A Leaf-Bound Journal

Started by MAGIC, April 20, 2023, 09:45:50 PM

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Alejandro is dead. Tempo is dead. Devlin is dead.

I was told that I could pick something of his. A memento to remember him by. And so I held his shield in my hands. That my friend would be reduced to this... picking through his things for a physical token to remember him by. But it is a good token. I look at the shield on my shelf and I remember the times we spent together. I smile.

His funeral is today. I will have to say something.


The bad feelings are coming back.

I feel alone despite being surrounded by my family. It is not logical but matters of the heart rarely are.

They need me to be strong and so I smile for their sake.

I look at my friends and wonder if they are going to die. I know that all things die eventually but I don't want them to die a meaningless death. I don't want them to die trying to get some rocks for the Astronomers. Can I still talk them out of it?

I showed Aletta how to make a paint that glows when you sing a certain way.