Boruch Quiller - Respawning and body items vanished

Started by Raposa_Fox, July 15, 2009, 09:09:11 PM

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Alright. After hitting 'respawn in a safe place' while questin, by mistake, I waited with Boruch until the party finished the quest, at mausoleum. So far so good. Max carryed all my items. But for my surprise, the 'body' did not respawn with the items. Armor, weapon, etc. Well, to be honest, it was not really great gear, but it was suited for me. Example, Blackiron Reaper (for an undead slayer) and a few stealth items. So, how can we solve this? Of course, once my application gets approved, I'll probably won't need those items anymore, for he'll get new gear, but what until then?



Somebody has the items, or they were left somewhere.  If you were carrying the corpse the items end up in your inventory.  Otherwise they'll be a separate bag on the ground (if your corpse was still lying there).  Somebody should check to make sure that wasn't missed.


What happened Raposa is that your body was moved away from a trap, which was unfortunately not next to your other pack.  The person who retrieved your objects did not realize there were then two packs.

This was not realized until long after the quest was closed out, and we had made our way back to town where you were sitting safely, that is why I asked for you to get a DM to assist you in getting back inside to get the remainder of your things.


I did try to get a DM, there was none IG and none available in IRC either (after my PMs)
But it is quite fine, I am reearning everything. Just the Scythe is being hard to find another, but I'll keep looking.
Thanks anyway.