Alaric of the Cinquefoil Roise

Started by Grix, March 05, 2023, 09:07:19 PM

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Alaric began his career as a more evil oriented mercenary. Shortly after character creation, he was picked up by Solomon Sykes and the Skratti. They built him up and saw him equipped with his needed objects. He was a barbarian build focused on DI gear at the time. Working with the Skratti, he would come to serve the wolf queen Valmoira and her winter court. During this time he would participate in the massacre at the Glitt Glenn in the weald.

After this massacre, he would go into hiding and lay low for a time, as I took a brief break from NWN to focus on IRL. He would return from his time in hiding to find out that the Skratti were no more and both Sykes and Valmoira were dead. He had heard house Glitt offered forgiveness to the Skratti in exchange for service. Learning that the nothing was only a month or more from destroying everything, Alaric decided he should not spend his final days being hunted.

He turned himself in at Glitt hall and was received by Mathans MacBriar. For his crimes, Alaric would serve house Glitt and join Mathans on his mission to scout the rings from 99 to Bazeel ahead of the evacuation of the ward. Alaric spent the next month ring running alongside Mathans, Dame Synia The Beloved, Alessia De Juliet, Kitty, Moros the Last, Tommy Turncloak and others to reach Bazeel and grow in strength for the chapter end to come.  They would eventually succeed in mapping the route to Bazeel before returning to 99 to prepare for march on the Count's drill.

Before the siege on the Count's drill, Alaric would join a small strike team lead by Dame Synia to cripple the Orza war camp and remove them from the field to give a greater chance of victory during the siege to come.  Alaric was not chosen as one of the eight who would face the count directly and instead was tasked by Moros and Mathans to hold the siege line against the hoards of the Count to buy them time to complete their task. Alaric held the siege line after two and a half straight hours of horrific combat. Miraculously surviving this event, Alaric was promoted to Huscarl. Quite the accomplishment given his beginning.

Drill Camp:
He would serve as one of the heroes of the Drill camp in the days ahead, fighting off multiple invasion attempts and helping many ring runners reach the mountain of 64 for those who wanted to train and supply in the days leading up to the chapter close. During this time Alaric would participate in a rescue operation to enter the nothing and search for survivors, successfully bringing back a fair sized group of survivors that were hiding out in the drips.

On the final act of the drill, Alaric fought his way alone through the tunnels to catch up to the main group before joining them to make the final push to escape the deluge. He fought his way with them to the base of 64 and then up the slopes to the summit where he made his last stand. Here, Alaric stood and fought alongside the King as the Nothing was finally smote and cast down once and for all.

Cinquefoil Rose:
Alaric joined with the remaining survivors to found the Cinquefoil Rose and accept the final job of his career -taking the Fort at Ephias Well. He participated in the siege on the front line alongside Mathans and Elizabetha. He nearly met his end to a series of nasty fireballs before Mathans sacrificed himself by charging alone at the mage throwing them, while the rest of the party desparately healed. Although Alaric was petrified twice he managed to survive to the very end. As the water poured into the chamber, Alaric broke off from the fighting and began climbing the stairs, eventually swimming upward toward the top.

Some say he perished that day to take the Fort. Others say the highlander is still out there somewhere today.

//He was a very fun character to play. He didn't really have any DM loot although he did inherit a DM loot Axe from Moros. It was a war axe with 1 magic damage, 1% on-hit dispel and 1/day improved invisibility. I ended up using this as his primary weapon in the final week, even though he was a scimitar build with improved critical. I'm honored and fortunate to have made it to the end on this PC and will miss the Kilts this chapter. Who knows, maybe we have not seen the last of the Kilts and Glitt!