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Messages - Dr Dragon

Suggestions /
August 15, 2014, 11:00:17 AM
Stance of the long death

Alignment Evil (Using this stance could get you killed)

VFX Red Eyes

+1d4 negative energy damage

Spirits flock to the monk.

25% positive damage vulnerability

25% energy damage immunity  

Shadow boxer

VFX purple eyes

Triggers darkness, and ultravision instaneous on the monk.

20% concealment
Suggestions /
August 13, 2014, 05:18:16 PM
Or a long dead faction can make another appearence.
Off-topic Discussion /
August 10, 2014, 07:53:39 PM
Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men By Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Suggestions /
August 04, 2014, 07:04:17 PM
Honestly add a penalty instead of a perk.

Instead of a perk give an AB penalty to people dumb enough to attempt brawling with a shield strapped to them, and AC -2. This shield brawling is some unheard of suicidal nonsense that no brawler would seriously do, and is enabled by lame mechanics.

People should not be getting perks for the gift of not being retarded.  

Just insert a penalty to tasteless people who use shields while being "Fist fighters."
Suggestions /
June 26, 2014, 01:22:55 PM
We've all been raised by bard songs to believe that one day we'd become affluent Merchants, theater gods, heroes, kings, arch mages, Or even just live the simple life with a smiling women. We cant even work the jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. Instead the end happened so we  We wont, and we are getting pissed off, and driven to insanity.  

 Instead the sun black, and abberations destroyed our homes, and our gods began to die. Brother was turned against brother as we were forced to murder eachother to survive, and those who were thralls. Some of us had to take the kitchen knife, and bring death to our former families who were enthralled, and trying to kill us. We see no hope in this insane world, and nothing to lose.        

What we thought was once insane has become sane. If there was any age of the mad man we are living in it. Some of us wont be phazed by a certain area with what we have had to do to be alive for this long.
General Discussion /
March 18, 2014, 08:44:36 AM
Word of advice.......Stick to only 1 character. This prevents that temptation to metagame info you got on an alt or transfer gold/items between characters.
Suggestions /
December 19, 2013, 12:03:47 PM
Fighter perk Imbecile

Many intellectuals say the pen is mightier then the Sword. You prove them wrong by beating them up. You despise intellectualism, and probably are illiterate. As their skill with a blade improves they get even more stupider. Those around you are shocked by your sheer stupidity, but amazed by your swordplay.

Level 1  -2 intelligence -2 Wisdom -20 Lore  -20 Spell-craft +2 Discipline +2 intimidate

Level 3 Using a perk/player tool you can destroy books, and notes to recieve a temporary +2 bonus to AB Damage. Destroying scrolls gives your saves against spells.  Contact a DM if you find a rather unique item or a high level scroll for a more permanent bonus.  

Level 5 Blood frenzy 1/day  

Level 8 +2 Charisma +2 intimidate  -2 Intelligence -2 Wisdom

Fighter Perk Alcoholic

Weather to escape your troubles or to cope with living in the North were it gets dark early. Or you are just a Dwarf.  You find yourself drinking excessively. It does not matter if it is Ale, Spirits or Wine you will drink it. Amazingly your years of experience, and alcoholism has made you able to fight while intoxicated. Adventuring for you is a means of acquiring the gold needed for booze.

Level 3 +2 saves against poison. You do not get penalties to AB, and spellfailuire when drunk like a normal person. In fact you have been so used to being intoxicated that being sober makes you go through withdrawal or a terrible hangover. Thus you receive a bunch of penalties when sober.

Level 5 +2 intimidate bluff, and persuade when alcohol applies. -8 intimidate bluff, and persuade when sober. +2 to Ab Damage, AC, and Saves when fighting in a bar or tavern anywhere

Level 8 +3 Cha -2 Wisdom -4 CHA sober. Every reset roll 1d20, and you receive bottles of alcohol based on that. (Any booze from fancy wine to spirits.)  (Special Note Dms if they notice you are going through withdrawal can inflict special damages. Dms are also free to have you wake up in strange places, and have nights you do not remember because of your excessive drinking. Dms are also free to have agreements with NPCS you do not remember.)

Rogue perk Seducer

You have been blessed with looks, and charm. You find it easy to get what you want from the opposite gender.

Level 5 +5 Persuade, and bluff when dealing with the opposite gender

Pure Bonus Each reset you get a romantic present.
Suggestions /
August 02, 2013, 12:33:43 AM
Honestly I am for a trial system, but I feel by making serious crimes require a trial DMS have seriously given themselves a potential serious headache.....

Trials for things like Assault, Banditry ETC really shouldn't require a DM for a punishment to be dished out. Even resisting arrest is now a crime that requires a trial. I am all for capital gruesome crimes like Murder ETC being capital crimes that require trial. However petty offenses, and common hooligandry shouldn't require a trial.

Honestly heres a problem I see happening. Say an overzealous Watchmen arrests literally a bunch of people, and a DM is needed to try, and each every single one of them. PCS would be waiting forever for a trial in a long ass line if EFU4's laws were in EFU1 with a watchmen like Sten around.

Though honestly I say let serious offenses require a trial were PCS can contest/appeal punishments already rendered by Watchmen, and be entitled to compensation if the Watch fucked up. While the city itself is entitled to compensation if you are found guilty by a judge in addition to maybe an additional criminal charge of perjury/contempt of court.  

I just think our current system of having PCS potentially going on trial for serious offenses to be kind of silly, and really feel bad for the DMS who will have to oversee trials for ridiculous stuff. There will be an overzealous Watchmen someday who can, and will arrest five people in a single day for separate serious offenses, and we will have literally up to 10 + Pcs waiting for days in jail to get on trial for resisting arrest. In fact I might even step up to the plate, and do it one of these days.
Suggestions /
July 24, 2013, 11:38:23 PM
Quote from: Pentaxius;346118I see. It wouldn't indeed fit the idea of scarcity/preciousness of Sanctuary's animatron reserves. (even if they are not summoned from other planes, but from a direct link with the vaults of the machine)

I've no specific idea in mind - but a summoning theme for the spell-guard would be a very nice addition. A construct summoning theme that isn't about boots / dancing chairs would still fit rather nicely in my opinion - but it is perhaps best to keep construct-related entities to animatrons, as to not dilute the great feel they have.

A mechnus (Lawful Neutral clockwork place.)  summoning theme would be dope, and more in line with what you are talking about.
General Discussion /
July 21, 2013, 12:30:05 AM
Welcome to the server I remember when I suddenly randomly discovered EFU back in the old days, and found myself mystified. Sanctuary, and the Underdark will definitely do that. If you need any help with apps or subraces or have any questions feel free to contact me I am happy to help.
General Discussion /
July 08, 2013, 09:05:05 PM
Quote from: Knight Of Pentacles;343086tl;dr DRD

Just look at Nationalist Socialist Germany.  The common people were more than willing to be persuaded that "undesirables" were detrimental so long as the regime provided them prosperity and stability.  It is "herd mentality" because the shepherds offer something advantageous to the flock.

I concur definitely herd mentality.....Though USA is a better example of tons of immigrants coming in, and adopting the herd mentality of the dominant culture.
General Discussion /
July 08, 2013, 08:48:50 PM
Doc is going to explain this, and even include the history of the United States. Prepare for some racially charged statements, and major hypocrisy exposed. I am aware that IG history, and ooc history do not normally correlate however the history of the United States does correlate to the question posed by the OP.

Plenty of people when arriving to a new country, and new place will attempt to adapt, and assimilate to the native culture of that place. People who weren't otherwise racist will embrace it to either assimilate or to keep others off the playing field. In fact if one where to look at the history of the United States plenty of people came here from Ireland a place where basically no black people existed, and then started hating black people once they got in the states. The same applies to other immigrant groups as well.

United States History is full of people who came in, and then adapted racist values upon living here, and assimilating. In spite of people mostly being of Irish descent who where by, and large spat on, and insulted back in the day they then raised their kids to be racist. Take for example the Boston busing riots in the 1970s. In other words plenty of people showed up to America from countries where black people otherwise didnt exist, and then adopted racist values to fit in with being "white" and hating on the others.

Similar to how the grandchildren, and great grandchildren of immigrants (some of these grandparents were also not wanted in the United States by others.) are resenting a bunch of Mexican's illegally coming to the United States while otherwise ignoring the fact plenty of Eastern Europeans are doing the exact same thing.

In other words when people come to a new place they try to fit in, and its easy to do if your part of the ethnic majority which is in this came humans. Honestly it makes more sense for humans to do this because it honestly is pretty much human nature. Yea racism is often ridiculous, and hypocritical in Old Port plenty of the native Old Portans are wondering why their is a bunch of freaky undead refugees just like people were sick of the Irish, Germans ETC. So these people then attempt to assimilate to the dominant culture, and take on their values.

Its United States its also making sense for Old Port. Honestly the answers to the questions you where looking for could have easily been found RL.

-The Doc
Off-topic Discussion /
June 26, 2013, 08:18:31 AM
Quote from: Bonhomie;339570I was just sitting in the bus earlier and on my way to stop by my gf for lasagna before I'd take the train back to my temp. room further down south, when my mind started drifting while listening to swedish music I can't understand. It took me back to efu, and to the 8 years I've spent here and the people I have come to know here since. People who I've briefly played other games with, others who I've invited to show around my place and those that invited me to house, hearth and city. All people whom I've never met and yet since established this indescribable emotional bond with.

And while it's certainly this incomprehensible music that is playing its parts on me, I can defy my doubts of bothering to hit 'submit' in fear of I don't know what and use this opportunity to expres my heartfelt love to the people who've given efu its destinctive homely air to me. I can only hope that many others here have felt this same, utterly ridiculous, exceptional weirdness.


.. det kommer aldrig va över för mig guys.

Doc has rolled a successful lore check, and translated some of the Swedish language. RL Lore to the max.  Have a blast dawg was dope playing with you.

My lore check so far....

It will........Aldrig va over for me guys. We will need the aid of people with higher lore to translate de Aldrig, och va. *Maxons cough*
Off-topic Discussion /
June 25, 2013, 08:34:15 AM
I concur nerdwin. Its also quite clear the church that burned down was the Order priory.
Introductions and Group Management /
June 10, 2013, 04:10:15 AM
Dude make them from Chessanta. Chessanta pretty much are the Greeks, and Romans.