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Messages - Bobbybrown

Suggestions /
May 12, 2010, 11:08:55 PM
9 rooms total between HOW many what, 100 total, 200?
now tell me if thats enough rooms.
Suggestions / Augment Familiar
September 27, 2012, 01:05:21 PM
The spell seems a little...useless apparently. With the +4 to STR and DEX most familiars can still not do anything more than 1 dmg if any, the spell could be buffed up a tiny bit, not too much, but enough to make it more viable.
Bug Reports / Chicken familiar bug
September 14, 2012, 08:08:14 PM
at lv 6 the chicken is able to cast see invis, problem, you cannot make the chicken cast it during possession, is this intentional or is it a bug?
Suggestions / Toll gates, fresh blood pass
September 03, 2012, 04:31:24 AM
with the creation of the toll gates new characters and mainly new players will not be able to get in if they do not know about it when they come in, my suggestion is to allow newly made characters in the introductory quests in for free once, or change the way in after the mist coffin so that they are coming inside of mistlocke past the toll booths once, that way they can get the gold to pay the tolls.
General Discussion / Props to the DM team
August 29, 2012, 07:21:50 AM
Due to some recent experiences i have a new view as to what the DMs have to deal with on this server and what they really do on EFU.

Allow me to say this....
Thanks for dealing with us all in the name of fun and epic RP.
And the time has finally come for sion to pass. In the end though, he had BALLS OF FIRE!!!!! I invite one and all to post any screenshots of Sion you like, no holding back i mean it.

Now lets walk on the path of memory.

The early days, my cultist days.


Then his faith broke to reveal his own folley, and he fled to the conclave for asylum.

His early days in the conclave:


Then things got dicey. He decided to help with a plot that lead to his death, this may contain spoilers so look at your own discretion.

as a nebezzduon

vaszir and khyrm in trouble, also got my collar removed

hanging out in mistlocke with my good freind nadia while looking like we are nothing


more plotting

after xemes basically raped the conclave

looking for emily

Sion being walked into the trimurivate chamber for the last time

Sion's few choice words before he proceeds to blast Razul in the face with a fireball.

and he utterly failed to hurt Razul at all, he destroyed their chairs though, he dies with dignity, even though he gets vaporized.

The final words that will ever be spoken on EFU by Sion.


Ah, the good times


behold the conclave version of the three stooges


Ah, and something I made unique to Sion, his cultist perk at lv 8 lets him cast lesser planar binding once per day. Behold the hilarity that is the fire elemental deemed "loudmouth".


and that is a look into the life of Sion Mellan, if i find i am missing some i will add them, but please, share your own, even if they make him look like a fool, he died fighting as a hero, nothing you can say can change that :)
I have tried and failed to find a consort IG so i am asking in here since others have too, anyone interested send me a PM about playtimes and how to build to suit each others needs. I am finally a caliphar again and i plan to stay above nebezzduon, also there is a plot i am involved in so they are gonna get wrapped up in it which is another reason i brought this up to the forum.
Suggestions / Fire Elementals
August 15, 2012, 02:49:15 AM
I hate to have to bring this up again, but i think fire elementals are still too unbalanced, they have low AC, HP, and AB, they may have higher dmg but they can barely hit, or live long enough to hit.
Bug Reports / Amethystine essences
August 08, 2012, 04:46:09 AM
I have two amethystine essences that i have tried to use on crystals to no avail, all i get is the message "you cannot use elixer on this item".

Is this a bug or is it a change to the item?.
General Discussion / conclave for mayor?
July 31, 2012, 02:20:48 PM
I wanna see what people would think if a conclavist ran for mayor, the idea just popped into my head and I wanted to see what everyone else thinks about it.
Off-topic Discussion / Windows 7 issues
June 18, 2012, 06:02:51 PM
I can get my game to work on Windows 7, but it crashes randomly at times, and it is very annoying, it even cost me some xp once >.<. Anyone have some advice? Also I can't skip past the intro movie without it closing the game if i don't let it finish which is a real pain after i crash.
General Discussion / The growing pool
June 07, 2012, 06:04:25 AM
Pool of the Elder God is picking up. Come join us! :D
If ya got any questions drop by and ask.
Bug Reports / daze spell
June 05, 2012, 10:26:35 PM
General Discussion / Sorceror class advice
June 01, 2012, 03:27:18 AM
can anyone give me advice for a sorceror, i started out well but it is getting steadily more annoying as i die over and over, please post advice in here please.
Screen Shots & Obituaries / peeping lol
May 25, 2012, 09:19:04 AM

then she metagames

then i continue
