Stronghold Upkeep/Decay: Sunpurse Manor

Started by Scumlord Spiffy, July 12, 2019, 01:31:57 AM

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Scumlord Spiffy

I recently took the Sunpurse Manor in the ponds and I have noticed that the decay timer on this stronghold is oddly very high.

We're talking I login for (roughly) 2 hours, at the start of the session, I might have 498 points, and when I check again to drop more resources off, I down to 450.

That is 1 point for every 2 minutes roughly spent in game. I don't know if points decay even if I am logged out- if they do, then the time is much longer.

I feel like this is a bit much, while I know that these strongholds were meant to have the benefit of a faction, I feel that maintaining and building your stronghold is already a very expensive and unprofitable proposition for tenuous benefits and uncertain benefits beyond a place to call your own- especially the one in the manor, where you have no benefits beyond a locked door, free resting, and an obelisk that provides randomized buffs each reset.

I propose that the decay on the stronghold is removed until at least tier 2 where benefits presumably are much more obvious and tenable.

Scumlord Spiffy

I'll need to double check but i am pretty sure they do? Unless I am imagining things in a fit of parsnoia


I dont think i lost any points on my house durring my time offline.


I never noticed it decaying when I had it, but that was quite a while back.
Things will never be the same (I've applied too much ketchup to this hamburger)

Scumlord Spiffy

I must've been imagining it. I thought my number was a lot higher than it, I did some testing.