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Main Forums => Screen Shots & Obituaries => Topic started by: Moonlighter on November 05, 2014, 05:07:18 AM

Title: 'Little' Vala
Post by: Moonlighter on November 05, 2014, 05:07:18 AM

[hide=description](http://i.imgur.com/Bwgs0Pl.png) [/hide]
[hide=background story]The unfortunate offspring of an Amnian cutpurse and some (unknown to her) infernal partriarch, life among humans has not been an especially easy experience for Vala.

She did finally find a home among the dregs and outcasts of society, proving to have a penchant for thievery and crime. And the coin, she quick found out, bought her things that would otherwise be beyond her grasp: Comfort, companionship, security, and respect.

She also quickly came to discover that she enjoyed the work, just as quick to find amusement or pleasure in the suffering of others as she was the material rewards that came as a result.

The death of the sun and the resulting chaos forced her underground as it did many others, though she had no intention of changing her ways, as being a criminal had become easier than ever.[/hide]

Hello again, I'm Moonlighter.

You may know me from my cute halflings, chuckling clerk and my spooky cave mormon. I decided, that since I'd been around on this server for about a year now, I'd play something a lot more conflict-oriented and separated more from the normal playerbase. So I decided to make a tiefling. I decided to leave her parentage up to the DMs, so I gave her traits that could be associated with either the abyssal or infernal lineage. Compulsive liar. Inevitable betrayer.

She was basically a mortal demoness. Murderbandited for both pleasure and revenge. She was an opportunist and a sadist. She had been known to eat people. Hardcore.

She also went on a bunch of cool adventures.


Her goals were to find whatever infernal or abyssal creature that would who's blood she had in her, and gain his/her approval and sponsorship. Also to get rich and infamous. I also was on the verge of putting in an application for the Assassin PRC, too, but no one wanted to hire me to murder people for them. Life is cruel.

In the end, she died without anyone truly hearing of her story.


At least, though, she's found a purpose in the afterlife.

See you on the next one.


[hide=oh, and loot](http://i.gyazo.com/7a38c3c5d0a375ed674dd1d267c071da.png)
thx caster <3[/hide]
Post by: Pandip on November 05, 2014, 05:09:58 AM
I really, really wanted to use that grimoire for blackguard and infernalist shenanigans! Would have been an amazing way to die -- but it seems like Vala was reunited with one of the demons anyways!

Fun to play with, thanks for making Sabine such a joy.
Post by: efuincarnate on November 05, 2014, 05:26:25 AM
Wow Moonlighter. Quite taken back, would of never put you to be behind Vala.  Again, as with Sabine my only interaction with her was Thormunds last actions ever, but you and the rest of the Vandals made it memorable. Class acts OOC, utterly terrifying in char.
*clap clap clap*
Post by: xXCrystal_Rose on November 05, 2014, 05:31:20 AM
Vala seemed neat and I tried so hard to become friends to meet her and Sabine! In the end it didn't work out :(
Post by: CaptLars on November 05, 2014, 05:39:47 AM
Had a great time playing with you and everyone else, great job all around. Cant wait to see what you come up with next!
Post by: Kiroy on November 05, 2014, 02:11:26 PM
By far one of the most cruel and evil characters I've encountered in a long time.  Slaver and torturer amongst other things.  I think she's what made being captured by the Vandals the most frightening.  She made death look like the better option.
Post by: whiterabbit on November 05, 2014, 03:41:38 PM
Hats off to you and all the vandals Moon.  I didn't interact with Vala much, which is my loss.  Wish I'd gotten to hear your story in the end.
Post by: VanillaPudding on May 08, 2016, 06:36:27 AM
great PC good luck on your next