Vastly improved default head overrides for humans and elves

Started by Witchcraft, May 21, 2015, 05:13:06 PM

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Hey folks, I just found something to replace the god-awful ugly default heads, and a way to use it that won't mess up your EFU overrides.

FIRST, here are pictures of the heads themselves. The top row is the default head, the bottom rows are profile views of the new heads. Please note that the skin / hair colors used are examples, and can be changed in the character editor as with any other head:

Human male
Human female
Elf male
Elf female

SECOND, here is the link to download the heads:

THIRD, here is what you need to do to make it all work:

1. Download the link called "Replacing and Non-Replacing .hak files."
2. Extract the file called "TB's NWN Heads O.hak" to your \patch folder. NOTE: It does not belong in \hak or \override.
3. Rename the file to "TB_Heads_O.hak" (This avoids any conflicts with long filenames)
4. Edit your nwnpatch.ini file and insert the following:

FINALLY, if you prefer one of the default heads to the new one (for example, human male 18, which completely gets rid of the beard), you can do the following to remove it from the .hak file:

1. Open TB_Heads_O.hak using nwnhak.exe (located in your \utils folder)
2. Find corresponding .plt and .mdl files for the head and remove them. For example, to remove human male head 18, you would remove pmh0_head018.plt and pmh0_head018.mdl. The files are marked m = male, f = female, h = human, e = elf. There are also two female dwarf heads in the pack, they are marked with f and d.

Now you can log in and enjoy your new and improved heads. It does not  interfere with the heads EfU uses as far as I can tell, and this method  of installation prevents it from overwriting anything in your \override  folder.

TO UNINSTALL, simply remove the line "PatchFile000=TB_Heads_O" from your nwnpatch.ini file and delete the file in your \patch folder.

Haer Dalis 83


I remember Conan using these. Sweet stuff!
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


Hooray :) thanks for that.

Knight Of Pentacles

Could be archived?


Epic faces.  Nice.


The only thing is, if you just use these on your own end, like any override, only you see them. So just remember to think that, as someone else will see something else and it might lead to contradictions.


Yes, and because of that I strongly recommend anyone using this to pull human male heads 7, 14, and 18 because they are so different from the originals that it's liable to lead to some sort of mix-up.

Another thing to mention is that there are a few extra heads in there that will show up during character creation, if you select these no one else will see them. Those can be safely removed as well.


this gets a no vote because theres no crazy moustache turban guy


I'll use these if they get added to the server officially so everyone sees the same thing. They look nice though.