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Messages - tooh

Off-topic Discussion / Bored.
February 04, 2009, 03:20:24 AM
Bored !  No plots and no quests !

Maybe I'm wrong but the number of quests and plots done by day/week are low than pre-Orcs-War ?
I dont see groups around going to do something more than talk about Gods and fates, in a self repeat RP and no much action around.

maybe I'm logging at wrong times or long time chars aren't too funny.
Bug Reports / Bracers +1 AC armor don't work ?
December 31, 2008, 12:39:33 AM
Ayen bought a bracer +1 AC armor bonus at Sugriam and it don't stack with a 2/6 washed leathers ?
If soo he will want the coins back! (sic)
Off-topic Discussion / what type of Oscar you prefer?
November 14, 2008, 04:51:46 PM
In EFU(A) any char can be important by defining a
behavior and a  social net. What is your preference to be :
General Discussion / High buildings
November 13, 2008, 10:10:08 AM
This is more a excuse than a claim, but I always got bad times in the portions between any high buildings along EFUA.

My mouse wheel is over sensible and refuses to give me a correct or usefull amount of zoom and when I try rotate camera, always got a full screen perfect brick-rock wall, but not is time for wallpapers and some effects got me crashed too.

Maybe my mean lag of > 250 ms cause all those amazing "holes", but someone can give any tips or tricks ?

- I'm was in a hold person trance, give me clairaudience/clairvoyance and haste my connection!-

1. Before loot droped bag from a "unconscious" partner, try ask if he will return or abandon the quest/trip;

2. If need potions and stuff (armor, weapons, amulets, rings, etc) for use,  please loot it, but do it IC and RP it;

Else it's more than steal stuff from a char, is steal time, trust and friendship, and those never can be returned.
Suggestions / The Night Skies of Faerûn
October 09, 2008, 06:18:59 PM
Now we can see all sky and this maybe usefull:

[]s tooh