Pissing Crone Inn

Started by lumpy_soup, August 04, 2014, 09:53:02 PM

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Alrighty folks.  This place is 'hub' of Lower Sanctuary.  It's a place where all the scum and villainy meet.  Hell, it's just like the Mos Eisley Cantina OR it sure can be!  

Could take bar wenches or bouncer or maybe a janitor or even a jester who entertain.  Of course that your concept doesn't have to stop there.  Use the CRONE as a front for some dirty dastardly deeds or worse.  You could run events in the back and rig them, pay the leader to take a dive, get rich or make the CRONE rich.  Deal drugs out the back rooms or be a dirty bouncer who allows such a thing, for a cut.  A bard who throws daggers at his friend knocking off apples from the head or a cigar from the mount.  Tell TALL TALES or run comedy plays mocking figures from UPPER or perhaps a satire?  So much potential and it would be awesome to see this inn more alive.

Feel free to approach me about ideas or jump right in.  It will be FUN!