Looking for something to do

Started by Drakill Tannan, July 24, 2010, 02:30:00 PM

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Drakill Tannan

Sup guys. Back from a break i had feared was longer after somone FD my PC in one of the worse days i've had and i got frustrated, so, i currently i have no PC or ideas and am looking for a group to join, reason being, just before Tom FDed my banite the server was awfully dead, no one in the ziggurat/docks/exile's camp, no one answering sendings, so i figure all the PCs must be plotting something in a group or something, so i'm looking for an active group to join.

Any ideas?


Me too! :neutral:
I play a good henchman/red-shirt flunky. If anybody is looking for one PM me.
DT: If you think of a concept let me know, Id join ya...

Drakill Tannan

Same goes for you Cerberus, but i actually don't know what's going on in the server atm, so i have no idea what to work on. The only thing i've noticed is the temple of tyrants, but i've just played a banite.

I've been wanting to play a wizard/Consort for the concalve though


I think the Sons might have some openings, I haven't seen much of them around recently. The Undeader's Parish is back around during the later EST hours. We've a "pirate" crew running around a bit. I've seen some Urdlen gnomes munching away at things, and a bunch of people going solo one way or the other. There are a couple wilerness PC lurking about doing wilderness things, and there appears to be a burgeoning Lathanderite cult popping up again. Just some ideas.


There's the Laddermen, a lot going on there. The Docks could always use more bodies in general.


You can always join the sea mares folly!
Yar Har fiddle di di We are pirates!


Quote from: Lenthis;192615You can always join the sea mares folly!
Yar Har fiddle di di We are pirates!

We're not pirates... No one has ever said that IC'ly or OOC'ly.. >_>

Yet people still call us that IG. We don't act like pirates, nor do we claim it.

We're Privateers, baby!


[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips

Drakill Tannan

Nah, my last character was a banite, i want to try for something else.


Quote from: Drakill Tannan;192607Same goes for you Cerberus, but i actually don't know what's going on in the server atm, so i have no idea what to work on. The only thing i've noticed is the temple of tyrants, but i've just played a banite.

I've been wanting to play a wizard/Consort for the concalve though

If you're even remotely considering a consort, do it. >.>

Very few people play Consorts but they are extremely rewarding in many ways. Also extremely challenging sometimes, depending on who your Caliphar is.

Divine Intervention

Join the millitia!  That may sound somewhat unappealing as I've always found a lot of people treat it as a joke.  But right now I'm looking for active players to work with me on some cool ideas and plans for it.

Joe Desu

I thought that consorts were trouble in that if your wizard dies you must die too.  Not exactly fun to perm you PC just because someone else croaks.  Of course that might be only what I heard in passing IG conversations and I am not that bright.

Drakill Tannan

Found something thanks for the suggestions.



Quote from: Joe Desu;192639I thought that consorts were trouble in that if your wizard dies you must die too.  Not exactly fun to perm you PC just because someone else croaks.  Of course that might be only what I heard in passing IG conversations and I am not that bright.

It's not the case at all. Don't be discouraged from the faction because of rumors you hear IC.

The Conclave is definitely awesome.