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Topics - Scumlord Spiffy

Suggestions / Give Jodfry a Tip Jar
February 15, 2023, 11:18:02 AM
A Single Dinar for your service....
Bug Reports / Eldritch Archer: Charm Person Arrow
January 31, 2023, 02:11:58 AM
Per the wiki:

Charm Person should be craftable.

It currently is not.

Circle 1: Charm Person, Grease, Scare, Sleep, Horizikauls Boom
Suggestions / Ponds/Exile Shop for Bard Songs
May 26, 2022, 04:39:17 PM
Slaunder the Poet is 500gp for a random song.

The "Drill" Songshop is 300gp.

There is a bard shop in the Peerage with a variety of 'guaranteed' song drops for various amounts.

Would be nice to have an exile bard song shop or something?
The quest is, while not long, sort of tedious to run out of.

A fast travel exit to the entrance would be appreciated.
Bug Reports / Summoned Web Spider
May 04, 2022, 11:39:27 PM
Could this be checked for the proper summon ai? When caught in my Web AoE spells, it turns on me, despite the other summons not doing so, I've been subdued a few times by my own summons so far.
Alter the summoning spells so that by targeting an existing (your) summon, you can increase the duration of said spell.

Say you have a Summon IV out, you can use two more summon IVs to triple the duration, instead of having 3 summon IVs out.

Or you have a Summon V out, and you use 3 summon IVs to increase the duration by a mathematically deprecated amount. maybe by 1/5th? Reduce the duration by the fraction of the spell tier, I guess.

Aaron Goodwill was born to a prostitute in ring 97 and struggled in his upbringing. A starved, sickly child- he was born weak and unhealthy from the beginning, and his mother fed him just enough to keep him alive. Unable to rely on muscle, he relied on his sharp wit and cowardice- and made it to adulthood.

Through the trials of his youth, he began to blame all his problems on an imaginary friend named Gwendli Bent. He cursed and hated this individual who always told his mother what he was up to- made noise so the other kids/gangsters heard where he was, and otherwise made his life miserable (when in reality he was the one that fucked up) and it turned slowly turned into an entire religion.

Blame Bent for all your problems.

It's never your fault.

It's his fault. That wretched, no good Gwendli Bent.

He was originally a joke PC, and I expected to quit in a few days in boredom- but he turned into a wild, amazing ride over the last three months. A huge thanks to Unfie, CanadianLoki, Stranger, Astra, Hierophaunt, Roxy, and Solipso for an amazing journey.

A huge thanks to Tala, Ironside, Abala, and Skaghunter for running little things for Aaron and making him a genuine joy to play- his misery and suffering as he worked his way through the Rings and lost friends is something I don't think I'll ever get to experience again.

A few screenshots


Suggestions / Give Clerics Summon Swarm
January 07, 2022, 12:27:54 AM
I think this would be a worthwhile investment for cleric summoners.
Bug Reports / You can Animal Empathy the Ghylherd Boss
November 01, 2021, 03:30:51 PM
Boss Name:

When he turns into a bear, you can animal empathy him and just wail on him as he does nothing.
Suggestions / The "Royal Archivist"
November 01, 2021, 12:16:38 PM
Can this be made a bit more clear you need to speak to the ox to become a citizen of the ward? It's a nice little joke, but you're required to speak to the ox...and this isn't something that might occur to a new player (or even a veteran).
As above.
For the Chaos Turn Undead Number 3, Anarchy's Arrival, enemies roll, and can fail, their will save versus being confused, even if I do not have Line of Sight.

Not sure if it's a bug.
Bug Reports / Ooze Domain not giving Ooze Summon theme
October 23, 2021, 09:03:20 PM
PC: Aaron Goodwill
Class: Cleric
Domains: Ooze/Chaos (this is the order I took them in)
Race: Human

Bug: Ooze domain didn't give me ooze summon theme.
Introductions and Group Management / Hey Brother
October 03, 2021, 01:01:21 AM

Hey guys, so I am looking to start a little ring running crew with a very intimate and personal dream to find the King to save their ailing mother from a curse she suffered to protect her children from a Silibant Witch. I want us to be  closely related, preferably siblings. The family is descendent of a Peerage Knight who was bestowed his own land for great deeds in service to House Moonspear,. After some odd generations, they were reluctant freemen in service to Orza, however, after their mother fell ill after an ancient silibant witch came to curse the descendants of their forebear, they sold their lands and pawned the equipment of their forebear to purchase the necessary treatment to stave off the withering curse upon their mother, till they can march to Ring 1 and beseech the King to cure their Mother.

I am looking for neutral/good aligned individuals, who value their heritage and are proud of it. While they became farmers, they did maintain their martial tradition using the old weapons that their forebear retired with.

A son or daughter who took up the sword and swore holy oaths to defeat the wicked Silibant Witch and to carry their siblings to Ring 1 by any means.

An estranged child who returns home after stalking the alleyways as a thief and pickpocket to aid their family on one final journey.

A wizard who left the Warrens to heed the call of family, for blood is thicker than any magic.

A sorcerer who awakens their powers, and through their mystic might- guides their brethren to ring 1....

Hey Brother, there's an endless road to rediscover...

Hey Sister, know that water's sweet, but blood is thicker...
Suggestions / Pitchfork
October 16, 2019, 06:42:32 PM
Currently it's an x2 roll 20 martial weapon.

Can we make it an x3 weapon, or 19-20 crit range? It'd require an edit to the baseitems.2da
It's a simple change in the Spells.2da and it makes necromancers more viable without the sorcerer perks.

Make Necromancers Great again.

Hey, I might run weekly NwN D&D style sessions where I tell a story with players as characters. These sessions would be done Saturday around 6:00pm EST (sorry Euro Crowd) or Sunday around 1:00pm EST.

Your character would be a local villager, trainee priest, apprenticed wizard, militia student, or etc... as appropriate for your class. Goblins got near your village and you need to clear them out.

I imagine a classical pnp style D&D campaign from levels 3-20 with largely using base NwN assets and my own [terrible] building skills.

If you're interested, I'll begin building for it, but please keep in mind, I want a reliable, and consistent group of people. I will also be running individual stuff as appropriate in 'off' or 'singular' sessions.

So, thoughts?
So, he's dead. My first major PC on EFU and my first ring-runner, a lot of firsts! I definitely enjoyed exploring the rings (except one ring in particular, fuck that ring).

I learned many valuable things.

  • Always have tumble and climb.
  • Don't bother taking crafting feats you can buy.
  • Sometimes it's more interesting to lose than win.

So here's some screenies.

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The ball will follow you everywhere...
Bug Reports / Bloodtails Gang
July 24, 2019, 08:17:10 PM
The Bloodtails Gang in Tehoto still makes references to the Dread Empire in their battlecries.
Bug Reports / Iron Nails Gang
July 24, 2019, 08:15:05 PM
Has a sign making a reference to the Sons of Sabuth from EFU:A. Something ot be updated?