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Messages - Moonlighter

Correspondence / Leo Tzimiskes
May 01, 2024, 02:16:25 AM
Monsieur Tzimiskes,

It has warmed my hear to hear of someone aspiring to taking up the banner of the Lily in these trying times.

This City has a need for her next great populist, and for strong friends to support him or her.

Could this be you?

I would like to take your measure, to see if it is worth placing some of my considerable weight behind you.

Find me at your leisure, if you would. I will know how serious you are thereafter.

Balestriere Mirielle Rosseau
Lyrist John Henry Beauregard: [Talk] Good. I'll get the company together here. Oh! And I had another question for you. Serious this time.
[Moonlighter] Lynneth: [Talk] [She lofts a brow.]
Lyrist John Henry Beauregard: [Talk] I'm not part of Alois' little coterie of hangers-on, dreaming of wooing and bedding him, and all that fine fluff. But you're a poet and one of our best. So.
Lyrist John Henry Beauregard: [Talk] [He folds his arms.] Who's next? After Edha.
[Moonlighter] Lynneth: [Talk] [She says immediately, and without hesitation.] Alejandro, by my eye.
Lyrist John Henry Beauregard: [Talk] ... I don't just mean of the poets. But that's still your answer?
[Moonlighter] Lynneth: [Talk] ... you know that he got a woman tried for treason for writing a joking riddle about the Sultan's rear end?
[Moonlighter] Lynneth: [Talk] If that is not Balladeer material, John, then what are we even doing here?
Lyrist John Henry Beauregard: [Talk] [He guffaws.] I did hear about that!
Lyrist John Henry Beauregard: [Talk] He's always... you know, his verses are... I READ this stuff. They're simple, folksy, though he's gotten more and more...
Lyrist John Henry Beauregard: [Talk] Well I'll tell the lad to work in some more inspiration. Goodness knows we need it these days.
Lyrist John Henry Beauregard: [Talk] Pfah! We'll do them both, then.
Correspondence / Argent Argyris
April 28, 2024, 11:13:49 PM
Monsieur Prelate,

We have been as two ships passing in the night recently, and we must remedy this.

We have much to offer one another!

You surely must tire of people punching you in your face, and the people tell me that the Sultan's Janissaries will not help you! And I have so many Recluta!

How strong are your finances?

Balestriere Mirielle Rosseau
Legate Gloombeard,

Congratulations on your victory!

The Banda Rossa have selected Qari Alriyh to be our Magistrate, as per our agreement.

We look forward to hearing the news of his appointment.

Balestriere Mirielle Rosseau
Journals and Musings / Low Profile
April 12, 2024, 03:09:09 AM
In the distance, we watched the weapons factory become a conflagration as we sailed out of port. Bloodied and blooded in equal measure, I pulled off my helm, eyes eagerly watching the fireworks display.

"Ah! Look at it burn!" I exclaimed, cheerfully, as the tides rocked our vessel. The Janissaries and Recluta seemed to join me in the revelry, but the Astronomers were not so pleased with our successful mission.
"Yeah... Look at it burn." The shackled woman at my side remarked, wistfully. "It's a special thing. One of my favorite memories's just like it. Long time ago now."
Her eyes roved over the assembled party, before landing on me.
"A toast? Or a smoke?" I offered my flask to the wounded Lendakari as the familiar shoreline of Qadira appeared in the distance.
"Enjoy." She started, leaning forward like she might take a drink. It was then that I caught the sign of a chain in her teeth, attached to her bandolier. Then, there was a loud noise, and a flash of light and heat tore through me. "... your trip to Shore."

Laughter in my ears rang as I hit the water hard.

"I've been informed that a group of mercenaries from Banafsi arrived yesterday."
"From Banafsi, you say...?"
I had already sniffed out where this one was headed. Colmes gave me a slight nod of his head.
"Known as the Sukaitza company. They demanded entrance, and to speak with our Legates in regards to a few matters in particular..."
I tried not to let the anger show on my face. I probably didn't succeed.
"That is not good."
"We are aware."
The Sergeant to my right immediately replied. We all nodded our heads in unison.

The Sukaita Company. That is not a name I expected to ever have to hear again.

I feel like I am a hostage in my own City. Someone is here who wishes me dead, and yet on the word of a Janissary, I have not sought them out and cut them down like the dog they are. Ah, how far the mighty have fallen!

Still. Colmes is Warmaster, and I am ever a professional. He wants this done a certain way, and I will abide it until it grows too inconvenient. If he wants to use them to buy us some time against Iakmes, then it saves me the trouble of finishing what I started on Acante.

I will keep a "low profile" until they are deployed to the front.

This is not the first time I have had to swallow my pride.

"Just don't do anything rash before I get the chance to address them."
"I shall be placid and sanguine as ever, Lieutenant." I smiled. "I offered that bitch a cigarette, and she blew me up with a grenade. Maybe we will just have to settle this personally."

Lendakari Aitana Galvez.
A reply finds it's way, remarkably swiftly, to Alejandro.


It has been noted. Your engagement with the Banda Rossa doesn't go unnoticed. In the event that further communication is required on this subject, we will be in touch.

Correspondence / Sister Selsi
April 07, 2024, 04:18:10 AM
A simple note left at the Priory.


You wouldn't believe what old friends have come back to town.

We need to talk, and soon.

Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Akna Ymir
April 06, 2024, 06:16:23 PM
Journals and Musings / Performance Review
April 06, 2024, 03:04:00 PM
"Do any of these eager ne'er-do-wells strike as true Banderossi?" She asked, in her thick accent. Capuano had taken off the helmet, which I'd learned was a good sign for my continued well-being, but she still held onto her knife all the same. This-- along with her usual intense stare-- signified that this was another of her little tests for me as well. "The last time I gave them a task they fucked it up in a most disappointing fashion."

"I heard about that." I didn't remark further. It's not my job to make excuses for my Recluta. "Banducci has made the company nearly as much money as I have." I began, starting with the most easily laudable. "He's why we're richer than the Pyramid right now."

"Baako is a bit of a dullard, but he is possessed of a steady set of hands. He follows orders, and has his own initiative..."

Baako. Poor, sweet, simple Baako. It seems like the instant one of these Recluta earns even the littlest bit of my affections, they have to go and die or disappear... but I cannot complain this time, I sent this one to his death, albeit unknowingly.

"Laurentis... I wonder. She seems an ambitious sort, and will not be content to be my understudy forever." I continued.

She aggressively solicited me to be my right hand. This means one of two things: She'll either aid me in my ascent to the Condottieri, out of hope that such loyalty will be rewarded or wait until the moment is ripe and betray me. Cut me down, and take my place. It's what I would do.

"Skatterhawk has been impressive. Conducted herself well in the Council Meetings, asked the right questions, and didn't take shit from anybody. The only people with a bad word to say about her are Balladeers."

She was multi-faceted. Everyone approached me, upon my return, to compliment me on my Recluta's ability to handle crisis and behave diplomatically, in contrast to her crude and aggressive demeanor. The best prospect of the group, if there was one.

I concluded my assessment of our prospects, eyes lingering on the Condottiera's for any sign of approval or disapproval. A difficult mask to see through.

"Banducci, Banducci..." She began... "One wonders if he would not be more suited for a life spent in the Souk. Though, his generosity does do him some credit." I nodded along. "He strikes me as a balker, though..."

"As for dull and dependable... they have their place. Provided they understand it."

I gave a little wistful smile. A little sentimentality.

"I miss Bootpolisher every day, ma cherie..."

There was a lack of comprehension, and then a spark of recognition on her face.

"Who? Oh, him. The Recluta, Balestriere.. Tears in the rain, and so on. It takes a measure for me to remember their names.. And another yet to remember them when they're done. T'is a bloody business we work."

A grim nod of my head.

"Oui, it is so, my Condottiera."

I realized, then, one of the ways my transformation was yet incomplete: I hadn't yet broken the part of me that cared when my underlings came and went. I carried them all with me, their memories, and their goals and ambitions. Every single one of them.

I am still far too childish.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Cosine Mevura
April 05, 2024, 01:21:54 AM
king cosine
Screen Shots & Obituaries / Re: Xon Dhoten
March 17, 2024, 07:16:25 PM
I am tree.
Journals and Musings / Re: A Retired Ringrunner's Journal
February 18, 2024, 03:56:24 PM
I finally found more people! Not the ones I'm looking for, but people!

Hard to say if it's good thing yet.

It's a little town, for lack of a better term, striking it out here in the petrified trees and alleyways. Bigger than a camp, but nothing resembling the civilization of even the crudest wards of the City. I've been watching them from afar for about a day now, and they seem peaceful enough.

I'll make my presence known here, and see if I can't stop in for a few days or so. Maybe they've seen someone I know, or need some work done.

But I won't stick around. I've got to keep moving.
Journals and Musings / Re: A Retired Ringrunner's Journal
February 18, 2024, 03:45:33 PM
I found a Doorkeeper today. Been a long time since I've seen one of them.

He was just standing there, dutifully, knee high in the Ash, holding a long extinguished torch aloft. At first I thought he didn't even notice me, but as I trudged by, I'll never forget that look in his eyes, nor his words.

The Door is open, now, Traveler. All of them.

Why was he laughing? Just what the hell did he have to be so happy about?

I told the madman to come with me. He didn't even acknowledge it.


I carried on.
Journals and Musings / Re: A Retired Ringrunner's Journal
February 18, 2024, 03:34:00 PM
I'll never forget that sound. Like an unruly guest tipped over the world's cupboard, and all the mugs and bowls came crashing out at once all around me while I slept.

Then, there was the Ash. It just kept coming in, and coming in. Through all the little cracks in the walls where the drafts came from. Through the holes in the roof I knew about, and the ones in the foundation I didn't. Burying. Clouding. Choking. Stinging. Burning.

This is the worst day of my life. Digging my way out of my own home with just my bug-out bag and my trusty blade and making for the high ground. Wherever the hell that was.

Get it together, Clover. All you have to do right now is survive. You're good at that.

How hard could it be?
Journals and Musings / Re: A Retired Ringrunner's Journal
February 18, 2024, 03:21:50 PM
I told them they could visit any time.

Of course, time itself seems to stand still out here, so there's no real saying how long it's been.

Something will come along, every once in a while, and break the routine. Usually another gang of Ringrunners, chasing the same legends that got me set up here so many years ago. I tell them all the same thing: It's all a myth, and they should give up. Some things you just shouldn't let distract you from living a good life!

They won't listen, of course. They never do.

Still, we can trade supplies as they go off in a foolhardy search for Wishes. I guess it would be easier to fleece them for all they're worth before some maddened Deep Ringer guts them for their potions, but I still abide by the old codes even if I don't climb walls anymore.

Probably best I don't have anyone coming after me for ripping them off. Much easier to sleep at night, that way.