Naberius: Tinker, Traitor, Soldier, Spy

Started by Zango_Unchained, June 28, 2013, 02:44:07 PM

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And many more things, including and not limited to,
Alchemist, head mage, teacher, healer, necromancer, and, art enthusiast.

He was evil, but rarely was that side shown. His reason for his inner darkness was at a young age his father and mother died in an alchemical accident of his own making and his fathers last words were "Keep up the good work." His family a line of alchemists which were known weapon markers and followers of the now dead god Bhaal worked day and night on making the best weapons, armors, and, poisons to ensure the line of murders never ended.

He also practiced necromancy and would now and then raise dead alchemists to ask for advice on various alchemical recipes and practices.

His actions and activities always pointed towards how could he cause the most death while the smallest action on his part.

He played his part in countless assassinations and upheavals, and because of this highly paranoid.

But on his better side, he was undieingly loyal to the people whom he grew friends with, these people would go to shape his life in mistlocke slowly edging him away from his necromantic and dark background and moving close towards a LN outlook on life.

He was also a Mortal of Sanq of course, and I'd have 10 thousand screenies if it wasn't for... DEM SPOILS-

People who played a big role in his life were characters like,

Wolf, Sabel, Birdy, Selma, (#YoloFeySwag in the words of Rwg)

Garret, Lily, (Dat Adventurers guild)

Yoloril, (Its a hard knock life for a blood mage, glad I could walk the path with you.)

Mabanana (Sorry bro, way to many N's),

Leto(Holy crusader working with secret necromancer and still making me feel guilty.),

Nyx (Nyxnyxnyx 4 lyfe),

Kendra (Because gotta get dat icedust, <3),

Thabo(Nab's Adopted Chultan son),

Worm Farmer(Nab's Adopted Stargazer son),

Riki(Baby sword Stronk),

Aulus and the General(Good pals and gave him some honor/loyalty),

His students Hathee and Beth(Nabs loved teaching, and was going to make you Bhaalites eventually.),

Odo(Because your not evil enough until you work with an evil mastermind),
Crozier(Caermyn bro, manipulations in manipulations),

Emlyn & Sigfried (My Arch-Nemesis & The shadow of my Arch-Nemesis),  

Sigvar (Y u no let steal corpses),

Jon Jones (Because Alchemy is boring alone!),

Shawn(Because Shrooms go with Doom),

And countless others who made this experience hands down one of the best I've had on efu.  
Keep rocking, and I'll see you next time on my next Char.



A very very mysterious character
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers

The Old Hack


Nabs!!! <3  You can thank Sabel for your nick.  He will be sorely missed.


Birdy made her first sending last night when she heard the news...
"I have eyes, but can't see! I have ears but can't hear! I have a soul, but can't feel!..  What am I !?"
A riddle that will never be answered in memory of her good friend Nabs.

:cool: Great character! He will be missed! :(


Nabs was out of his mind. lol

Knight Of Pentacles


I lied, I am keeping mine! ..your final betrayal!  
Seriously tho, too spoiler for now, I will add them in perhaps on Hammer 24!

Naberious was a great PC to RP with, and following him around (mostly hidden) certainly enriched my game experience.  *clap, clap,clap*

Bouquet of Roses

Totally called him on half the evil stuff he was doing!
Never thought he was a Bhaalite, though. Huh.

I liked him.
And it's a shame he didn't get to live past Hammer 23rd.
You got your work cut out for you on the next one!


I always pegged him as untrustworthy scum for padding around with Odo. I never knew he was a mortal of sanq!


Damn it, Nabs. You had to go and die.

I enjoyed my interactions with the character. If anything, I'm sad that he didn't get to interact more with Beth. The two of them could have carried out great things, I'm sure :)

It'll be a great setback for her to lose her master in Ymph, and his death shall certainly change her.

I hope to interact with your future PCs, and maybe in the future we can even plan something together :)


He was always so nice when Leto was around. A giant threatening axe does tend to bring out the best in people!


Noooooo!  Selma will miss Naberius.  (She hated the nickname and refused to use it)

Looking forward to your next!



Fun character ^^
Too bad you had to go and off yourself!