Alden Rhaechard, The name was Random

Started by Gordan, January 21, 2023, 03:37:31 PM

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I do not wanted play this char.

After a fall in depression i had told myself i do not wanted play this server anymore and that i would have taken a break  because i was getting too emotional and toxic, but a certain player continued to contact me EVERY SINGLE DAY asking me to be back, it gave me a nice build, a good prospect for future plans, and i sed... okey lets try

At the beginning i hated it, i feel like i was forced to play something i do not wanted, even his name was random generated... i went on discord i wroted some random words in  search and came up Alden Greywood and Rochelle Rhaechard...and soo i did a mix  of the two names

He had no personality first,  as much i tried i do not wanted fall in the classic 3 Types of chars i play i wanted give him some original concepts and at the end i just made him a Crusader, some kind of loyal and good lad similiar to Ryden but less religious and more dutyfull

Actualy that was my first Atheist or just (I do not care abaut religion) char, as is something i always try to give my chars as i believe religion is a strong + in char development.

And the end...i'm happy to have played him, i'm happy to have tried this build and class that was not on my standards (He was a Figther / Rogue) i'm happy he managed to survive until level 9 ((Third of my chars who manage))  and i'm happy on how he died, a shity roll of dice but died doing what he lived for, his duty

"Retainer first duty is not loyalty to the lords, but defend the innocents"

I believe i will wait next chapter before return with something else soo...yeha...

I do not saved screenshots...yeha there was a time where i saved a lot of them i stopped do it for some reason...odd...if you have some screenshots with him be free to post it here!

My Kuddos go to: Moros, Roisin, Otto, Alaric, Synia, Fumblesbotton, The Dreamer,  Hog, Veronique Ricther... and most important Alessia De Juliet

See you araund folks, and thank you.


Empress of Neon

I enjoyed every single interaction I had with him. Classic, classy retainer :3 Thank you for sticking it out and playing him.