(DM) [A letter addressed to Lyrist John Henry Beauregard]

Started by Whyleth, March 10, 2024, 03:59:12 PM

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Lyrist Beauregard,

I am Student Niranye Auvreathil, one of the more recent additions to the roster of the Balladeers. I am writing to you as I would like to inquire about some of your work and if you have any information about paintings from the Old World from Pre-Ringfall to IY 7787.

I have looked around what I can find in the main hall and it appears that most of the works done are in an oil based medium. Do you know if we have other examples of work using other mediums or subjects or have they all been lost to the Ash Desert?

Secondly I wanted to ask if some of the works in the Hall of Manual Arts are yours. I am especially curious about the painting of the girl and the forest creatures. Is this a memory of yours from the Old World?

I would love to hear your knowledge on the subject matter either by letter or meeting at another time. If you wish to write can you please leave a letter for me with Balladeer Jacques.

Niranye Auvreathil of Y'fahliel


Lyrist Beauregard,

I have seen to my other additions to my piece on Art History of Ephia's Well: Paintings as it currently stands. I am still eager to hear of your works, your inspirations, the mediums you use to paint in, what you'd call your style of art. I believe your insight into the subject will be very informing to both myself and the reader of my works.

Tragically, you are probably one of the five well known painters residing in Ephia's Well at this time, if you'd like me to include anything about yourself for this work that may not be common knowledge please write to me at your convenience.

Student Niranye Auvreathil of the Balladeers