The Art Spot (for all you great artistic folk)

Started by Dreadfang, February 26, 2010, 05:25:41 AM

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Gear Head


Great pinup would commission again.



Since I've been gone from EFU and haven't been able to shamelessly harass EFU with my characters and self promotion of factions, here's some RL self promotion of why I've been gone most of Fall 2015 through almost all of 2016 from EFU.

Got three more classes in the work between now and thanksgiving so I may post the occasional behind the scenes thing or some concluded projects.

The room below was my homework tonight actually! The female model was a 9 week from scratch project for a Summer 2016 3D Character modeling class. We built our characters out from one four sided square to upwards of 45,000 polygons with head to toe anatomic reference. Fully rigged for animation and movement.

Room with emphasis on texturing and lighting (Cold texture, warm sunrise light), 3D model posed in selfie with sculpted wireframe for reference, and overlap of same 3D model from selfie with photos of RL counterpart

[hide=3D Modeling, Texturing & Lighting]

[/hide]Next up, ANIMATION!

Final production character shots, background shot, and storyboard from an original concept I've been working on that was produced in the spring 2016. Writing, directing, concept art and animation I worked on. Two good friends helped out with the particularly cool comic/graphic art style and helped out with the animation. Next round presently in production. [hide=2D Animation]


Next, 2D Sketches and Digital painting! Some with ink but mostly tablet and digital paint. Most of this is stuff from August/September 2016. Dog, Turtle, Squirrel, CENTARRR (It's a pirate centaur), and a figure posework.

[hide=2D Sketches and Digital Painting]

[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Swanky RWG, very swanky.


Thanks Ixy! More to come.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Just a little underwater somethin' somethin' worked on yesterday actually while trolling all you guys in #efu

[hide=Under da Sea][/hide]
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


I feel it's important to share stuff that isn't 100% done yet. This is a piece I'm working on right now for purposes of lighting but also working on materials and textures. Base textures presently to focus on the lighting pass creating a morning atmosphere.

I'll post the final one soon enough for comparison.
[hide= Work In Progress: "Breakfast Time"][/hide]
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


A commission I've been working on for about two months.  Jesus on a stick at 5'


[hide=Distressed Factory Wall][/hide]

This one was fun as part of lighting and texturing class. A fully fabricated 2D texture for a 3D model of an industrial district factory's wall.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


[hide="Battle of the Bay"][/hide]
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Howland is a jerk and teases me with mysterious sounding mercenary bands and all I can think is they belong on a movie poster or pulp comic book cover... so, yah. Cobra of Death Mercenaries.

Make it happen DM team


[hide=Impending Doom][/hide]
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Wrapping up finals so SOME MO ART

For my organic modeling class our final was to create a fully rendered anatomic human form. I chose "Cigar chomping toy army man".
[hide= Cigar Chomping Toy Army Man]

Emphasis was on differentiating the sculpting of the flesh and fabric while keeping true to the motif of plastic and keeping the face sculpting reductive since they are created in plastic molds.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Belated but haven't posted anything in a few months. I did some holiday pokemans.

[hide="Holiday Snorlax"][/hide]Ho-Ho-Horlax[hide="Holiday Gengar"][/hide]Of course, Gengar-Krampus comes to ruin the day for all the bad little children[hide="Holiday Jigglypuff"][/hide]Grinchlypuff is none too pleased with the singing whos down in whoville interrupting his vocal lessons.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Haven't posted some art in a while so here's a recent piece!

[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips