Ephian Cartel Catalogs

Started by Random_White_Guy, June 02, 2023, 01:30:27 PM

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As the Political affairs proceed smoothly without Legate oversight, does the Market become once more inundated with the presence of the Gilded Groknak's Ephian Cartel. Merchants of various standing - Voiced and Voiceless alike are cut deals over night. Sol Auk's shop goes from offering no surplus to offering a wide and eclectic collection. Beyond the usual fare of narcotics circulates no shortage of very public declarations of a "Black Market" - Some manner of Legal Loophole involving Status as Legate and Discretion.

It is said beyond the casual fare, there is a number of dark sundries available and traded.
Sundries by which the Casual merchant would find themselves inundated with woe, fine, legal fee, or worse.
The most coveted narcotic known as Scorch, Lethal Poisons such as Iron Golem Fumes, even rumor of Necromantic and Djinn-touched artifice.

To the public though a far more palatable Catalog. Wares, Weapon, and Aspect Pieces left at each of the Merchant Stalls of the Souk, and a copy at Watchful Hakim's Creep Stall

[hide=Sol Auk's Premium Water]
Medium 200
Aged: 350

[hide=Ephian Cartel's Narcotics and Poisons, Children's Strength]
Slice Spice 150

Dirt 160

Crumpled Cigarettes 160 gold

Backalley Ash 80

Centipede Venom, Weak

Giant Bee Venom, Weak

Spider Venom, Mild

[hide=Armors and Shields]
Hardened Drone Carapace of Indomitability
(OUB: Barb, 5% Acid Immunity, 5% bludgeon immunity, 5% Slash immunity, 5% Pierce Immunity, +1 Discipline, +1 Taunt)

Clueless Arbalester's Chainmail

(+2 Piercing AC, +1 Reflex, +1 Search, +3 Spot, Expeditious Retreat 2/day, Reduced Weight 80%)


[hide=Jewelry]Copper Necklace of Freezing Bastion

Road Warrior's Pendant of the Reptilian
(+1 vs Poison, +2 Intimidate, +2 Tumble, 15 Charges Prot from Good)

Sinister Totem Ring
(3 charge magic missle)

Silverslip of Indomitibility
(-1 bluff, -1 Perform, +1 hide, +1 ms, +1 persuade)

Silverslip of Indomitibility

Silverslip of Indomitibility

Silverslip of the Snake

Silverslip of the Flaming Fortress

Silverslip of the Flaming Fortress

Silverslip of Clarity

Baz'eeli Silver Ring of the Snake
(+2 Appraise, Fox's one use, Eagle's one use)[/center][/hide]

Emasculation Hook of Scholar Mae
(+2 Heal, +2 Intimidate, +2 Flame Weapon)

Veteran Aglaskan Priest's Excellent Bastard Sword
(+1 vs Fear, 1d4 Critical, Discipline +2, Parry +2)

Handy Light Crossbow of Dancer
(Rapid Reload, Reflex +1, 1d4 Crit, Tumble +1, Grace 3 (2 Charges/use)

Misfortune's Indomitible Blade
(1d4 Crit, -1 uni save, +1 intimidate, Bane 1/day, Bestow Curse(11) 5/use, Magic Weapon 1/day)

Harpoon of Frostport

Vanavoi Weak Longbow of Human Murder
(+1 AB vs Human and Giant, +1 Discipline, +2 Spot, +1 Mighty)

Unfortunate Defensive Shortbow
(+1 AC Deflection)

Political Staff of Ornate Silence
(+ 1d4 Bludgeon Chaos, -2 Listen, 1d6 Massive Criticals, On hit Silence DC 14 10%/4 rounds
OUB: Lawful, +2 Discipline, +1 Intimidate, Silence 3 use)

Bulwark Scout's Longshaft Glaive
(1d4 Criticals +1 Hide, +1 Intimidate, +1 Ms, +1 Tumble.

[hide=Gloves and Hand stuff]

Camel-Chewed Dancer's Gloves
(Intimidate -1, Persuade -1, Animal Empathy +1, Discipline +2, Ride +1)

Gauntlets of the Peaceful Mind
(+1 damage vs chaotic Cold, +1 Bludgeoning, +1 will, Lawful Only.)

Weakfingered Locksmith's Gloves:
(+3 Open Lock)

[hide=Cloaks (And Brooches)]
Urazzii Skull Mantle of Foolishness
(Bonus Slot: Cleric 2, Sorc 1, Wizard 1, OUB: Evil, Intimidate +2, Inflict Light Wounds (5) 1/day )

Puzzler's Cloak Clumsily Tied
Bonus Slot Wizard 1, Endurance (3) 4 Uses

Politician's Cloak of Puzzles
Bonus Slot Wizard 1, Endurance (3) 5 Uses

Starred Cloak of Six Brooches, Clumsily Affixed.
(+1 will, +1 conc, +1 Lore, +1 SPellcraft, 1/day Summon)

Weakling's Tattered Broochless Cloak
(+1 Spellcraft)

Bronze Brooch of the Jaguar 1 use Dex

Bronze Brooch of the Eagle 1 use Cha

[hide=Helmets and Hats]
Priest's Fortongue Helm
+1 AC vs Good, +3 vs Poison, +1 Reflex, +2 Bluff, +1 Concentrate, +1 Persuade, Cat's Grace (3) 10 uses.

[hide=Belts and Wraps]
Belt of the Courageous Desert Thief
( +1 MS, +1 Open Lock, +1 Pickpocket)

Fancy Belt
(-1 con, +1 Cha)

Unfortunately Lost Ranger's Belt:
+1 Disease, +1 Poison, OUB: ranger, +1 MS, +1 Spot)

Foolish Dune Raider's Boots:
+1 AC vs Human, +2 Ms, +1 Tumble

[hide=Throwables, Grenades, and Misc]
Grubby Copper Key Shaft

Soothing Perfume
(Splash of Healing Perfume)

Pressurized Bottle of Steam
(Summon Mephit 24 Hours)

Jagged Reptilian Fang
(Magic Fang 1 use)

Consecrated Armor Plating
(OUB Good: Bless Weapon (10) Single Use

Sparks of Revelation
Reveal Hidden

Enchanted Tabor
(OUB: Bard, Magic Vestments 3 use)
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips