Quest Bug Thread

Started by Nihm, August 09, 2010, 05:06:56 PM

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The Goblin Scullion Quest - With a level Three character, got a message saying "Maximum level is not respected" and was not allowed to enter.
Slim Caden's Ring Quest - No option in his dialogue to complete the quest even after finding the ring.


Delivery - Soiled Rags unable to be completed. Little Evelyn directs you to complete a bug report on the forums.


The mythalr spot quest does not give the convo option when you try to retrieve the order.

The repair quest does not do anything at the leak.

Hornets quest says a level 3 is too high yet the quest is 2-3.


transition into trogs quest is broken,


Clay for the Clay man - no check at the sand patches, get the message similiar to as if you had not received the quest initially.


Hunting a giant sea turtle, the transition is broke for the quest area.


It seems any quest with a dialogue option with npcs. does not seem to work.


- Tobar's Ore Quest does not allow delivery.
- The quest that allows you to search the piles around the Ruins does not actually allow you to search the piles, no check is made.


Delivery: The Armada's Toll allows multiple turn-ins/attemps at Persuasion yet the quest does not complete.


Stargazer quests

Area: Starvillage
NPC: Feena Wise One
Quest: Maintaining Balance(?)

My PC can recieve the quest, and add others to the quest.

The transition leading into the QA is broken and doesn't allow my PC to enter the QA.

Speaking with the NPC allows me to quit the quest.

UPDATE: Feena Wise One no longer gives quest for druids.

Area: Starvillage
NPC: Elder Nagafa
Quest: Delivery - Lyacinth Bush item

The journal updates stating some one may need this ingredient, but when speaking with the NPC the dialogue doesn't recognize the PC is carrying the item it needs. The delivery remains incomplete.

UPDATE: Lyacinth Bush no longer gives the item to make the delivery.


Explore the Sand Reef Quest - Can be taken, but transition does not work


Snakes 2 "The Slithering Path" does not work. Trying to take the quest results with a message "[EFUQS] You may not take this quest - Maximum character level not respected."


Bilby- The hatch on the floor never unlocks and asks for a specific key if you try and pick it.


Harpies does not transport the group into the quest area, and when a dm did no enemies spawned.



The Gnolls quest is busted.  We were able to get the quest but can't enter it.