The Hero System needs a rehaul please

Started by wundyboy, September 18, 2020, 07:18:03 PM

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So, like, yeah I'm back and whatever.

I killed a hero on my returning PC, and the loot I received was kind of whatever. An OUB fighter ring (which is amazing, and extremely rare..), a half plate, and the adventurer's iron cap. Two of these items are pretty cool, and I like them, but I do have an issue with a half plate being dropped. Specifically, the stalker's half plate. Hide and move silently, tumble, and some other bonus on it. It's mostly, uh, trash. No one wears it, or if they do, it's not for long.

And there's a lot of items like this. Set items. Below average use items, forgettable cloaks, rings, tower shields, the list goes on. And its' quite bloated. Like, extremely bloated. They're also rehashed from previous settings, and they're not really changing.

Anyway this is just my opinion and I'd be down if DMs worked casually on reworking the system. I know it'd be a tedious project, and not one that'd be done any time soon.