[A scroll for Mustafa ibn Hasmet of the B'aarat]

Started by Xenoboskion, October 21, 2023, 02:23:18 PM

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21 Kanön Hray, IY 7787
Ephia's Well

In the name of the Lady of Ladies, the Most Merciful, the Peerless,

Hail, Inquisitor Hasmet. The Sisterhood of the Sibylline Vine welcomes you to the governornate of Ephia's Well, names your presence in our midst a blessing, and wishes to bring the following matter to your attention.

At yester-day's Assembly, a matter was brought before the Legates and caused much astonishment among the Voiced.

The circumstances of the facts which are not under dispute are these. That in some days present, a criminal, and narcotics addict, was punished for her transgressions in the manner customary to the city, by being subjected to the pelting of camel's offal in public.

Thus soiled and besmirched with offal, a Janissary of the Sultan's Fourth Legion, acting under the command of a Magistrate of the Pyramid, proceeded to, as they put it, "baptise" the woman by immersing her, still-befouled with dung, into the sacred waters of Ephia's Well.

Thus the sacred waters of this place most holy to the Mother B'aara were desecrated.

This matter caused such an uproar at the Assembly, that any honest observer must agree that the further details of this matter were difficult to discern and to agree upon. Many statements were made at cross ends. The Legate of Purple, Marcellus, says that he has made inquiry with the Fourth Legion as to this matter to his satisfaction. Others say that it has lately been proven, by the admission of the Legionary involved, that the Legate was given inaccurate information by the Legion, and so the matter should be reopened.

We commend this matter fully, and with faith entire, to your own investigation, Inquisitor, and your own discernment, and your own judgement. The befoulment of the holy waters of Ephia's Well, and the blaspheming of the miracle of grace which saw these waters return to us, should not be treated as a trivial matter, lest the Mother's mercy be withdrawn from us, and the Wheel turn against our city.

For the Mother is the bearer of the water which touches our lips.

Sister Nebtu
Priory of the Sibylline Vine