One Feature

Started by Sternhund, June 10, 2009, 11:11:05 AM

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Quote from: I can has fun?;132078The problem is that those only apply to humans.

Humans is what matters.

Quote from: I can has fun?;132078And the head packs I'm suggesting are overrides, not haks.

Do these overrides work as 2da files, like, unlocked voice sets and portraits? Or one has to have the override file in their computer to see my override head?

I can has fun?

Quote from: Raposa_Fox;132450Do these overrides work as 2da files, like, unlocked voice sets and portraits? Or one has to have the override file in their computer to see my override head?

We'd all have to be using it to see each other's heads. A new player could still log in to the server and check it out without the override, but to them, a few people would be headless. To me, that's a small price to pay for having more options when it comes to creating new and interesting-looking characters.


Quote from: I can has fun?;132486... that's a small price to pay for having more options ...

Heh, it might be a small price, but I am sure it is a price most, or all the DMs won't be affording. Trust me on this one. Not that I am criticizing their behaviour, but they are pretty strict when it comes to these kinds of standards, which I actually enjoy.


I'd like to see a new quest.
Mainly a "defence" quest. Mayhaps it'll be given by a Sharboneth Retainer, or Government Official.
The details being a small, moderately fortified outpost someplace on the island used to oversee the surrounding area. An (insert here) tribe is nearby, and has decided to move against it. As the outpost is low on supply and personnel, the Retainer/Official sends the PCs to defend it for a certain amount of waves.


For the head thing - If you tweak existing override ones a bit, you can get them to replace the current heads, thus giving you variety and nobody looks headless since all the heads are still the same, just with a different model on your client. :)

I can has fun?

Quote from: Cruzel;132918For the head thing - If you tweak existing override ones a bit, you can get them to replace the current heads, thus giving you variety and nobody looks headless since all the heads are still the same, just with a different model on your client.

If you're going to go to that much trouble, why not just use new (i.e. non-overlapping) heads? It should be one or the other, not some hacked off compromise. Consistency is always better than confusion, even if it does mean that there is less variety.

That said, I would still rather have more heads to choose from, and I don't think that necessarily conflicts with the DMs desire to have a server that anyone can just log into and try out without a hakpack. The mainstay of the playerbase is capable of downloading a 20MB file.

Enough about heads, I've said my $.02.


Hot saucy anthropomorphic sex.


An eyeball dealer in the Waston Wastrel.

A strange man, cloaked with a long coat. He opens it up, large jars fill his pockets. "Hey kid, wanna buy an eyeball?".


A new thought came up. Change the player's online thing for when you login. Right now it says nothing (due to changeable settings). But from another server I saw that you could show what characters are on without showing class or level.


I would like a way for PCs with the cooking skill to give finished items to the various begger NPCs. This would have no physical or XP reward involved, but if said character was a part of a banner, it could add to their banner reputation. Beyond a generic "Thank you," message, players that constantly leave items for NPCs on the ground will have a way to actually build towards something with their actions.


See there be more banner stuff. I thought is was fun to have factions that were they're own kind of banner. Like how there was Cheerful dead, Fyoris' Watchers, and Gaesric's band of the Unyielding.


Chaotic leaning DM faction


Quote from: Dash;134081Chaotic leaning DM faction

We need this. And a faction that is at least good! I hate having guards you can't trust. [gives the 'wink' to the Stygians]


More palm trees!

More of a tropical feeling to the server. I think everything is great really.

Perhaps Mort could set us up with a sweet reskin with a more tropical feel, maybe even as great as his last reskin, which was awesome.


What we need is a new pissing crone. And a place like lower (Gobsquat just isnt doing it for me). The docks have potential.