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Topics - dragonfire9000

General Discussion / Player Undead
October 29, 2009, 07:14:38 PM
I just read something incredible mentioning PC undead... I did a good deal of looking using search and scanning the Announcements and Info for New Players sections and I'm blind to what must certainly be there.

Somebody help me with a link?

General Discussion / Druidic Protocols
April 29, 2009, 07:59:10 PM
I am certain this has come up somewhere before but I have little time. Yes, I am plenty arrogant enough to assume someone else has more.

Several specific questions on druids.

Most, if not all, eschew metal weapons, armor and helms because they view them as unnatural. However, what is the general opinion on metal itsself?

Rings and necklaces, for example! Would a druid wear only naturally-occuring jewelry, such as bones or feathers, or is a little copper and silver here and there okay?

What about coins? Coins are gold, and artificially manufactured, and yet I have personally known arch-druids who possessed ridiculous hordes of the stuff. (Merchant kings are sucky targets for thieves. Go druid!)

Are spears and scimitars and such assumed to be made of bone or wood if not otherwise specified?

And the biggest question of all, what things, specifically, can druids NOT do. This is my first real druid character and I'd really like to not get spell failure before level four.
Suggestions / Summons Warnings
April 28, 2009, 09:38:25 PM
Right, I was messing around with my druid this morning, just experimenting with his spells and doing minor quests, and I thought to try Summon Monster II. I've chosen a special summoning theme that fits my character fairly well, and I've been liking it so far (for the first spell) The problem is that the second-level summoning spell brings an abberation to your side. Now, I found out about this when I was alone, but what if a druid were to discover such a thing in the middle of a group of his fellows? I think it would be a good idea to put a warning, small and non-spoilerish of course, next to the summoning themes. "This theme contains constructs. Are you sure you want to continue?" Something along those lines.

Well, I'm officially thinking about maybe coming back for just a little while perhaps. Dangit.

But I wonder, what are the available druid wildshapes and animal companions? I know they have been changed per EfU:A setting changes, but I've no idea of the specifics. I'm sure some of it is FOIG material, but links or straight answers would be appreciated.

Edit: I know that the Shifter is a ridiculously difficult prestige class to attain, but I thought I would ask for more detail about that as well. I've read the official NWN description and thought about concepts, but is there any set method? Considering the nature of the PrC, I doubt it. Any further information would be helpful.
Off-topic Discussion / Heading Out
March 26, 2009, 02:41:59 PM
Well boys and girls, I managed to get the DMs' permission to post this here, so I guess that's proof that I didn't totally screw up while I was at EfU. Yes, you caught the tone of finality correctly.

I still love the server, but evens are conspiring against me. I finally found a character I can RP without going insane and whose goals are attainable and cool, and I run out of time. You see, college is this fall, and I need to focus on work, scholarships and PSEO (college in high school) or I'm going to tank.

I've absolutely loved my time here and I'm really happy about where the server is going. The factions are all shaping up nicely with new ones popping up all the time. I can't wait to see where the BLEEP plot goes, and hopefully the BLEEP will get slain before Harold gets BLEEPed. *chuckles* Well, it's kind of fun to know about stuff now isn't it? Well, time for goodbyes....

Petey512: I'm not even sure if you're still here, but I know that, one day, you will make a completely successful character whose insane, out-there goals will all come true. Probably sink the Ziggurat back down to the 'Dark... I'll miss ya bro.

Crimson Magician: TRINDEN FAIR!!! BA halfling. Good luck bro.

Everyone Who's Ever Played a Mithrilsoul: Best faction in the 'Dark. You guys were always amazing.

Everyone Who's Ever Had to Deal with me Playing an Emo: I'm truly sorry.

Gwydion: You're a good leader. See you around.

(However you spell Backstabber, Tiberious) You play a good character. Learn to calm your anger. Happy place. Pizza. Life is good.

Cruzel: You're an excellent scriptor... ter... ator... whatever. You play insane characters. I shall miss them.

All of You Guys: Stop powerquesting and go explore. This server is insane.

Howland: I hope you find a good woman.

Well, nothing particularly deep there, but I had to say farewell. I'm sure I'll be in and out, just to look around with an exploration build, but I'm done playing anything serious until college, and that's just plain a dream.

Oh, and if anyone has screenshots of any character I've played, I'd love to see them. Never figured screenies out, kind of sad about that.

General Discussion / Roleplaying Fear
March 21, 2009, 06:10:45 PM
There are a lot of things in EfU:A that cause fear. Enemy mages, creatures with auras of it such as mummies and dragons (dear God in Heaven I hope there aren't dragons on this server...) and those stinking troglodytes.

My question is, how is this roleplayed? Is the aura around those more severe monsters magical, or does it just represent the fact that they are terrifying creatures, requiring some steely willpower to attack? What of the spells that cause this? How does the body of an adventurer react to failing to shrug off the effects of Fear?
Off-topic Discussion / Mop Golem
March 19, 2009, 05:58:15 PM
This comes out of a mind still unaffected by drugs. Pot is a myth. Boredom destroys minds.
General Discussion / The Long, Slow Limp to the End
March 16, 2009, 06:21:43 PM
Right, I've figured something out. I've made several posts about my computer and its infuriating habit of killing me IG. However, I have realized that the problem is my video card. My processor/RAM are adequate, if not excellent, but my video card is failing. It was good when I bought it, but it has overheated many times, sometimes repeatedly, and is on its last legs. What suggestions do you, my brethren (sistren? Is that a word?), have to offer to help me nurse my video card along until I get a new computer in college?

I thank you in advance.
Off-topic Discussion / Resend
March 13, 2009, 07:26:47 PM
Oi, could the people who have sent me PMs in the last day or so which have not gotten replies resend them? My box was full and I realized it not.
Off-topic Discussion / Mightaswellbedead Celebs
March 11, 2009, 08:10:31 PM
Right, I made a post on Keanu Reeves a while back, and today I saw a movie with Brandy in it. Where have these people gone? If you can think of more celebs who have just plain bit the dust, career-wise, post 'em here. We'll have a laugh about their patheticism and feel better about our lives.
General Discussion / Bloodmage Comments
March 05, 2009, 06:39:20 PM
That is absolutely amazingly shockingly epic.
General Discussion / Stop Being So Gosh-Darned...
February 19, 2009, 04:40:17 AM
...Nice. I know I can't tell anyone to do, but if I had my way, I'd make you all be realistic!! Quit taking fifteen people on a quest!! For one thing, the limit is eight. On everything. Some are less, but none I have found are more. So quit inviting people! Would you honestly come up to some random person in padded armor and say, "Hey, want to go root out a cave full of vicious lizards with me?" No. Find people you trust to have your back. Less lag. Less bugs. Less bull.

Thank you for reading this Dragonfire9000 rant, and have a nice day.
Off-topic Discussion / Whatever Happened...
February 12, 2009, 08:05:30 PM Keanu Reeves? Did he die? Was he shot? Did he have some sort of unfortunate plastic surgery that ruined his career?

Bug Reports / Wild Orc Bug
February 10, 2009, 08:33:20 PM
Right, we did this with a party of about eight I believe, very strong, good mix of classes and levels, and were doing very well. Then we got to the Warlord. Again, doing very well. Then we noticed that there was another Warlord. And another. That's right, three Warlords spawned when we did this. I think everyone died at least once, most more like three times. Hellish.

Please fix this.

Suggestions / Lag
February 03, 2009, 08:40:16 PM
I've noticed that of late there seems to be a massive amount of lag. It's not just when there are 30 + people either. It makes it very difficult to be the military leader of a faction when your character dies several times due to lag incidents, donchaknow.

So, I'm not posing a suggestion, I'm looking for them.

I know this problem is not my computer, as people around me complain about the same issue. What's up with this? We upgraded servers a while back, didn't we? Do you DM persons need more donations? I love EfU:A, but it's really no fun to log in and not be able to do anything without dying.

Yes, this sounds like whining. Yes, this is whining.

Somebody give me a suggestion for cutting down lag kthnxbye
Okay boys, I have an incredibly grand question for you:

*points up* There it was. How is it possible? How do you lend any depth to a completely min/maxed CE half-orc barbarian? How can you make him shine, make him stand out from his brethren, make him funny make him scary make him enjoyable to more people than just yourself? This is an interesting question to me, because I rolled up a basher alt just for the fun of crushing things. However, my main died, and now my alt has to fill his shoes. I don't want him to be the traditional, "Ugg not like you. Ugg now smash. UGG!!" You see? I'm open to any suggestion, no matter how completely outlandish or odd it may be.

Thanks in advance.
Suggestions / More Random Shtuff
December 17, 2008, 02:59:47 PM
Hey DMs, just a little idea for you.

More details! I love the level of detail on the server, especially that one detail, in that one place, with that one name... that was a good detail. But really, more things like the Snakeroot, the random grafiti, the odd, peacefully grazing wildebeest, these things make the server really cool. You're walking along, seeking adventure, and all of a sudden you see something you've never seen before while playing NWN! Also, these little objects are often, in my mind, linked to quests because they are so wonderfully rare. I think if there were a couple more of them that it might create more of a feeling of realism, and less of a feeling of, "Where's my next quest!" Somewhat the same with named NPCs. There's a great temptation to only talk to the NPCs with specific monikers.

Something to think about.
Off-topic Discussion / Icewind Dale
December 12, 2008, 08:55:31 PM
Hey everybody! In case you fellows don't know, I live in Minnesota, the RL Icewind Dale! My PE teacher is Wulfgar, and my FACS teacher is a less attractive version of Cattie-brie. Anyways, just thought I would let you know that we're about to be hit by a massive blizzard, so if I send anyone a tell tonight with the message, "ARCGHOSHBDGPIUBSFIJGBSPIOUERBHT," it means my roof just caved in, and please send help. Here's a link to demonstrate to you all the freezing terror that is yeti-land.

See that dark blue spot? That's me. Freezing.
I'm crying out to the masses. I finally got my computer opened up and cleaned out (There is NO way dust should be able to form teddy-bear stuffing material. NO WAY) my computer fans. However, my merchant concept bored me, and got killed 'cuz I was a moron with him. So, I have a need for a new concept! A couple of prerequisites:

I will NOT play a spellcaster. I suck at them. Period.

The character must be action-oriented. I love people who can play merchants, missionaries and pacifists, but I am not one of them.

I'm perfectly willing to join a pre-existing faction. I play a MEAN minion!

Any ideas you guys could help me out with would be much appreciated. I know I know I know, use your imagination... blech. Thanks in advance!
Off-topic Discussion / Dilemma
December 03, 2008, 09:14:13 PM
Well, I don't know if many of you have, but I should hope that one or two of my fellow EfU:Aers have noticed a distinct absence of hare-brained, short-lived concepts possessing the Dragonfire9000 stamp lately. The reason, for a while at least, was that football and drama seasons were in full swing and I had no time. Then for a while after that it was catching up on college classes. However, all three of those things are now past. My problem now is a hardware one. All of my concepts have been short-lived lately, due to a high mortality rate. That high rate is due to the fact that my computer will routinely shut down of its own volition, and I have no say in the matter whatsoever. Thus, I log back in among a swarm of monsters that I had previously been fighting, and perish in a POOF of expletives. So, my question to you lot is this:

What could cause my computer to do such a thing?

To clarify, the screen goes black but the monitor remains on. Sometimes the computer stays running without turning off, but the screen remains black. Other times it is exactly as if I had restarted it. The theory has been put forth that my video card is overheating, but why now? Sure, World of Warcraft will do that, but NWN should not, especially on low graphics.

Any help would be appreciated. I have a hobbit drawn up that I want to play really badly... and no, not a halfling, a hobbit!


EDIT: Oh, and my video card is an ATI Radeon 9600 Sapphire Pro.