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Bug Reports / Bard "piper" perk seems to have not effect
September 23, 2019, 04:43:53 AM
GSSID: MakeItBig
PC: Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale
Class: Bard (pure)
Perk: Piper

Not urgent or a big deal, but the bard piper perk "Animals don't attack you" doesn't seem to have any effect.  I've so far seen a cave bear, a scarred cat and mongrel dogs,  all looked at me like I was their next (big) meal (they were hostile).  That being said, they didn't actually attack me since they couldn't see me (I was invisible), so if they're supposed to be hostile but not attack, then maybe it's working as intended.

I'll be on a cruise until July 29th and will be pretty completely unreachable.  See you nerds after that.
Outstanding villain.  I was terrified of running into her in a dark scraggle alley.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: The Grim Prize
July 20, 2019, 01:15:16 AM
Cool PC man.
Very cool concept.  I was stoked to see his first forums posts and sendings basically proclaiming ponds residents and monsters, tieflings and changelings as team evil and proud of it.   I hope he's set a precedent.
PCs, in the screenshot above.  I've had it fail when used against NPCs as well.
I'm playing a human bard.  Every once in  a while I'll cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter on someone or something, and nothing happens.  No check, no flashing animation that I've noticed showing that they have spell immunity.  Nothing.  The screenshot below is from June 1st 2019.  Either  Godfrey de Valencourt or Sigismund Zekaelym were the target (I can't remember which one).  Both are human race.  The target was hostiled.

As you can see, absolutely nothing seems to happen when Tasha's is cast.

The spell works as normal most of the time.
Nooooo, I had all the pieces, I just didn't put them together!

[HIDE=edited transcript]
Skill Focus [DM] : -- A sinister seam glimmers... His path from this hideaway to Ring 99. --
Bel Felenth: He is so fully in the filth. He'll be upset.
Dalidande Mench: [The woman's gaze seems enthralled by the painting off in the distance at the other side of the room.]
Umbertino: What have we here?
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: Doctor...
Daniel Brandybuck: Fortunately, we shall not be slain today... The Arbiter will be pleased.
Jonathan Aisling: Let's get out of here...
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: Please try to keep yourself together...
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: I fear you are... sick.
Vortigern Clale: Did someone enter the seam?
Errilam : We are not
Errilam : Going in the seam
Errilam : We have done the contract.
Daniel Brandybuck: The seam should lead to 99.
Umbertino: *tilts his head, staring at the painting for a moment*
Markus Ankrath: Do we know what force was driving that man?
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: [he tries now not to look at the painting]
Dalidande Mench: [She blinks twice in quick succession, rubbing her forehead. A glance at Clyde; a shrug, dismissive in nature.]
Daniel Brandybuck: We were told that he uses seams that shortcut to 99.
Markus Ankrath: He seemed to be the puppet of something larger.
Bel Felenth: The seam is the way home.
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: [shakes her]
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: Doctor!
Hermod Helgrund: Indeed, it would not be wise to leave the task unfinished, even if the Arbiter deems it complete.
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: We need you
Dalidande Mench: "Get. Off. <Me>."
Valmaxian Ilarae: "Doctor, he stirs!"
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: There are two casualties!
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: [points behind him]
Jonathan Aisling: [Jonathan shivers.]
Dalidande Mench: [She's rattled by the man's shaking, letting out a grunt as she tries to slap his hands away.]
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: They need your attentions!
Rowan Telamas: [He rolls, groaning.]
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: [backs off]
Impaled Corpse of an Arbiter: Tchun...
Dalidande Mench: "..ngh."
Daniel Brandybuck: Why don't we count in a less claustrophobic location?
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: Does he live?
Valmaxian Ilarae: "Yes I'd... really rather we didn't linger in this foul place."
Hargrist Chancey: Barely just.
Bel Felenth: If you need help, lean on my shoulder. We should go.
Valmaxian Ilarae: "Clearly something has influenced this mad beast, it could haunt us as well!"
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: Ah.... welcome back to the living, soldier.
Rowan Telamas: I think I can stand, for now. My thanks, Bel.
Hargrist Chancey: I feel as I've found myself in some mad hell. Is it over?
Dalidande Mench: ""
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: No, I'm afraid it may not be
Valmaxian Ilarae: "Ooooh.... a glimmering seam...."
Umbertino: Should we burn the painting?
Valmaxian Ilarae: Onwards!
Valmaxian Ilarae: "Yes!  Into unknown seams we go!"
Umbertino: *grabs the painting, trying to not look at it*
Umbertino: *And drops it in the water*
Dalidande Mench: [She lingers near the back, surveying the scene of carnage.]
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: [sighs]
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: I hate seams...
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: Doctor?
Dalidande Mench: [She blinks at the painting nearby, her features scrunched up in thought.]
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: I worry greatly for you
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: You've not been the same since...
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: [he looks at the seam]
Dalidande Mench: "..let's not.. bring that up."
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: Very well
Dalidande Mench: [She steps near the seam, motioning Clyde forward.]
Clyde Fenton Gibbensdale: [sighs]

Probably for the best, Mench's insidious arc was a wonderful thing to behold.  Really splended characterization, easily one of my favorite PCs in my EFU tenure.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Valindra Starsong
May 29, 2019, 03:00:14 PM
Quite a ride!  RIP, pastry fairy.
Very cool, way to roll with the punches and take the amnesia angle to the MAX.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Harlow Crane
May 22, 2019, 05:02:10 AM
Pretty cool PC blue, but I want a scumbag next.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: The Oddest Ian
May 20, 2019, 02:10:29 AM
Cheers;  I really like the direction Ian went these last few days.  Sewer freak gang is legit as fuck.  EXCEPT, rats should be used for good and not eeeevil.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Stannis Ironblood
May 19, 2019, 03:23:23 PM
Cheers SovietGrowlithe, I enjoyed the small amount of time I spent with Stannis.  Playing  LG in EFU is never easy, but you stuck with it.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Kobus Dekker
May 14, 2019, 04:13:25 AM
Very cool PC.  EFU  badly needs villains, and Kobus was  a fine example.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Ayath Quillborn
May 13, 2019, 02:56:57 PM
Never change, Cruzel.  That was quite a way to go out.