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Main Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: SkillFocuspwn on April 14, 2018, 12:45:56 AM

Title: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: SkillFocuspwn on April 14, 2018, 12:45:56 AM
I know we've had "Who've you played?" posts in the past, but I'm curious; in your eyes, who is the most iconic PC you've played? It may be because of their successes, it may be because of they took part in, it may even be just because you thought they were the coolest PC you ever made; but let me know!
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: zDark Shadowz on April 14, 2018, 12:54:31 AM
I liked my alchemist Shard Perion who I ended up playing for almost a year with some seriously ridiculous play hours put in to figuring out alchemy haha.

The only character I can recall that had very serious equipment, I could get 46 lore 41 spellcraft on that sucker, died from level 9 down to level 4 three times and worked him back up to 9 again.

My only regret was I didn't interact as much as I should have with that 10 CON wizard, my time was mostly spent recharging my wand of Ice Storm and performing more and more dangerous experiments. Best reclusive wizard I ever played and the alchemy system made it the best wizard-playing experience of ANY game I've played.

Now I just run around with characters that are lucky to find even one +1 AC item, or make friends that last longer than three weeks.
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: SkillFocuspwn on April 14, 2018, 12:57:39 AM
Here's mine

Coming straight out of a Gothic novella, it's Isidore Olmos! A deathly ill teenager from a noble family, Isidore didn't have long to live; so he decided to turn to Necromancy to sort that out. With 8 CON, a severe stutter, and a penchant for hiding behind a handkerchief (and questing exclusively in invis), Isidore was far too pitiful to ever be considered a real villain, even at his Necromantic height. His life on Ymph was one of constant mistakes; he gained a place as a Magister of the Dominion thanks to his Demon Cultist friends, but betrayed them by sentencing one to execution rather than risk being discovered. Then, in a convoluted quest, he ended up killing the Demon he'd sold his soul to along with the rest of the Cult, burning that bridge too. Finally, he betrayed the Dominion by joining up with the Conclave, losing his seat as a Magister, but ended up a lowly Caliphar, a rank that he would never rise above. He was never seen without the Mummy who he swapped hearts with, or his fellow Pale Master and Consort, Lasran Mane, the only Wizard to ever be a Consort in the Conclave (to my knowledge); the two were so tight Razul didn't want to split them up.

Some highlights include: Being knocked down to bleeding by a seagull while everyone watched at level 2, his glorious Golden Skull whose description made it clear it was a tacky knock-off with horns that kept falling off, the wonderful DM quest where he had to outriddle a Sphinx and eventually cut his own heart out to put in a mummy, the emote [A boulder falls and knocks Isidore back down to level 6- I mean, kills him.], and my long soul-mate level companionship with Lasran.
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: Hollow_Mage on April 27, 2018, 09:00:42 PM
Jawl Highwind from EfU:Archipelago, who was my first character after the server swapped over. In the early days of the Ziggurat's settlement by the portal rats, Jawl and a bunch of other PCs joined William Bell, a halfling archaeologist, in forming the Archaeology Society. One of the first tasks we all got involved in was recording the words of the few surviving PCs from the Underdark, who had actually made it to the surface in spite of massive IG challenges.

An air genasi wizard with a focus in Invocation, the old Gygaxian-era spell school. I drafted the "Diligent and Studious Magician", a series of books discussing all sorts of random magic stuff that was on my mind at the time. I only did it so that I could eventually drafted a fourth text, to be titled "DSM-IV", after a book my mum was reading at the time.  ::) As a free wizard outside of any organized arcane group, I was involved in a bunch of different groups' efforts, all while being pompous, arrogant, and show-offy.

Cloud spells, Gusts of Wind, and the occasional empowered Combust made short work of bounty-heads, ne'erdowells, and ruffians. But the absolute greatest PvP fight of my life happened without any spells at all, as Jawl. I challenged a DMPC to a duel, over honour or something like that. His name was Rawlins if I remember correctly, and he was one of the few who could take Pompous and dish it right back. Rawlins decided the duel would be with daggers and no magic. At the time, in the culture of the day, the challenged could choose either the weapons or the location. Since he chose daggers, I chose to fight him underwater.

It was a close fight until a number of rounds passed equal to Rawlins' constitution, at which point it was over. I had taken a few hits but I was swimming circles around a guy in armour, and most importantly, I didn't need to breathe. So when Rawlins got to Badly Wounded or Near Death or whatever, I climbed out of the water and yielded the day. The point, I think, was made, but I seriously forget what the point was.

Later on, after retiring and re-apping to bring Jawl back, I had another duel on the bridge outside the Ziggurat. At that time I didn't know about a certain glitch that occurred when you mess with Counterspell Mode and Casting/Cancelling spells. As a result, I ended up inventing Jawl's Greatest Missile Storm, which fires 200 magic missiles over 2 minutes. The sound of the poor person (who won the ACTUAL duel) being subdued over and over still brings me great joy.
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: zDark Shadowz on April 27, 2018, 10:01:59 PM
Quote from: Hollow_Mage on April 27, 2018, 09:00:42 PM
At that time I didn't know about a certain glitch that occurred when you mess with Counterspell Mode and Casting/Cancelling spells. As a result, I ended up inventing Jawl's Greatest Missile Storm, which fires 200 magic missiles over 2 minutes. The sound of the poor person (who won the ACTUAL duel) being subdued over and over still brings me great joy.

Ah, yes, that beautiful bug. I know how to replicate it, but the funny thing is for you to have gotten the benefit that means the other person bugged it out so it wasn't your fault :P
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: Pup on April 27, 2018, 11:59:13 PM
For me personally it is close between two, but I imagine for those around at the time of Archipelago it was Draxero "Beastmaster" Belm.  He successfully wielded a BAMF (Mort's words  :D ) whip in the Stygian Armada long before Master Tau Masemba appeared.

He had his own cages full of panthers outside the Stygian base near the Gobsquat.

He traveled to the Underdark where he contracted a curse that would cause millions of tiny spiders to erupt from his chest when he returned to the surface and stepped into the sun.  Thankfully someone else went first (I forget the char).  The rest of us later went to the undead island under the cover of night where our allies continually healed us as the spiders poured out with the rising of the sun.  The negative energies found there instantly destroyed the spiders.  I also forget the char that had that brilliant idea, but I believe he was played by RwG  :P .

He was immortalized as a statue in the Stygian barracks which I presume is still there somewhere, along with a few other noted member mercenaries.  It portrayed him kneeling and checking for tracks.  He could track anything after all, including Shargass Disciples.

Oh yeah.  One more small thing.  He had a WYVERN!  He stole an egg from wild orc beastmasters and carried it for months until it hatched (God bless and keep Wern  :'( ).  Originally Howland was going to script my interactions with the wyvern to occasionally lash out at Belm but I rolled a 20 on my AE check when it hatched, so instead it always looked at him lovingly!  His favorite hobby quickly became roaming the island with his wyvern henchman and blood panther companion in tow, killing every creature they came across.  He would even announce his treks over the sending system daring the Stargazers and druids to come and stop him.  The Stygians hated those meddling treehuggers!
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: Mort on April 28, 2018, 08:47:23 PM
Oh my. PCs I do actually remember fondly. Rawlins was RWG - dont think he was a DM then.
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: Oskar Maxon on April 28, 2018, 09:22:40 PM
Quote from: Mort on April 28, 2018, 08:47:23 PM
Oh my. PCs I do actually remember fondly. Rawlins was RWG - dont think he was a DM then.

If it was RwG's Sergeant (Zeke?) Rawlins then it was as a DM, yes.

I remember fondly how he let me go. Right back to hell.
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: Kotenku on April 28, 2018, 10:28:14 PM
To this day, my 'most iconic' PC probably must have been my very first.

Cail Durris, a Sergeant of the Watch, was cast in the mold of Castellan Lebbick of the Mordant's Need books. I hadn't been aware of Les Miserables at the time, but he was every bit Javert, as well. All his life, he did his duty. Followed the rules. Went through the motions expected and required of him. He and his wife were taken as slaves, and wound up in the pens of Fortress Khun. There his wife was brutally tortured and killed, while he was forced to watch. This inspired a career-long hatred for orcs, which would send him off into bloody frenzies that usually ended in his swift death.
He had hang ups around women, was terrified and weak. He channeled his fury and helplessness into his work instead, relentlessly pursuing the enforcement of law.
He was bitter, crude, and mean. He was honorable, kind to children and the elderly. He was meticulous in his duties, defiant of chaos and evil... And so angry. Always, so angry.

He lived through the rotting death, the war against the lizardfolk of Ss'lal'teesh. He once fought Imnan of the Cult of the False Flame over the body of his fallen ally, to a standstill after fifteen minutes.
He avenged his wife.
He finally met his end when, returning from a lengthy and ill-fated patrol, was greeted by the exploded remnants of a child from Lower Sanctuary. It seemed the child had been fooled by the notorious Gangster Johnny Dimes, to detonate a suicide vest in the Watch-house foyer. e thought it would summon a clown.
In blind rage, Durris charged the gangster and was brought down. Dimes did not survive the day.

Some two weeks later, Sheriff Eugene "Short" Walters was exposed by the Watchers under Durris's command as a participant in a slaving ring that would later be discovered to include several of the Watch Lieutenants, The Captain of the Tigereyes, and more...

Mostly though, I guess Durris was known for *scowl*ing in pretty much every interaction.

Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: Oskar Maxon on May 07, 2018, 06:48:48 PM
I guess my most iconic PC was Riddle back in the first chapter.

I had just learned persuade/bluff/intimidate was something useful and decided to focus on it entirely. I wanted to play the guy behind the scenes, and found a God with a suitable dogma for his creation. It was probably a year later before I realized Gargauth usually had more of a cultist background to his followers, but how was I to know?

Just after Riddle's creation ScottyB's archivist Varlam Nikitovich (long live his memory) advertised a few civil service clerk positions available and Riddle became the Notary clerk of last wills of testaments, henceforth spending a year and a half on government salary noting down people's last wishes, chasing their beneficiaries to force loot and gold on them and, most importantly, making sure Disco's megalomaniac gnome #69948 got a statue to be remembered by after his death.

From what I've heard some of Riddle's paperwork can still be found ic in the house of government, though for these years of EfU:R I've not been able to find myself in a position to see it.

What happened to the Gargauthian part? Since I guess this is no longer too much foig; the most overt part was hiring a lower thug to assassinate some councillor aspirant so Riddle's buddies could be reelected. Canzah's lower4lyfe missed the shot and fled with the money, but who cares when the right guy won the election anyway.

Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: Misterlich on May 07, 2018, 07:32:18 PM
Bigrin Boggin, a horribly RP'd (didn't RP his horribly min-maxed stats at all) gnome who killed a councillor and spent like 2 months in exile and hiding before being eliminated.

I don't play very "iconic" PC's  :D

If I can actually manage to build my golem for dorfland, Gunther might become my most iconic PC... We'll have to see!
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: henchman93 on June 11, 2018, 03:14:46 PM
Griff Rheston watcher Sergeant
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: goate on June 12, 2018, 01:27:35 AM
My most iconic PC was posthumous operative Phael Gedreghost.  She was known for her distinctive hair style, and a penchant for pulling "My-Fair-Ladies" on gruff members of lesser demi-races.  One must keep up appearances, after all.

Best Agent in EFU:R, imo.  That's not up for discussion.
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: sharkinajar on June 12, 2018, 04:30:50 AM
Toss-up between Alia Millis and Vrort Llurd for me.

Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: prestonhunt on June 12, 2018, 11:31:03 PM
Hm.  So many.  Cog Ippensher, Tr'issithra Zau Mournrahel, Sabah Nebt Het, Roarin Bilmfricten, Castor "The Fury" Erasmus, Sabra, Torvald "The Scion of Storms" Herjefodrsson, Danodel the Dandy-Lion.  One of them.  I think I personally liked Fury, Dandy and Sabra the most.
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: Twelve on June 13, 2018, 01:10:04 AM
Dagul Redlocks - Half-Orc Ranger of Malar - he made it through EFU:A and into EFU:M

Raised by orcs in the High Forest, he referred to Malar as Herne.  His embodiment of Herne was a little gentler, in comparision to the orc gods typically worshipped.  He enjoyed hunting animal killers; If a PC hunter was after pelts, not meat. 

He would give them the "Gift of Irony" by hunting them.  As a Malarite he did not use a ranged weapon, and would target PCs and NPCs that used them.

With him, I learned to read, fell in love, befriended a dwarf, became a Guardian of the Ark and was eventually eaten by a Wolf of Malar, as a reward for his devotion to the God of the Hunt.

I was not good at character creation when I made him, so he was a little gimped.  Still he was a lot of fun to play.
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: domare on June 16, 2018, 05:36:25 PM
Hands down, Ranes Sharboneth, who was a relative of the exiled House Sharboneth.  Through him, I was able to  secure an estate, house retainers, wealth, and noterity.  All that until RwG's assassin backstabbed me with a critical.  Super fun character. 
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: ByVraccas on June 17, 2018, 03:04:56 AM
Dorissa Sennesse, without a doubt. I played her for almost a year if not longer, easily capping out the time log at over 34? days spent in game. More than that, she was by far my most accomplished, for better or for worse, PC. Her antics lead in part to the escalation of the War between the Spellguard and Society. While I've learned a lot since then, I still play essentially the same way (if with more consideration to other players) as I did with her.
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: Echigo on June 18, 2018, 12:13:32 AM
Probably Thorleif Asgrimrsson. I caused a lot of trouble, for sure.
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: crestfallen on June 19, 2018, 07:18:37 AM
adonias iskander
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: WriterX on June 24, 2018, 07:14:10 AM
I had a few but I will name the ones I recall the most fondly:

"Doomsday" was a Half-Orc Barb Punisher who ended up being one of my characters with the lowest imaginable AC (I think it was 4-5) while having enough damage reduction, damage immunity and damage shields to make anything hitting him regret it. One of his highlights was when he managed to punch to death (or perhaps it died trying to punch him to death) an Umber Hulk Behemoth, and he almost soloed it as well. His Substance filled adventures eventually lead him to losing an arm AND exploding (literally) from Substance overdose, turning into a... Gnome. Eventually the Druids decided he was too much of an abomination to live and after tackling him down he found that finishing the creature off was much more difficult than expected, and he had the final laugh.

Another Iconic character would be Fehsix, Kobold Knight of the Broken Mirror. A Kobold Fighter Houndmaster (who used his dog for a mount) became a "Knight" when he was cast on a mission/quest to destroy a Goblin God and free the inhabitants of a magical mirror (they were all kobolds of course). Sadly, despite his great adventures and trips he never succeeded in completing the quest, and he was never felled in combat by another PC (that I recall). He was simply retired.

The First "Carp Priest" was also something different for me, as he appeared before the Relic Guardian existed, and was, instead, a Sorcerer Cultist. While he never managed to gain any permanent followers he is responsible for a creating many works and postings about the "Carp God". Alas, now to be forgotten forever. One of my few characters who survived fights in any NPC arena.
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: Jello! on June 25, 2018, 02:57:08 AM
Rose felher is my pick

I played her for a good bit and had fun with every moment.
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: cmenden on June 28, 2018, 02:13:06 AM
I want to say something ridiculous like Beef Lyonson, something ancient like Tarasynora Maendelyn, or something near and dear to my heart like Mirrina Arryn.

Buuuut if we're speaking about Iconic to Other People, then I'd have to say: Cordelia Wythers, by a landslide! Usually I fly under the radar with my faction-less background PCs!
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: Black_TopHat on June 30, 2018, 02:15:56 AM
Either Mata-MAN the Magical Gender Swapping Specialist of the Spellguard Auxiliary or HRNT Saltman, the eccentric Fighter/Thief/Magic-User made to display my utter lack of mechanics and channel the spirit of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. He loved magic missiles even when they weren't even remotely close to helpful. Both used copious amounts of doodles that I did to entertain myself while working my college day job.

Maybe I've had some other but I haven't been harassed on discord/IRC as much as these two 
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: Kinslayer988 on June 30, 2018, 04:55:07 AM
matagirl was his name
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: Octarine on June 30, 2018, 12:41:15 PM
Bartholomew Shaw, my agent who fought the crystal war would probably be my most iconic.

Or Erron Vastiir, the delirious paladin of Sune, gone Councilor.
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: Zooxanthelle on July 02, 2018, 04:21:26 PM
I don't feel any of my characters have been particularly iconic, but my favorite character by far was Oophaga the Frog Witch. Doing some shady necro-nature things whilst playing a beloved Stargazer was certainly a time I look back at with fondness.
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: Pup on July 04, 2018, 04:38:37 AM
Quote from: Jello! on June 25, 2018, 02:57:08 AM
Rose felher is my pick

I played her for a good bit and had fun with every moment.
I loved Rose.
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: I love cats on July 30, 2018, 11:38:16 AM
By chapters

Chapter 1 (The noob/original gangster Days)

Koinus Sten (An absurdly corrupt Dwarven Watcher that was notorious for his foul deeds and corruption,) He brought a serious of unprecedented low class gangsterism to the watchers. Deeds such as feeding gnomes to kobolds, Selling an elf into slavery, assasinating a councilor candidate and numerouse other infamouse deeds.

Siline Wilkina (A Councilor that was all for democracy and giving the council as much political Power as possible. Sadly her efforts where for naught and due to "Spoiler" lost her position on the council.

Hrugdush Orceater  - The very first hobgoblin to be approved a very viscious monster that dreamed of advancing monster rights drinking a lot and eating people. Sadly eating an elven Spellguard associate got found out and he was executed.   

Chapter 2 The Surface (AKA the supposed paradise everyone from chapter 1 wanted to go.)

Kelian Milomen -My first and only palemaster and notorious open advocat for Necromancer rights. Everyone thought he was just a ripoff of the scholar from chapter 1 but he was in fact a secret cultist of Cyric. I rather enjoyed the amount of discord I sowed and absurd amount of murders Kelian commited in Cyric's name.  Also a veteran of Red Eleint

Talino Floud - The man that made me famouse for my absurd use of a Halberd. A LE Baneite that was part of Gull's black hundred. He was infamouse for absurd sendigns proclaiming that it is Bane's will for husbands to beat their wives and was blessed by BOM with a golden fullplate that had no pants. Talino Floud died in the wilds refusing to commit treachery. 

Putting VP in the dumpster.  This isn't a chracter per say but all I can say is that in chapter 2 I had a series of characters that beat VP's characters in some of the most rediculous ways imagineable including a level 4 fighter greataxe critting a level 7 Drow. This has caused a hilarious rivalry between us including some absurd railroading in chapter 4 to get us to fight eachother and resulting in my epic defeat.

Chapter 3 Undead, Mist, confusion (Sorry thats literally the best name for the chapter)

Isengrim Williams - A survivor of red Elient and my attempt at Lawful Neutral. He blamed all of his woes on the Stewards and Stargazers for releasing H'bala and intended to force them to pay reparations to the survivors of  the Ziggurat. I achieved many of my goals and joined like 3 different factions. Isengrim Williams was rather infamouse for his mythical Halberd crits. I did my best to also portray his absurd alchoholism. (BOM saw me beat up an old lady NPC and called me badass.)

Albert Reed - Just a total obese POS.  A snobby wizard of Comyr that had a thing for summoning beings of the lower planes and abberants. He ended up joining the Conclave and loved to call his foes "Degenerates" his use of the Word.  Absurd tortures, experiments with drugs, murder without permission and other displays of dark magic followed his wake, He was ambushed by holy Knights of the Numerouse Order and burned at the stake.

Chapter 4 A return to the Underdark

Sergeant Odelstad - After binge watching Game of Thrones I decided that a brutal badass obese warrior that embodied a true horrible  mideval Soldier was needed. Alexander Odelstad a true scumbag of Luskan asked no questions and did all manner of horrible jobs for his Luskan High Captain. Wanton slaving, sacking of farms  and warfare against Neverwinter has left his mark. Odelstad joined the Watchers and was openly a thug throughout his career.  He essentially walked up to every notorious criminal in town and offered them protection for gold. A series of corruption and scandals resulted in people being framed, a series of unsolved murders, wanton brutality, and some absurd use of his own men as human shields so that he could claim wealth and glory. I can say that of all of my PCS none have killed/fucked over so much prominent NPCS as Odelstad did.   

Olof Ingman - A very obese mage and elderly necromancer I made him with the ultimate goal of achieving councilor and obtaining lichdom. He also sadly is a mark of my utter failuire in EFU politics, I even lead a legion of undead soldiers against the Stewards and ate a Mycnoid. Ingman was so absurdly corrupt that Markem denounced him and had him publicly stoned. Sadly all of Ingman's corrupt dealings and treachery against him could not be escaped.

Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: Damien on July 31, 2018, 11:19:48 AM
Hrm let's see...Barracus Klar, Rashidi Kahotep, Mawuli., Darrius Ahmed true striking drinking rogue, Morn Greycastle the young lion, Cassius Swyft,  Sigfried Stromme, Geoffrey Beaufort.

Favourite was Cassius for sure, despite thoughts of the faction. Geoff probably second.
Title: Re: Your Most Iconic PC
Post by: xxWhisperingWindsxx on August 20, 2018, 07:23:16 PM
There have been a few that have been defining for me as a player.   But I don't know how iconic (save for one) they are.

Lithianthus Greymouse (aka "Mouse") was a PC born of sheer unadulterated OOC (newb) rage back in EFU1.  She was created with the OOC sole purpose of taking out whatever was left of the Montezzis, and particularly Caddies' PC.  Yes, you can laugh now.  I had no idea just how bad I was at this game at the time.  But that rage actually fueled a pretty damned successful PC.  She ended up being a triple agent for the Montezzis, the SG Associates, and a Maskarran cult.  I loved every minute of playing her.  Interestingly, she is one of the few PCs that I actually had good PvP experiences with.  With her I was able to delve into all sorts of shenanigans and odds n ends.  Playing in her head was ... sometimes scary.  There was a deep dark pit in her that still gives me a bit of a chill to think about.

Mera Helyanwe ... she was ... almost like Mouse v2, but as a cleric and a zillion times squishier.  With her I got to see the true sandbox of EFU.  And I got to see a side of players that are normally considered to "Hardass Haterades" that was pretty damn cool.  So while she wasn't memorable to anyone else, she's special to me.

Mith'Szeous Fenouile ... because in my noobishness I didn't appreciate what a rarity she was at the time.  A half-drow monk/wizard.  And because with her, I got to have a lot of fun (if IC weepy) times with a brand-new DTW.  Who managed to convert her to worshiping Orcus.  [smh] I'm still trying to figure out how that happened.

Katiana Amaranthus ... my Loviatan with a knife fetish.  Her mind was interesting to play in.  Almost as dark as Mouse.  I wanted to do something a bit different than the typical "whip freak" Loviatan.  I wanted to get into the psychology of it.  Take the path less traveled, as it were.  And that led to some odd and interesting places.  Another one that kind of scares me to dive too far into.

Fera (I can't get into EFUSL to get her full name) .. a member of the Ithelquea (or some such ridiculous spelling.  Thanks Germain!)  Another true sandbox EFU moment.  We started our little group during the first hours of EFU:A.  We were going to be THE Undead Hunters of EFU:A.  And we did a pretty damned decent job of carving out a spot for ourselves.  The memories are still spectacular.  I could go on and on.  We were a tough lil group.

No "iconic" thread would be complete without Rani Begon.  She almost needs a post of her own.  In some ways she's my biggest triumph, in other ways some of my biggest regrets.  Mostly triumphs though.  Thinking about the different PCs I got to meet, the stories I got to play in ...  there were some truly unforgettable moments with other PCs that I will always cherish about my EFU experience.  Sometimes it was the BIG THINGS that were amazing.  Most often it was the little things.  I got to see the server breathe.  The 1-2 minute interactions with a deer or a tree or an NPC.  The random flashes in the sky that let you know someone was watching.  Reading a book over the fire with another PC.  Silly IG/IC jokes.  IC nicknames.  Singing to trees.  Playing chase around the trees with shifters/were-critters.  And of course, Marcail. 

And lastly, Phlrrf.  As lonely as it could be, I really did love being a 'shroom.  Everything about Myconids fit my play style.  Two of my goals with him was to a) be longer lived than Rani and b) stay as close to the spirit of canon Myconids as I could.   But alas, life happens and so he got retired in a fashion.

There's been a few other PCs that have been near and dear to me.  But I've either played them under an alt, or I'm the only one that would remember them at all.   But I think this pretty much covers the big ones.