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Messages - Specialist Seven

Suggestions /
September 02, 2010, 02:53:38 AM
Quote from: lovethesuit;197181How about some Achievements (or Cheevos) for EfU:A? That seems to be the trend of games these days. Things like 'First Quest Completed', 'Subdue 10 PCs', and 'Kill an LTS character'. There would be no mechanical benefit, but these could represent little milestones in your time on EfU:A, or mark amazing goals like 'Reach Character Level 12' or 'Raise a Dead PC with your own spell'.

These would be player-specific, based on one's CD Key and IP address rather than player name or character. Since it is a new system too, veteran players would not instantly have a one-up on new players, since they would have to earn achievements as well.

The ultimate achievement would be to 'Make Snoteye Smile', which I think we can all agree is basically 'Win EfU' because it's so hard.

Sternhund already set this up. Try search before suggesting noob.
Victor Ayey was one of my more amusing and Intrigue heavy PCs. Thanks for all the fun.
[hide="Spoilers, if you're interested"]

Quote[08:32] You ever see Internal Affairs?
[08:32] That movie The Departed was based on?
[08:32] Yeah.
[08:32] Yep. Loved it :D
[08:32] Figured. Your plot sounds exactly like it.
[08:32] It's a loose homage. I wanted to play a Stygian but the Docks needed love and more active criminals, this was the best way to merge the two. Undercover ftw.

One part James Bond, One part Jack Nicholson from the Departed, One part "The Man who was Thursday".

"The easiest way to survive as a criminal is to be one who works for the Government. When war comes around Criminals are the first ones turned to by both sides. They make great resistance fighters against oppressors as courageous outlaws not afraid to smuggle or risk their lives, As the French Underworld in WW2. They make great informants and spies for oppressive regimes, As the wandering Roma in WW1. Not to mention the fact they make a hell of a profit along the way". -Unknown[/hide]

<3 stay classy EFU