Yashan Sarde: The Wyvern of Velstra, a Sword among needles, loved by many.

Started by Gordan, November 14, 2020, 11:19:56 PM

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I think as much as i will try again i will never have a char like Yashan ever again.

He was, he was realy something, and i will miss him, a lot

If something i learn from Yashan is that you DO NOT have to start a char with a idea in mind abaut his story, ths is not Arelith, here you play a sheet and see what the world offer you, Yashan had to be a Glitt, i made him for been a Glitt..and that is what happened

Soo, where to start:

Yashan Sarde was part of the Sarde family, a merchantile family of the Burgage, and like many kids of the Burgage he just had one dream in mind, became a knigth, but not much because of the Wealty and prestige you gain from it, but because he believed in his heart he could have beena good knigth, someone who would have changed the ward and the ring for the better, Been son of a wealty merchant made him realy against Sub-humans laws having dealt with many of them and even had sister Mongerbeast who was sended to die in the ring 98.

At age of 20 his story begin, after lived for most of his life in his father house in what can be considered a golden cage, he decide to Start travel araund With the hope to became a retainer of a noble house and gain with time Knigthood, but things do not get as planned as He get in a complicated position between Nephzar and Glitt, the last of those he realy wanted join but they do not considered him worthy and the first was too racist for him and even if he shared their faith he did not agreeded with many of their members.

Bored of the lies and presions the houses were giving him he decided he would have left his dream aside, and still be what he always wanted to be, a force of change in the ring, and soo he joined the weavers guild, he started to act as Valentina personal knigth, she became a motherly figure for him and took all his admiration and loyalty, Yashan became in this time even realy smoochy and stard "Collect" several Hearts all over the Square and the Ward.

His life was good, until the weavers guild was not burned to the ground, thing that forced him join the ranks of Velstra, He actualy do not wanted be a retainer, not anymore after he saw what nest of vipers the Ward truly was, but Valentina ordered him too, and soo he followed her orders.

Loyal to Valentina until the end.

There are many characthers i want to thanks for this run, and i will Surely not named them all because are too many,  i'm sorry if i did not name you, but the greatest of thanks go to DM Hound, He helped this char evolve a lot and helped me as a player accept many rage and depression i had, in case you did not noted i'm a realy Emotional person and i'm sorry if some tiems i rage out and i offend someone, please understand and forgive me, Not the less, Thanks Hound, Thanks from the heart.

Allis Weaver ( Isabeal) : She was by far the most inportant char in Yashan run , the woman who made him open eyes abaut the ward

Leopold sobol: He is actualy the FIRST char Yashan ever meeted, i think we started play araund same time time, and i must go away before him. you are Great Leopold, continue to shine in the darkness!

Arek Vlasi: what a bastard, but a true enemy,  i enjoyed been close to him and try understand what he was planning

Ordyn: Just, Too many plunders toghever

Richard of the relovers and his orcs: WHY DID YOU STOP PLAY GUUUYS! YOU WERE SOO FUNNY! XD

The Harcourts: what been a good Retainer meaned for Yashan

Antonietta Applewine: Yashan first Love interess, a shame the player had to change char because of a Prelude event, they would be realy great toghever.

Warsor Chanter: The mind and spirit of the Weavers, the last of the weavers and assitent in the Free Nymph plan

Errata of the Bearchocker clan: This woman raped yashan..yup. that happened, they two had a realy complicated relation, but at the end they were friends

Finn Draker: Yashan Brother, in all, Yashan was like the Younger social brother and he was the oldest wiser a bit shy one, they were great, toghever

Hazel: a sister, a warrior, a soldier, a halfling.. no one before us

Tia Kris: Yashan second love interess, and this time because of real life problems player culd not went in, but we exchanged letters realy sweet in the forum,

Gawen of Glitt: Thanks for allowed me to pass 95, a true friend

Dorian raventree: Yashan was like Dorian biggest fan, he knew all his hostory and endevors and when he meeted him he sparked of joy..he gave him a lucky coin...actulay i think that coin gave him missfortune as after that all went to shit...but still, Long may he reign

Ruth of sunpurse: The only friend Yashan had in the ward aside Finn from a long time

Eris Hale: You are just great ...but pleae...CONFESS PLAYERS!  :P

Giras of the Ponds: Yashan did nit had  luck with lovers, she died the day after Yashan started fall in love with her

Hatun of Orza: a nice Orzan? a Orzan who is not a giant asshole? is that possible? it seems soo, well done

Zaza: Another Yashan love interess, a elf this time, and a druid, Yashan was soo close after the weavers fall to join her in the ponds, she only had to tell him she loved him back , that do not happened, ans doo the ward went

Bad Tom of Glitt: strangely him and Yashan could not be more different and yet we worked well toghever, the Bad of the good and a Ugly...that was anyone else :-P

Samantha blake: If someone can take Yashan Mantle is she , and i hope she will, let the Wyvern never die

Blackjack Fowler: Well, Not fuck with Yashan, girl

Tristan of glitt: a good friend, a realy good one, thanks for been close to Yashan after Hazel demise

Gabriel of Velstra: Yashan final FIance...and the two was going to get merried, if Yashan survived the expedition he would officaly made a proposal... and now she is widowed even before get on the altar

i have a LOT of sceenshots i will charge later..probably



[url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=691057.msg738645#msg738645]Moises Moraeta[/url]'s [url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=703311.msg738712#msg738712][Metal-clasped Journal][/url]


Bravo, really. It's been a rollercoaster ride alongside Yashan.
He'll be sorely missed!
A very fitting end for him,.

Egon the Monkey


Ah Gabriel and Yashan, what a pair.  Somehow mr goody boy got involved with an evil manipulative charmer...but one who decided she loved him even if she thought he was something of a fool.

Among many other things, Gabby encouraged Yashan to kill the Thayans in Velstra and then pretended she had no part in it.  She couldn't care less about Lady Valentina and would never have approved of him dying to save her worthless ass.

What will happen for Gabriel can only be known in the future, but she will have a severe chip on her shoulder towards Valentina now.


Yashan was so sweet, he never did rescue Ruth like he said he would. :P But he was one of those few characters who truly loved others. He made the ultimate sacrifice for Lady Valentina, and Samantha is going to miss him sorely now that he's gone. Well done and I look forward to seeing what you do with your next character! Bravo!


Lovely character arc, well done.  Yashan's endearing presence will be missed


Great character, and although you are understandably sad, think that at least he had an epic death, the kind that most don't have!

Why did Glitt not consider him worthy, by the way?
Most enjoyable characters:

Tristan Caerfal (NG Human Sharpshooter)

Thomas Valentine (Human NG Fighter/Rogue)
Durga (Half-Orc NE Cleric of Ilneval/Fighter)

Marion Sileyna (Human LN Cleric of Loviatar/Fighter)
Atreia Kelten (Human Paladin of Tyr)
Riku (NG Stargazer Ranger)


Quote from: Calixto on November 15, 2020, 05:42:39 PM

Why did Glitt not consider him worthy, by the way?

Ask Felton's player, i did never get that either. i think because back then Glitt was a closed group and do not accepted people who just  come to their door and they had to "Show their skills" somehow, and i never get how


Your flirty knight in shining armour was one of the first impressions of the server I've had with Desir. Talk about a coincidence, because he wasn't the usual type, considering the setting...!

You stuck to Yashan's ideals until the very end, and made it through all the sudden turn of events (because you've had quite a few!) and got back on your feet. Well done!
[url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=700140.0]Find custom lore for Yemani characters here.[/url]


This is a wonderful thread, celebrating the life of a character who I never at all in any way interacted with, yet of his existence and influence I couldn't help but be aware. I think that was largely due to people always talking about him one way or another in Discord and of the screenshots and trashshots that came up featuring him which I think goes to suggest he earned a certain prominence or at least notoriety or reputation. As a result I have certainly enjoyed watching him from a distance and I have to say you have a great line up of screenshots both amusing and fun there in your imgur album.

Quote from: Gordan on November 14, 2020, 11:19:56 PMi'm sorry if i did not name you, but the greatest of thanks go to DM Hound, He helped this char evolve a lot and helped me as a player accept many rage and depression i had, in case you did not noted i'm a realy Emotional person and i'm sorry if some tiems i rage out and i offend someone, please understand and forgive me, Not the less, Thanks Hound, Thanks from the heart.

Emotion, yes. I think this actually your strength as a player. It brings out the raw and candid side of your characters which it turn makes the setting and the events that occur within it  feel so much more real. You put your all into your character, you get invested, you feel their pains, you revel in their triumphs, and yes perhaps the rage is unfortunate as is the depression but you've channeled it towards a meaningful experience and story. It's what I like to see - it's what makes roleplaying communities and experiences so meaningful, to allow oneself to be so deeply immersed into the narrative we are weaving together. I think as you go you will also learn to better control these things, through experience if nothing else. But do continue to give it your all and  stay candid, my friend; it suits you.

Oh and I (OOCly due to the syntax used) figure Yashan was the one responsible for this anonymous message on the Peerage Public Board:

'While you sleep, I destroy the world!'

Was I right?
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJAoaCHdTJY]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


Quote from: Aethereal on November 26, 2020, 03:42:10 AM
This is a wonderful thread, celebrating the life of a character who I never at all in any way interacted with, yet of his existence and influence I couldn't help but be aware. I think that was largely due to people always talking about him one way or another in Discord and of the screenshots and trashshots that came up featuring him which I think goes to suggest he earned a certain prominence or at least notoriety or reputation. As a result I have certainly enjoyed watching him from a distance and I have to say you have a great line up of screenshots both amusing and fun there in your imgur album.

Quote from: Gordan on November 14, 2020, 11:19:56 PMi'm sorry if i did not name you, but the greatest of thanks go to DM Hound, He helped this char evolve a lot and helped me as a player accept many rage and depression i had, in case you did not noted i'm a realy Emotional person and i'm sorry if some tiems i rage out and i offend someone, please understand and forgive me, Not the less, Thanks Hound, Thanks from the heart.

Emotion, yes. I think this actually your strength as a player. It brings out the raw and candid side of your characters which it turn makes the setting and the events that occur within it  feel so much more real. You put your all into your character, you get invested, you feel their pains, you revel in their triumphs, and yes perhaps the rage is unfortunate as is the depression but you've channeled it towards a meaningful experience and story. It's what I like to see - it's what makes roleplaying communities and experiences so meaningful, to allow oneself to be so deeply immersed into the narrative we are weaving together. I think as you go you will also learn to better control these things, through experience if nothing else. But do continue to give it your all and  stay candid, my friend; it suits you.

Oh and I (OOCly due to the syntax used) figure Yashan was the one responsible for this anonymous message on the Peerage Public Board:

'While you sleep, I destroy the world!'

Was I right?

I thank you for your words and although we have never interacted I know who you are from the fame of your character who precedes you, and I am honored that you had interess in observing Yashan from afar.

And as for The message in the pubblic board, i'm sorry it was not my doing