Guild Armor Absorption

Started by Fuzz, July 11, 2020, 04:28:17 AM

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Over a decade ago on Avlis, they had a nice system for guild armors to let PCs customize their armor to their PC while still maintaining the Guild look. You would have the ability to use an ability ONCE on your guild armor to absorb up another armor of the exact same type, and your guild armor would gain all the stats of that armor permanently and you'd never be able to do it again... that was now YOUR guild armor. It was tagged plot and attached to your character.

I was thinking that with the new "flavor" guilds like the Blackjacks, Weavers, and Accountants, we could implement a similar system since I've been seeing some complaints both IC and OOC about how the armors aren't great and people use other armor instead. Why not add the "Guild Armor Tailoring" service to the existing tailors such that you could actually transfer the appearance of a guild armor over to another set (in actuality your guild armor would BECOME that set, but the IC methodology would be the reverse)  by way of "having the armor tailored and dyed." It would allow people to use the gear they want to while still rocking guild looks, so it's a QoL win-win for everyone.


If that was the case, why would anyone bother to earn the favor of their guild/house/etc.? You got prestige points in the Peerage. I assume that Ticker Square will have a similar system, if it doesn't already.

If all you had to do was find an awesome armor and reskin it, why bother grinding for prestige points, for example?

Egon the Monkey

We've had the means to do this for a while, they're called Dye Barrels and the Mercenary Companies used them. Before that, factions used them. 

In the case of the Blackjacks, shitty armour for the shitty guards seems to be a feature, as it has no bonuses. In the case of factions meant to have good quality armour, it's annoying when getting faction armour is a downgrade from the stuff you'd normally have. One of the major reasons my character didn't join the Silver Hats was "I have an iconic medical backpack and I don't want to swap it for a hat".

Again, this might also be a balancing point in that unaligned adventurer PCs have access to some better gear than faction ones and that's okay, because there's a drawback to issued gear. it only really sucks if you are using equipment that suits your unusual build and the faction gear is all Generic Stealth Leathers and Generic Discipline Plate.

The easy solution here to both could be to make using the Dye barrel cost a certain amount of faction favour.  So getting an off the peg uniform costs you for the materials to make it. Getting your gear tailored with a new surcoat etc costs the materials and labour to have the armour repainted and new cloth attached.


There have been instances we've used dye barrels to denote affiliation on EfU; however, there are times when enforcing a specific uniform works better, for a variety of reasons. The current situation is as intended.


Quote from: SamB123 on July 11, 2020, 05:48:58 AM
If that was the case, why would anyone bother to earn the favor of their guild/house/etc.? You got prestige points in the Peerage. I assume that Ticker Square will have a similar system, if it doesn't already.

If all you had to do was find an awesome armor and reskin it, why bother grinding for prestige points, for example?

This was specifically NOT for the Peerage armors. The Masterwork Peerage stuff is better than 99% of the stuff you can find out in the wild anyway.

I'm tlaking about stuff like the Weaver, Blackjack, and Accountant armors.


It is bit unlikely, as we intentionally have some level of gear available for some groups and if their uniform is mundane and rather nonchalant, then it is. There may be better options or may not, or rewards, but the idea of fusing stats from one thing to another is not how we prefer doing things. If you want another item with different stats and options, then one has to make that choice and use it.