Excessive spike traps - Seers

Started by VanillaPudding, April 13, 2018, 03:37:48 AM

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A certain few spike traps in the Sand Crypt quest seem to be doing an excessive amount of damage lately. They are hitting for nearly 50 on a SAVE, so I'm unsure if something changed in nwn:ee, a script changed/broke, or something else happened. A failed save on that value would be deadly to almost any character :)


Guessing this is an EE change.... that I kind of like?




Well, I have to say that I didn't notice this working until nwn:ee or I would have posted it prior. I do suggest it is reverted / remove, it really does not make sense.


Players have a rule that they can't block a passage with traps. Most quest traps block the entire passage. Just food for thought on the idea of "stepping on them" when no rogue is around AND OR no one wants to see the 13 traps in a quest roleplayed over and over again.


The traps were of my make indeed for reasons zDark quite well exposed. I don't remember putting any in Seers permanently though, and they can certainly be removed. These traps are designed to be added at dm's discretion,


Make them too weak, they walk over them but no meta.
Make them too strong, they walk around them but prob meta.
Make them take the whole passage, they dwarf method.
Make them so strong they ruin every character that walks on them all over, you're just doing DM vs player at that point risking the fun as something scripted might be better in place of them.

Traps are more of a surprise inconvenience to slow people down, if you want to wedge rogues in the quest; nasty traps are better used on optional placeables or doors so that taking the hit is a matter of decision making and risk-reward in getting whatever optional route goodies that lay within.

That is just my opinion, although there is quite a bit of game theory in using traps.

I still like the idea of those HP based traps used sparingly though, great idea.