Ahma Urzhad: The Mama Bear

Started by MonsterMoose, December 14, 2021, 05:21:12 AM

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Ahma was a bear stuck in a dwarfs body, or at least that is what she believed.  Ringrunning with a group of druids in her past, and more recently with a few groups, Ahma traveled the rings for most of her life in the city.  Wielding a fish in combat, Ahma sported armor that drew the attention of both pondsfolk and Peers alike.  Beautiful, dangerous, dumb, Ahma was a blast to be.

Thanks for playing with me.  All of the druids who played with Ahma, old and new.  My ringrunning pals in the Blazing Hearts.  The Pondsfolk who hunted with Ahma and Fish.   Ahma's best friends, Tiktika who has been her companion through countless adventures, and  Marleigh and croc who chased unicorns through 36 rings. 









Ahma was an incredible blast to be around and I feel incredibly guilty for dragging her into her demise.


Ahma was amazing, i loved seeing her and id always been looking forward to the conversations that were coming. You did a great job :D

Scumlord Spiffy

I saw her around from time to time across numerous characters.

Good work.

Empress of Neon

A+ druidess who was always a blast to hang out with. She will be missed :)