The Bone Parish

Started by Vicar Of Holy Sacramant, June 17, 2014, 09:54:04 PM

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Vicar Of Holy Sacramant

"In service to our Righteous Lord, The Eternal Lord, Blessed be his name and may his blessings rain down upon us."

The Bone Parish

The Mission of the Bone Parish
To lovers of the macabre, the insane- the desperate, the Bone Parish has opened its doors to the Sepulchre of Eternity and offers all good men and women the opportunity to go beyond the mortal coil and exist upon the mortal plane for eternity. The Mission of the Parish is to bring all living souls into worship of their 'Eternal Lord' and in doing so have him ascend to the Mantle of King of the Dead. In doing so, the Parish believes that immortality shall be granted to all living souls, for the Lord Eternal shall permit the dead to visit the living upon their whim and desire, bestowing upon mankind knowledge and wisdom in their most desperate of hours.

The Theology Of the Parish
The Parish believes that the Lord Eternal was once a servant of Kelemvor, much like Jergal, Urogalan, and the other various gods of death, but in contrast to Jergal's stoic and unmoving stance regarding the fate of the damned, dead, and dying, the Lord Eternal advocated in the Service to the Lord Kelemvor a gentler approach to life, compromising his beliefs with the Lord Kelemvor's own, asking for Holy Days where the dead would visit the living and be reunited in their love for one another- so that death wasn't an absolute end, and slow step to inevitable oblivion, but an opportunity to gain the knowledge and power of untold generations that have watched the living go about their lives.

However, Jergal betrayed the Lord Kelemvor, as Dendar devoured the sun, Jergal took the opportunity to destroy Kelemvor, for he was about to be swayed by the Lord Eternal, enraged, the Lord Eternal declared war upon the Hand of Apocalypse- the Master of Oblivion, and now wage war in the realm of the fugue. The dying have swelled the armies of both side as Apocalypse ravages the land, but Lord Jergal's hand prevents the Lord Eternal from aiding mortalkind entirely by returning the untold number of souls to the land of the living to wage war upon the Illithid and save the living from mental enthrallment and worse.

Something must be found to turn the tide, and we the Bone Parish, shall find it.

The Philosophy of the Bone Parish
The Bone Parish believes that all life has the right to die and live as they please- that a soul who passes on should be permitted to return to the living world if they so desire- to sup of food and water, to maim and kill their murderer, to do as they pleased as they did in life. Freedom not from laws- but from the very doctrine of the previous gods of death. As such, they scorn death, and value the benefits of life and what iit has to offer. However, given the nature of the world and its stance on undeath, it must be willing to deal death upon those who would slay them. The art of necromancy is key in its ability to return the dead to the land of the living, and will be necessary in ensuring the Lord of Apocalypse is defeated by the Soon to be King of the Dead, the Lord Eternal.

In Short:
  • The Bone Parish is a Coven of Necromancers who desire to see a new Lord of the Dead, friendly to necromancers and the concepts of immortality.
  • The Bone Parish values the concept of 'life' more than 'undeath,' while obviously wielding the latter, it believes that the living have more potential, and greater ability to influence the world of /life/ than that of the once living.
  • That the faith of te Bone Parish isn't set in Stone, and other deities are welcome as long as they support the Lord Eternal in his quest to conquer Jergal.
  • The Bone Parish will do whatever is necessary to conquer the Lord Jergal
Class: Any bar paladin/druid. Palemaster Pursuits will be open to most.
Race: Any, as death takes from us all, so the Parish gives to all, it judges neither race nor heritage (individual members may differ) and welcomes all who would swear allegiance to the Eternal Lord
Alignment: Evil, Necromancy is an unequivocally evil art, and while some may possess righteous intentions, the taint of its will weigh down any soul.

Concepts suitable: Those who believe the undead can be key to destroying the Dread, those who seek knowledge and immortality in undeath, those who desire to visit loved ones once more, those who would use the undead to make life for the living easier. Those who desire to replace weak mortal flesh with the unyielding and unrotting flesh of the undead...

We've already met a few people IG, and I hope to cause more ruckus soon. Long live the Lord Eternal!

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