Move ring 95 max lvl 5 quest to the mongelwoods + Monstrous woes

Started by Astegard, May 19, 2020, 06:41:36 AM

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My suggestion is to move the ring 95 max lvl 5 quest to the Willow ways/mongelwoods and maybe tweak it so it can be max 6.
This should add another quest option for druids/monstrous races who currently have access to only a few max 5/6  as they cant enter  peerage/tickers.

1 ponds quest requires you to go to tickers.
1 is druid only unless you have matching skills.
Mongrelwoods ones come with huge risk for any lvl 5.
Only druids/goblins get the Mongrelwoods trash piles XP and this again requires some skill investment.

These factors , limited party options and ECL +1 most monsters have make it quite a chore.
ECL is basically built in by default as you cant do half the quest/find parties easily and I think it should be reduced on some Monstrous races.


I would certainly add that the Mongrelfolk I played did not feel like an ECL race. Even if the alt-form had worked, they are arguably no more mechanically powerful than humans, hin or dwarves (or now Reconcites).