents fermenting potential assets,etc. So to see that an SG Asset took the  foundation to make a name for himself, evolved and changed, became an on again-off again thorn in their side, harbored their foes and ultimately became a cosmic level entity?

It was great fun every time, and on many of my PCs that crossed paths with yours, but the original stuff with Zurello and our late night sessions were some of my favorite of my PC.

It's been fun watching your successes and failures play out, and your ability to persist during the boring streaks of any concept to keep pushing on is a trait I wish I could have more of.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


These screenshots tell a hell of a story, and I love it!

Your long term PCs are SO GOOD, Sankis! Great job, as usual!


It was so much fun being able to interact with Saevel through out multiple pcs, from start to finish he was an excellent character and has such a rad ending.

Finally, an elf on the server who was a total bad ass.  8)

All hail the king!
Feed me my kid cuisine meal, or I will say the F word.

if she's your girl then why does her leitmotif appear in my battle theme bro  :/


Fantastic char and an almost equally fantastic recording of his time.
A great long-term PC that didn't just sit on the sidelines but actually accomplished a great deal.  A real inspiration.
Well played!
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Interacted little, but it was a pleasure to watch Savael from afar. Many prefer short-term characters with lots of conflict. But Savael was the go-to for many new Elven characters, and inspired many players to delve into Elven RP. That is a very important role to play serverwise, thank you for providing such, it was enjoyable for all :).

I love cats

Propos on being such a long lived character. I have had the pleasure of interacting with him on numerouse characters and seeing his evolution. I have to say that I am 100% glad that the Spellguard ignored a certain Warder's suggestion of executing him during the early days of the Morvian. I enjoyed our absurd antics on the council. It was awesome seeing a badass Elven.

Still Trying

I finally took the time to sit down and give this a good read. Saevel was a hell of a character and had a story I wish I'd seen more of. Very well done, I'll miss him!

Perhaps one day, we'll see him again...