[A letter to The Sepulchre of Themselves]

Started by MonsterMoose, April 15, 2024, 09:17:15 PM

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Reverend Wulouq,

I'm adjusting smoothly to Ephian life, though it's quite the departure from the mausoleum. The people have treated me fairly, and I've already made a few friends in my brief time here. It's apparent that my work is needed, given the rumors swirling about mistreated bodies, primarily attributed to a specific group. I intend to look deeper into this matter.

Today, I had a discussion with a Legate and conveyed Hakim Haffam's directives. It seems they are open to establishing an office in the hall of jurisprudence, though I framed it as a place for "oversight" rather than "compliance."

The Legate I talked with cautioned that bodies might be arriving by the hundred. If you could provide assistance, it would be greatly appreciated. If not, I'll manage with the resources at hand. Specifically, I believe a geomancer would be valuable in expanding the maqam to make room for the deceased. Additionally, any legal texts that could support my role would be welcomed. I suggest extending this request to my aunt as well, if possible. Reverend Bekele is kind and capable, unlike the local Preparator.  Far is the next bank.

I trust you're faring well. Please send my regards to Fdiz, assuming he hasn't been thrown out...

Fruit, bear your works,

Tariq Salah, Preparator of The Twindari


A package is returned from Baz'eel, borne by a terracotta servant.

Precious Tariq,

Fdiz has removed your garden, but with this parcel is a handful of the soil from there, for your memory and mine. He has graduated to the Adliye, and I will say no more.

No doubt your demeanor has afforded you this hospitality. For this I thank B'aara. I hope you find the source of the blasphemy you mention, and through the reeds.

The Hakem has been in negotiations with the Murshids of the Grand Academy and the Majordomo of Ephia's Well for some time before you were given your leave. There are still some details, they say, but you may tell this Legate that the Sepulchre expects that his Maqbara may be ready for a war soon. That you and the Hakim were of the same mind pleases me.

May you partake of pear and medlar by the slow and high river.

Reverend Wulouq

Another letter included.


You're required to draft this into a contract to be signed by the governor, Bey, or Emir that this Legate (whatever that is) presumably serves. Be certain it does not leak, and seal it with Urazzir's resin. Angles, nephew.

1. That Twindari office (it) is installed and operated by the Sepulchre, in their Hall of Jurisprudence, without retainer nor interference by their scribes, magistrates, and bursar.
2. That its administration of the Adliye's blessings will be acknowledged, and that their jurisprudence will be recorded and reviewed by it.
3. That its advice, offered when pious or necessary, to magistrates and other officials in law, will be heeded.
4. That it will not be dissolved until the Sultan or his family or a standing Hakim dissolve it.

I believe you studied contracts before you disappointed your father, so it should not be an issue.

Notify me when it is ready. Salhin heard.

Avukat Umil Salah


A letter is send this time to the Adliye of the Martyrs, addressed to Avukat Umil Salah.

Aunt Umil,
I am sorry to report I have hit a snag. The Legates (the two of them serve as Ephia's leaders together) are unable to sign this document as you have provided it. It is a tight time for the budget of the Well, and with the main focus of their coffers supporting the oncoming war, I am told this arrangement will 'incur various bureaucratic and other costs for the state.' They have requested they receive a suitable contribution of dinari to the state's treasury, the exact number being ten thousand. Though the next bank is far, I am loath to deny their request without first sending word to the Adliye. I will receive any letter sent to the maqam here, or a direct delivery by terracotta will not be unwelcome.

Fruit, bear your works,
Tariq Salah, Preparator of The Twindari



Provincials, by the crocodile's teeth. They should be so honored.

These legates are full of pretense, but perhaps we can reason with them. Raise a third of this sum, and the Adliye will match it to a holy total of seven thousand, seven hundred and seventy seven dinar — as a generous gift to the needs of the subjects of the Sultan. Tell them that they will not incur expenses, and that the posting will be administered in-full by the Sepulchre of Themselves. Then you will demand that they will host Kalim & Gamil and raise them as sponsors of their Laws and government for at least twenty one days.

The venerable Murshid Kh'df and Majordomo avak Res have reached agreements with Hakem Haffam. The proper Geomancy is being prepared, as it will be a complex undertaking to fulfill Haffam's wishes, thus the Grand Academy's involvement. This generous gift of expanding the hallowed burial grounds of Ephia's Well should be respected.

You will see me soon,
Akuvat Salah


Dear Aunt Umil,

I'm thrilled to share that the Legates have formally endorsed the agreement.  It is, in full, what you requested in your first letter.  Additionally, I've included a provision for the placement of Gamil and Kalim upon the Stele at the war's conclusion, as per your suggestion. I've contacted several locals who are eager to contribute, and I'm excited to see the expansion of the Maqam take place. Please write back when the Geomancers can be expected.  The scales righten as this plan comes to fruition!

Fruit, bear your works,
Tariq Salah, Preparator of The Twindari



Very good. Fdiz will collect the contract in short order. You will see me in five days time.

Avukat Salah