All Recent EFU Haks and Overrides

Started by Demure, September 18, 2016, 03:26:06 AM

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If you're freshly installing NWN, this is a verified working collection of all the EFU haks and overrides that is current as of 9/17/16.

To download this as one RAR file, click this button here:

Then using a RAR utility like the one built into Windows, or WinRar or 7zip extract it to your NWN Directory. If you're running off of a GOG Install of Platinum it will probably look like...

C:/GOG Games/Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition

... But your mileage may vary on what your install directory is. Just point it to where your nwmain.exe file is located, and it'll take care of the rest.


Included is...

All EFU Haks up until 9/17/2016...
Hands Overrides
Every override I could get from the thread for this, but in one place instead of spread out.
Overrides to make the default tilesets and placeables prettier.

Everything should work, like none of the known issues from having the wrong haks or overrides like Mindflayers appearing as Penguins, et cetera.


House of Lore

To suppliment these here are Amethyst Dragons reforged weapon overrides. They look great and given they are generally subtle fit the setting well. If nothing more they make a sickle actually look like a sickle! Whilst the link says chained weapons, from this you can access them all.