Turn Undead - Magic Domain - Droplet of the Weave

Started by TheShadow, January 21, 2019, 02:35:51 PM

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"create a "Droplet of the Weave" in the user's inventory. This is a miscellaneous small item which is only usable by bards, clerics, sorcerers, and wizards, infused a single use of one of any spell learned by bards, sorcerers, or wizards, up to the third circle, chosen at random. Characters can carry of a maximum of one. Excess disappear, as do all on server reset."

According to the Turn undead for the Magic Domain, 1/3rd of the effects of turn undead are supposed to have this effect. Unfortunately...

It's not functioning. The +Spellcraft, and Endure/blur/mage armor is working as intended. No Droplet of the Weave, at least for my pc, is being created.

Specifically, Script Nw_S2_turnDead, OID: ffffff63, tag: ,error: TOO MANY INSTRUCTIONS
Forever in the Shadows, yearning for the Light.
