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Topics - Wench







Hey there! I posted this in the Discord but I didn't want it to get lost so I decided to drop here as well.

I wrote up a Beginners Handbook to the Neverwinter Nights Builder. This is the very basic fundamentals of building an Area and creating Transitions between Areas, as well explaining all your tools and handy hotkeys, and other tips I wish I knew way sooner!  :P

I will consider making another in the future to explain how to create NPCs, Quests, ect, but for now I wanted to share the basics for maybe someone who has 0 experience but really wants to learn!

I had to take pictures of the pdf for the forums, but the pdf itself is posted in the Players Workshop channel, I'm happy to answer any questions that I can.  ;D

Have fun!  ;)
Bug Reports / Fighter Perk Bravo +0 Positive Damage
June 12, 2021, 01:23:18 PM
10/5 damage reduction, up to 30 total damage. +1 positive energy damage for every two Charisma. Lasts 1 turn.

Maybe I misread, I assumed 12 CHA would give +1 positive. If I misread just ignore, if not another +0 bug. Maybe a variable problem?

Hey there!

I ran into a weird bug with the bard song Lesser Chant of Old Netheril. As a level 5 Bard when I sing it I give my party +0 magic damage. Screenshot attached.

I tried relogging and asked others in my party, switched weapons, nothing works. And it doesnt just say 0 either, when you hit something it says it's doing 0 damage.

Anymore questions just give me a poke! Happy to help.

General Discussion / Positive Vibes Corner
February 12, 2021, 12:04:23 PM
Hey guys I just wanted to slap up an area we can use as a positive outlet. Like a compliment corner, see something cool IG either from a DM or a player whatever and let it be heard.

The world is absolutely crazy right now, emotions are high, we're all guilty of getting wrapped up in the negative feels, I have definitely been there lately.

We all have fun here so let's try and just be cool with eachother way more often, we got players and DMs feeling a little unloved at times so let's try our best as a community to lift eachother up.  :D

I'll kick things off,

Adding Skag and Eq to the DM team was a stellar choice, it's awesome to have two guys so passionate and I can't wait to see what they have in store for us.

Recently I started playing with VP and dtw for I think the first time ever in a group and they have been amazing players to RP with, I was a short break before hand and they really got me back into the spirit of things.

Alright Efu you have the floor!
Suggestions / Player graveyard
August 04, 2020, 02:22:20 PM
This might be a really silly idea but it just kinda passed by in my mind one day, might be kinda neat to have an actual graveyard were people can pay money to have a tombstone made out for a dead PC.

I have no idea if it's even possible but I just imagine being a new player and going into a game world and seeing that I could have a PC actually remembered even if it's just a stupid expensive rock lol

Mairead's story is finally finished!

I want to start by saying a huge thank you to the DM team, without them putting up with me or my stupid ideas I wouldn't have gotten near as far as I did. A big special thanks to Abala and Dillutionist for the events and keeping me motivated.

I don't have too much to say, and unfortunately, all my screenshots are on another PC, but I figured I would put this up now with some L00T pics and update later when I'm home and have sifted through all the screenshots.

Before this PC I was very much a "2 months is 2 long to be alive" kind of player, I would app for things then get bored or get the concept ADD and look for a way out. with Mairead I made a strict promise to myself that this would be long term and I would finish what I started. I was not expecting at all to last as long as I did. When I wrote the app for her I hadn't even seen the peerage yet, had no clue what the lore was on Glitt or any of the houses, I basically went in blind and she evolved from what was originally a CE concept, to ending it at CG. It was a ton of fun to have her grow and change as a character, an experience I definitely wasn't used to.

Her personality was pretty much based on any 90s cartoon bully or bratty character, I think the most fun I had was writing her original journal entries, I would just think of the most over the top thing to say, like cartoon levels of over the top, and let it come out. I think probably the best thing that came out of playing Mairead was I thrown into RP scenarios that required me to actually break my typical light-hearted mold and write on a more personal, or serious level. I've always considered my writing very subpar compared to the rest of the players here so it was nice to see myself change as a writer over time.

I had a ton of fun with a bunch of different PCs over these past, god, 8 months or so? Some that come to mind is Geno, Aunt Joe, Grayson, Agamast, Shan, Mery, Marcille, Aethelwine, Paps, Quarterdragon, Lance, Mariah, Maxwell, Vereta, Laster, Vlad, Sargon, Adrian, Drusilla, honestly, there is too much to list, it was so much fun to interact with so many generations of PCs.

I want to take a short moment to say I would not have been able to continue playing without Geno, Nazey is such a great player and when I was ready to throw in the towel, which happened so many times, he was always able to pull me back in. Great paladin, great friend.

Thanks for the fun EFU!




I'm a huge sucker for gifts IG and try saving everything.

I believe this was my first gift, from Agamast

One of the funnier little plots going on was Norbert trying to marry Mairead, so Retainers were always flooding her with gifts. However, this was the best one by far.

The courting gifts became such a problem that I had to app for a bag of holding to keep it all in.... Sorry, I can't throw them away!

:( :( :( :(


I used to collect all the ale I came across IG, some vanished but this is what I ended with!
[Hide=Ale Collection]

Some of the first ales Boar Noblestout crafted! I always kept them.

(I have permission to post  ;D)

Hey guys! Just wanted to throw this out here in case anyone needed some miniatures painted.

A little back story, been painting for a couple years now and I'm finally comfortable taking commissions for my work, this came down to a recent and bizarre event where I lost my job without notice which screwed a lot of things up on my end financially, but in the same hand also let me start doing things that I truly enjoyed for occasional pay. Overall it was a good thing wrapped in a bad package! Haha.

So let me break the pricing down real quick, I believe anyone should be able to afford painted figures for tabletop, as such I am a tad flexible with my time and prices.

A Standard Paint Job will roughly look like that Mimic Chest, its painted, shaded, washed and the base is given one coat of paint. These jobs will be the quickest to finish.

A Fancy Paint Job would be like the Elf Warrior dude, everything above but also a decorated and finished base. These jobs take a little longer because I want the client to be 100% happy with what they get, they will be updated every step of the way and have a lot more control over color, design, ect. With this job I will free hand anything you want added within reason, facial hair, cape pattern, ect.

**Bigger and smaller sized miniatures will have different prices, please don't be afraid to just talk to me about prices, I love the EFU community and will 100% be respectful and work with you if you do the same**

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you buy the miniature for me?

Of course I can! The price of the miniature will be added to the total but you shouldn't be looking at anything more then $3-5 extra dollars. I will include the receipt as well so we have complete open honesty with each other.

Will you ship?

Yup! Same as before, shipping will be added to the total.

Do you do refunds?

The only scenario will be if the miniature is damaged at all during the shipping. If you are truly, outrageously angry about something then I encourage you to shoot me a message and we can take it from there.

Do you do batches for cheaper?

God yes, shoot me a message and we can work something out.

Do you do anything cheaper? I don't need no fancy pants washes and shades!

Sure, if you want just something really simple I can do that for you, just shoot me a message.

Okay thats all I have to say, you can contact me at my email above or here is fine.  8)
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Captain YARdley
June 29, 2018, 05:23:11 PM

Hey there, I figured now was as good of time as any to post up my screenshots!

I had a lot of fun on this PC and the prelude was probably some of the most fun I've had on the server, thank you Derfo and thanks to all the players involved with it. Some of the RP and trouble we got into was an utter delight.

If any of you guys have anymore screenies please post. :)

[hide=pHaT lOOtz]


[hide=Everything else]

Suggestions / Hunting, Farming and Fishing
April 19, 2018, 06:40:08 AM
It would be super cool to have an NPC that pays coin for harvested crops (not seeds), fish, and pelts. All seem pretty useful for Sanctuary citizens, it doesn't even need to be much gold, but it would be make farming and hunting a bit more fun. Even a point system might be worth it.

Thank you for your time!
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Sol's on fire
April 09, 2018, 09:59:02 PM

Shula Sol is finally dead! This was my longest living PC so far and I had a great time! Thank you so much to the DMs for letting me play this concept and encouraging me all the way through! And thank you all the players, whether crazy fire cultist, or a madman killing those she loved, you shaped my PC to what she was int he very end, and thats always the best.

I need to give special thanks to the Kossuth group, I think we all started something really special and fun for the server, I hope it goes full steam ahead! I can't wait to see what you all do next. Thanks for being apart of this wild ride.

Shula was part of the prelude for THE FORTUNES FORSAKEN, down on their luck mercenaries who got the the golden ticket in terms of jobs, a chance at wealth, glory, power all from some stranger in an Old Port tavern. (Why do people at the bar always get mad when I ask what quests they have for me?)

What was that job? Whose to say. The recorded history of the band of misfits went up in the flames, along with Sol's body.

Before the BAD TIMES on the surface, the team was lead into the Underdark, only to be slave/friends to some very odd insects. Years had passed, 6 or 7 to be exact, until they woke up in the Crossroads, confused, bumbling, never to remember those times. (SPUME)

Unfortunately her favorite human's were to never see this glory. Crushed under the boot of EVIL so very soon to settling into the city. Leaving just Sol, and a book of old memories...

Alone in the city she made more enemies then friends. From greedy goblins, manipulative snakes, and red assassins. However despite this she survived, healed those in need, baptized in the streets when called on. Her voice praising Kossuth over the sending system was a regular occurrence, despite the lack of attention, she made her purpose known whether you wanted it or not.

And perhaps these praise weren't unanswered, as a steady stream of faithful to the Firelord began to flood the portal to Sanctuary. The first of this bunch, was able to acquire the Temple through means of lots of coin, and a holy assassination.... (Revelations).

Hands bloody and broken, contracts signed and negotiated, the key was hers and the rebuilding could begin.With such perfect timing as more followers found themselves at her steps.

Such as fire is though, chaotic, always changing, so do the followers, as a fateful dark split the church in two, leading down a path of murder plots, betrayal and bitter hatred. Despite this however they gathered together under one light.

So what happened in the end? Did the church sacrifice one of there own? Was this the work of the Watch and Ward? There hatred was no big secret. Or was it just the botched ritual of a crazed Fire Genasi blinded by revenge? A mystery I guess.


You have no idea how much I love art made for my PCs, this is gold, I love this. Keep MS Paint alive boiis.

A masterpiece...


[hide=THE END.]




Off-topic Discussion / Valentines Cards, Collect em' All!
February 14, 2018, 07:33:29 PM
I'm starting a compilation of all the silly cards I'll collected over the years, and I encourage you to share yours!!

To kick things off I will go with my favorite of this year!

Have fun, bee mine! <3 :3

[hide=More Cards!]

Screen Shots & Obituaries / I love you...
January 24, 2018, 05:55:57 AM

Madeline the Collared was my first attempt at a fighter, and, of course, a collared PC. A lovable lady who fell madly in love with anyone who beat her up real good. Because after all, love is always a little wrong.

I wish I had more to share but I think she was only around for a week tops, just something to play while in-between college and work, however I guess she ended up having more of an impact then expected!

Big thanks to RwG, KreShar and Wundy for some great RP moments. Some a bit more serious then others... Enjoy my final moments!

During the Trial

She gives him a surface flower...


The Final Moments (sad reacts only pls)

From Another Perspective...

Off-topic Discussion / Constant crashing
January 17, 2018, 08:22:51 PM
Hey there, I figured I should make a post about this and see if anyone knows a fix.

I seem to keep crashing during pvp with multiple players, specifically when spells are in play.

I use Windows 7 not sure if that matters.

Maybe it's bad internet? Maybe too many players? But it's never had this issue before.

Thanks guys!! :)
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Chief Engineer Kabbas
January 16, 2018, 07:42:35 AM

This was my first monster PC, I had no idea what I was doing and realized I suck at being mean, but it was a fun experience and I can't thank the DMs enough for letting me give it a try and helping me along the way.

Unfortunately I just didn't have the time to invest in the app like I wanted, with holidays, work, RL stuff, that being said I want to thank the very few players I interacted with, and to Stranger, CoM and Wundy for not FDing me like day three into the app. (I totally deserved it and they were so merciful.)

And a last huge thank you to Kinslayer.

Engineer Kabbas was supposed to be a once shining example of patriotism, warped by disease and isolation in The Machine. She was a pathetic creature easy to pity, working tireless on projects, usually alone, trying to find ways to get back at the city she once loved for never saving her. Unknown to pretty much everyone she joined the EC and took on the Wither after promises of living forever. Before her death she had been testing rats deep within the machine, feeding them blood, flesh, bodily fluids, in some crazed attempt to manufacture undead slaves to spend forever with her in The Machine.

Crazy, crazy, absolutely crazy.

I didn't have a lot of screenshots because for half the play time EFU and my computer was bugging up a storm.

Rats on Vacation



The Wither
[hide=Slipping towards undeath...]


Halt Citizen!

[hide=Random Encounters.]After flushing out some pesky bandits and upholding MACHINE LAW a few rat hunters decided to introduce themselves.

Our resourceful Engineer takes the disguise of a tiny rat, scampering off, and ready to fight another dark.

This wouldn't be the last time a rat hunter tracked the Chief Engineer down...

(I cut out some banter, but more so of me not wanting to ruin someones pack and just asking about his gold, little did I know it would lead to a TERRORIST PLOT!!!)

The criminal scum gets away-

It wasn't always hard work! And following the laws of THE MACHINE did certainly pay off,


[hide=Portrait thanks to zDark Shadowz]


The End!


::[ Unauthorised Dunwarren Sending by Miina Kabbas : Citizens, safety protocol Z89U is in effect. This is a code red, prepare your homes for search, justice will be delivered on site. Sergeant Squeakers! Get those troops in line!-[chattering and hissing grow louder and louder.]- Watch and Ward. ]::

::[ Unauthorised Dunwarren Sending by Miina Kabbas : SQUEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAK SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE! ]::

::[ DM Shout : It begins with a few rats popping out of old pipes.... ]::

::[ DM Shout : And at once across Sanctuary rats begin to crawl out of their crevices and make meals of passerbys! ]::

::[ DM Shout : From the front gates, a horrible swarm of rats storm into Sanctuary, sneaking under the large animatron. ]::

::[ DM Shout : The rat piper`s deathly shriek fills the caverns of Sanctuary..... the rats are angry! ]::

::[ DM Shout : The terrible rattling of light feet echoes through the Machine.... ]::

::[ City Sending by Aelynthi Venfaren : Sentinels!  Split up and hold positions at the rear and front gates of Sanctuary! ]::

::[ DM Shout : Awakened by the terrible shriek.... ]::

::[ DM Shout : The flapping of wings.... ]::

::[ DM Shout : Chosen begin to swarm from the Bowels to the gates of sanctuary proper... ]::

::[ DM Shout : Numerous citizens begin to hide in the Grotto, barring the door. ]::

::[ DM Shout : From dark alleys the terrible sound of wings rise. ]::

::[ City Sending by Rose Felher : Citizens do not fear, do not flee, stand together and fight. We are under attack by chosen, but we will beat back this old foe! ]::

::[ DM Shout : Citizens unable to hide are scooped up by the chosen and taken away. Their screams amplified by the cavern walls. ]::

::[ DM Shout : A group of Watchers shine their weapons in the barracks.... a worried agent begins to press multiple buttons on a decrepit svirfneblin device.... ]::

::[ DM Shout : A puff of steam is released from a chamber in the Watch-house. ]::

::[ DM Shout : The battle procedes for an age, the chosen come without end. Was this truly the work of a screech? Or something else..... ]::


"I rather be dead than poor."

Nev was a PC I had been wanting to play for months but was too startled by the idea of "starting trouble". After a month break during a long and stressful move I jumped into a prelude and what started a group concept, created an individual character with goals and dreams of her own.

It started small, beat up anyone selling potions through hiring goons, and boy did I hire goons, she was the poorest rich person around. She reached out far and wide, making it point to record how much each faction spent on her potions. Eventually Sunshine Village just beat out any faction or person and that is where her -loyalty- stuck around. And she over charged the shit out of them.

That eventually turned into getting councilor and killing anyone who was ahead of the game.

Which then turned into screw anyone who didn't buy my potions before I got here. ((Looking at you Exiles, just saying, the books show you're bad for business.))

Some fun facts about the PC!

> Never had an actual death until the very end (this is not including accidents or the one during the Prelude.)
> Always had 13 AC at all times.
> When quests were concerned never used invis potions or healing items.
> Snuff saves lives.
> Hated the idea of touching people.
> Owed a massive debt to the Baron
> She lived and died by a simple code, never reveal a client, and eventually that code got her killed, a fitting end, in an ironic location.

In all her life she would never expect to die in a Market, she would have bet her life on it, and she did. A tragedy, when the voice of Waukeen is smothered in her very temple.

I should have taken more screenshots of serious moments, but that isn't me, so enjoy some goofs and gaffs,

That time she was sold to the Baron.

Her complicated relationship with a werewolf

The offering that started it all

When she tried assassinating Mal

The first time Nev thought she was going to be murdered

Getting sweet, sweet revenge

The Final Moments

How it should end


I started to break my biggest personal rule, forcing myself to play something.

I made this PC as just something to play with my friends, and I had a great time, probably my most active PC in terms of RP. Big thanks to RPG, Special, BTH, Pup, Voss, Lace and Leather, Arc, Sop, and even Cd (sorry if missed anyone), for just making all the RP super fun and refreshing. Oh, and a thank you to Stranger for actually taking interest in my backstory! That was awesome! I'm always prepared to dish out a backstory.

Especially a shout out to Arc, holy shit, I gave him my backstory to play as her brother and he just fucking ran with it, he put me to shame with some of the sass he was throwing out, Special for totally taking the time to teach me a lot of the mechanical stuff, and RPG for going a long with my crazy ideas. And just to everyone who made the concept really fun, the various cult members we interacted with, Lazlo, the councilors, the DM team with those crazy dice (I'm terrible at gambling), and Elmo for the "make over". lol.

Zaida was a terrible person who had every negative characteristic. A bitchy spoiled brat, who never expected anyone to be a jerk to her because she's totally a real princess from Zakhara so clearly everyone just loves her. Her father was just some bandit named Hamza al-Mukif (The Terrible) who was really good at being a bandit and stole a bunch of land deeming himself a lord, that's how you do it right? He was probably a cool guy, honestly I put more into his backstory then Zaida, should of played him, oh well! Wasn’t expecting the devil twist, don’t think anyone saw that coming, was extremely fun.

Honestly playing a jerk put me out of comfort zone, it was fun for a little bit, but I'm happy to not do it again.

I'm just going to let her fade into the vault life with, Iphur, "My eyes, my -soul-, the heart of my heart."




How little I valued my soul.

Nothing special I just really think it fit the character!


In a wine haze, I had katana nun stuck in my head, then somehow, I ended up with a karate nun instead.


[hide=title]Chadra Myl’s whole deal was she worshipped every or any “good” God, though Ilmater held a special place in her heart. She left her family at a young age to be trained at the local monastery, firmly believing that she could do good in the world. Being trained in the ways of medicine her whole childhood/young adult life, she eventually set off as a traveling missionary with one goal in mind, to utterly destroy disease.

She was a strong believer of self-sacrifice, taking a liking to the Knights of the New Path, and would have to defend her fondness of them on multiple occasions, at several moments she was a heartbeat away from joining the EC. She believed it was her sacred duty to serve the beacons of Gods, which meant working with those that they could not. (She found it easier not explaining to clerics, paladins and druids that she believed in working with the lesser evil to destroy the big evil.)

Then she went on to be thrown off a cliff, having an intimate night with a Beholder, that one time she had a substance fueled night with evil fey, getting beaten up by necromancers, getting beaten up by cultists, getting beaten up by zealots, accidently summoning a demon at a church.

Despite her stubborn refusal to die, she knew she wouldn’t be leaving that Castle alive. One doubt crept into her mind as she left with Ser Erron and Cosgrove, a doubt she battled with for many darks, “It wasn’t my God that saved me from that Beholder, it was me, wasn’t it?”[/hide]

I had fun. And I didn’t take enough screenshots, a thanks to everyone I played with! You know who you are!


She would have ended here if not for a gnome in the right spot, at the right time

“Ilmater has made it his Will that I strain every muscle in my body carrying this burden.”

Gnomes are the worst….

Final Moments

After being gone I've found it incredibly hard to get back into the swing of things with this PC. I was holding off on it for a bit, trying to force myself to play, but I'm feeling a break might be in order to play something new and refreshing!

I've had an absolute blast with this character and thank the DMs for letting me play this concept! As well as all the community for being so much fun to interact with, from the pvp to the rp to the quest trains to the DM events, I couldn't even imagine a better group of people. This was probably the most I've ever done with a character and hope to carry that forward into future ones. Also I couldn't have done literally anything without Vick and Bardo.

There's a strong possibility I'll return to this character in the future, if approved, so for now just assume she's sleuthing more ways to punish the ooze. (They know what they did.)

I'm the worst at staying serious:

Except that one time when I was:

And just random shots:

Last but not least, me and "Floop" spending quality time together before he reformed.