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Messages - White_Ice

Correspondence / Sealed Note for Legate Shabani
March 26, 2024, 02:55:12 AM
A sealed note is tacked to the bulletin board outside Legate Shabani's Office.

//PM sent.
Oh no! Casper was a magically whimsical person and being around him was always a treat.
So that nearly all cases of people getting stuck in the environment can be rescued by their fellow PCs instead of needing a DM (and without being held back by scroll restrictions).

Or maybe this can be a player tool?
I enjoy Tris just for her personality alone and I'm sorry Brie missed out on trying to save her from the Nothing and/or getting sucked into it because of her.
Loved Alcide and I was definitely hoping to get into more scheming with him.
This is absolutely heart breaking. Emmett was such a good boy.
Sad we didn't get a chance to interact more but I heard through the grapevines you were up to some pretty wild stuff!
Made my skin crawl but still a great PC and I'm sad I won't be able to continue to watch from outside the splash zone.
Suggestions / Reduce NPC Barks in Castle Orza
February 11, 2022, 08:59:44 PM
Suggestions / Re: Spells Suggestions Thread
February 11, 2022, 03:24:12 PM
Improve entropic shield so that it's concealment effect vs. ranged attacks increases with casting level, perhaps by 5% for every 2 levels?.

E.g., at level 1, the spell provides the base 20% concealment vs. missile attacks
At 3, 25%,
At 5, 30%
At 7, 35%
At 9, 40%
Ryden was an interesting character exploring the nature of soldiery.  Was fun to interact with him!
A day or two before the rent on a rented room or property is set to expire, it would be nice if the player gets some sort of warning message on log in or the like.
Aaron was incredible and it was absolutely heartbreaking to see him go through all that he did.
The relationship between Adhira and Brie while antagonistic was fun and interesting. I was looking forward to see how it would further unfold.
Celestina was wonderful and I'm glad for the brevity she brought to the server. Whether watching Celestina from near or far, it was always fun to see he putzing about.