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Messages - I love cats

Correspondence / Letter to Legate Balstan
May 31, 2024, 02:13:31 AM
Dear Legate Balstan

For Legal reforms I propose some basic suggestions.

1. 2,500 is not a lot of dinar or hard to procure. It makes no sense theft of 2,500 dinar should be a capital charge this is someone who has a deadbeat that owes them 2,500 dinar. I think capital vandalism or theft should be at 10,000 but I can understand 5000-7,500 also.

2 A system for civil suites and procedures to claim assets from deadbeats.

3: Give legates the ability to appoint goons/agents able to make arrests and prosecutions for capital trials. Your legion are dweebs and useless. Rashid Al Rashid has not even stood trial for his actions at Kardesler.

4: Make Trials require a 50 Dinar entrance fee like a club. Watching trials is a privledge not a right. Obviously scribes, Legates and important witnesses are exempt.

5: Make sneaking around the city a minor crime and sneaking around the pyramid a serious crime. People sneaking around or being invisible is a joke. 

6: Increase the amount of fines that can be collected for minor and serious crimes this will enable taxes to be lowered.

7: Make a voice cost 20,000 Dinar it is too easy to afford a voice any idiot can get it. Pull the ladder up.

8: Lower property taxes and then codify it into law that they be kept low to stop future administrations from reversing it.

9: Allow property and or voices to be given away in last wills at a fee of 5000 for administration.

10: Keep poor worthless idiots away from our voting polls. Let us have a poll tax of at least 2000 dinar to vote in our elections. Let those willing to continue investing get a say in our government. There are losers who paid 3,500 and who think 5000 is enough to decide on leadership forever. Let us make the well for the rich. Grant exemptions to groups that are going to vote gold.

These policies effectively shank our opposition let us truly make this place an oligarchy and a plutocracy for the golden few. Let us see how far the Sultan will let us go to make this a reality.

-Magistrate Bruce Danebluff
Correspondence / Letter to Sister Selsi
May 30, 2024, 10:40:29 PM
Dear Sister Selsi

I write to you to inform you that one of your acolyt's have fucked up once again. This one I consider bigger than Zoe's. Itzel Itzi? Whatever her name is who can only speak in whispers while on a board job facing Gnolls was sneezing repeatedly. I do not know what is wrong with her health or her mind but her sinuses need to stop. One cannot possibly sneeze twice on a job. She then later while I was in pitched combat managed to hit me with a fireball. I have never considered shanking one of your acolyt's but this was a first time for it. Feel free to discipline her like Zoe. See to it that the insufferable sneezing comes to an end. I can take a fireball but the sneezing? I am old I do not need to risk some sort of disease and it sounds  terrible awful the worst of sounds. The sound of her sneeze was worse than the sound of the ringfall.   

-Magistrate Danebluff
Correspondence / Re: Letter to Legate Argent
May 27, 2024, 10:06:55 AM
Quote from: I love cats on May 27, 2024, 08:31:33 AMDear Argent/Boss/Dragon

I have continued my works as your Magistrste making good deals and heavily promoting the gold league to even getting white league members to leave and join our league. However your people wait upon results. I have heard news of how the assembly was a pointless waste of time tabling the purple agenda of Rennik.

People that matter also known as the voiced  voted for legal reforms and a truly gold league well. They have not seen much in change. I say it is time to make some serious changes to the monstrosity known as the penal code. Make capital theft or destruction 10,000 Dinar, abolish the wage for Magistrates. Magistrates should be paid during a trial. Quite simply charge an entrance fee to watch trials something small like 50 dinar. Let that be the salary of the magistrate. It is a waste of money for me to be paid a salary out of the state.

-Magistrate Danebluff
Correspondence / Letter to Legate Argent
May 27, 2024, 08:31:33 AM
Dear Argent/Boss/Dragon

I have continued my works as your Magistrste making good deals and heavily promoting the gold league to even getting white league members to leave and join our league. However your people wait upon results. I have heard news of how the assembly was a pointless waste of time tabling the purple agenda of Rennik.

People that matter also known as tbr voiced  voted for legal reforms and a truly gold league well. They have not seen much in change. I say it is time to make some serious changes to the monstrosity known as the penal code. Make capital theft or destruction 10,000 Dinar, abolish the wage for Magistrates. Magistrates should be paid during a trial. Quite simply charge an entrance fee to watch trials something small like 50 dinar. Let that be the salary of the magistrate. It is a waste of money for me to be paid a salary out of the state.

-Magistrate Danebluff
Suggestions / Ring 99 Hardcore Prleude
May 26, 2024, 10:21:08 PM
One thing I loved in chapter 4 was the optional hardcore prelude. Right now PCS totally new to the server have no reference to the city of rings/being refugees just vets. There should be a prelude giving PCS a brief introduction to the prior chapter/apocalypse and fleeing.

I just feel like the current start is pretty whack and a hardcore prelude would be cool.
Dear Legate Balstan Gloamingdaith

I tire of worrying your magistrates are going to fuck us. For some reason Lieutenant Colmes is bellowing to meet with Qari's replacement. I can't think of any cases she would have besides on our man ahead in the polls the dragon. Considering Naelin calling what occurred with the white league "treason" and other shit they have tried to pull the plotting is obvious and I am shanking any of the legion that moves on the league and doing my time. She better peach on the subject of their latest meeting or fire her. He is no doubt angling on her ruling him guilty in hopes the gold league actually replaces him with her or looking for dirt. 

When the gold league runs things I want a sit down between you the dragon and the sultan's major domo on how bad we can fuck the legion and have goons gain their authority without pissing off his royal highness. They aren't going to prosecute anyone we want for capital crimes and will keep screwing us.

Bruce Shank EM Danebluff

Alejandro was great I particular enjoyed the insane antics of dealing with him on Bootpolisher.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Xon Dhoten
March 17, 2024, 02:42:44 PM
Xon was great...No clue why the Astronomers tolerated his antics but he was great and fun to be around. Xon cements my opinion that the astronomers are a chaotic faction and that DMS should update the alignment page.
Suggestions / Remove detect evil
March 17, 2024, 02:38:45 PM
Detect evil is lame and ruins intrigue in the sands of intrigue. Paladins can spam detect evil endlessly even the most paranoid user of PFG will be caught off guard or dispelled and exposed. It is absoloutely insane that the most subtle evil PC is exposed by level 4 paladin refusing to quest.

Remove paladins or their absurd detect evil spam or maybe if I want a truly subtle evil concept I will just roll out a neutral aligned PC for my subtle evil concepts. This joke needs to end.
Correspondence / Letter to Condoiterro Louis /DM
March 07, 2024, 10:07:00 PM
Dear Condoiterro Louis

For reasons that are quite unknown to me one of your Recluta Morganna agreed to do a job on the board with with me of clearing a granary and then turned her blade against me upon its completion. I must note that she failed to take down a singular mage who was completely out of spells this was obviously not approved by the company considering the extreme lack of competence involved. It goes without saying that I wish an explanation.  This is rather not something I would wish to involve with the legion.

-Yasmin Hassan
Correspondence / Letter to Azaghal Gemspell
March 01, 2024, 08:32:02 AM
It is a shame to hear of the fate that has occurred to one of the best scholars of the well. I must point out it is the Banda Rossa who decides who is banned from the Krak and who is not. A deal can be reached with Vico if you wish to return to the Krak. I would be happy to help you in your endeavor if such is your wish the Creep is no place for you.

-Recluta Hassan
Journals and Musings / Re: An archaeologist's journal
February 13, 2024, 03:41:12 PM
A man of the Banda Rossa claims my efforts are wasted upon the Astronomers of Q'tolip. After seeing one of my useless colleagues handed an academic epoch for groveling before a legate for a boulder met with a reward I am convinced there is no way in the dunes of Pra'raj I can let myself be his Nadiri.

Journals and Musings / An archaeologist's journal
February 13, 2024, 05:27:47 AM
I found the Sandstone college to be a joke institution offering a useless degree. The faculty lacking in instruction and most of my students lacking ambitio. Ironically enough many of the student body of the Sandstone college are very open about being dissidents of the Sultan. There was even Jamileh who pretended to be a Proffeeor utterly unchallenged by the faculty. I was forced to conduct my study of history and archaeology illegally due to me pointing out publicly how inefficient a system is to have only one person responsible for liscenses.

I found most of my colleagues at the Sandstone opposed to the works of Q'tolip with little ambition of their own to actually oppose them. I went deeper into my research and found the true reason for Qtolip's departure from the grand academy and the truth of this schism. Even with my own study of astronomy. In truth the ideals of Bazeel are more touched by faith than actual science. The whims of the priests of the Mother who claim Bazeel to be the true center of the universe is mistaken and not based on knowledge or science at all. In fact my studies show the study of the stars predates the academy of Bazeel by an uncountable number of years. The Magi Izdu wishes us to pursue knowledge not orthodoxy.

With these reasons and a generous offer by Apothar Stern I dropped out of the sandstone college. The academics at the tower of Q'tolip are far superior and I actually have a thesis to defend and proper instructors giving me assignments. I am not paying tuition but am instead paid to conduct my research.

It goes without saying the tower was founded by much greater academics than its most active Apothar. I see these "scholars" both of whom cannot even dig. The only reason they are in the position they are in is the work of much greater scholars before them who unearthed the shade. Their political fumbling is really pathetic to watch. It is truly a wonder how people representing an organization saving everyone's lives does this badly in the eyes of the common man. It is my hope to fill their shoes and lead us a different direction. To leave the Banda to their murder, the legion to continue their king history to fail the Maribid. Let us be scholars and mages instead of pretending to be Jannisaries and failing at foolish Asterbadian games.
Suggestions / Re: Bashmu Water domain for clerics
February 06, 2024, 04:16:40 PM
His secondary domain is already sea  so why not? Plus it makes it so that Bashmu preists can impersonate more faiths I say do this. Its a real shame you see someone use fire domain and think "Ok warrior or Bashmu"
Legate Saenus, these Nadiri whose intellect and mastery of the arcane are less than thousand clans and the Balladeers annoy me more than anyone. I am convinced they may be the dumbest people I have to interact with in my job.