The Chultans

Started by Pinefish, September 17, 2008, 07:47:34 PM

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I'll dive right in, heres the story...

A group of Calimshite slavers were stalking the jungles of chult, hoping for some strong slaves to be taken back to Calishman to be put to work and after much effort their hunt was fruitful. They managed to stumble upon a path used by many of the people of the area. They set up camp near by and watched the roads carefuly, taking many people and then sending them back to the ship where they were held captive. After a while the hold was full with various inhabitants ranging anywhere from the Chulten dwarves and humans to lizard men and Yu'anti and many animals for domesticationa and entertainment. Now, the voyage back across the sea was long, and the guard only had to let their guard down for a moment and that is when the prisoners escaped. It didn't take long but it's cost was great for the crew and many of the slaves were killed in the ensewing battle but, the ship was taken although the plan was not fully thaught out and now the escaped prisoners had neither the knowledge or the man power to use the boat effectivly and before long they had come upon the rocks of a strange new land. And then the real adventure began...

Aight, well thats my introduction to the idea with a little artistic flair. Now i'm looking for many fine fellows to join this new idea and set out on an adventure of exploration. It doesn't matter if your new or old to the server, we just need people who are willing to have some fun and some decent RP. Now the DM's have already looked over the idea and we have some support so, as said before we just need the people. Application races and classes are acceptable (but of course you still need to make the app) as long as it makes sense, the majority of the slaves should be humans from chult, mostly worshippers of Ubtao so the more you know about those two the better.

Our goals are to find home! but isn't that everyones hey? But we do wish to set up a community, a town if you will. Somewhere away from the perils of the island and these strange people inhabiting it, somewhere we can find safty and security, somewhere we can defend our selfs. And defend our selfs we shall, and we shall defend any of our member, so don't just think this is some day trip into the jungle, we may well get a good battle from this as well. So to summise, We want a home, a community and safty. And above all some decent RP and some fun.

...Now, whos in?


For the Chultan/Jungle/Ubtao tribe group, I already vouched that I would run a prelude for you guys this week-end. Just use this post to organize your characters or send me a PM about who you will play.



Prelude date

Date for prelude Saturday 28th 7:00 GMT If all are available, sorry for the short notice on the post. If people involved are not able to attend please post here.



because not everyone can make saturday hopefully it can be done on sunday if mort is able to and everyone can attend. 7:00 gmt


okay i got a little confused perhaps it can be done today. Ill contact all involved then get back to mort.