Craft Wand / Scribe Scroll - Ticker Town Merchants

Started by Mia, April 05, 2019, 05:46:27 PM

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Ticker Town has allot of ambient merchants now that can spawn in the market place. Some rarer than others. Some because the merchants ask them to come.

Is it possible to add a rare merchant that teaches crafting wands or scribing scrolls for a hefty price? Maybe even only after a high persuade check?

Currently such an npc exists. In the Peerage ward only. And even after 'persuading' her to teach you, she'll still refuse you if you aren't a human.

Having a more rare, difficult option for non-humans would be nice. Especially considering humans get a feat advantage already.


To my knowledge there is already a merchant ingame that will teach craft wand to anyone. (this merchants is easily accessible once found and not a challenge to reach)
He can even teach improved version to those that already have the feat.


The merchant you are speaking of (assuming that I am thinking of the same one) will not teach the craft wand feat, he will only improve it. and if you do not have the craft wand feat and purchase it thinking that you will learn it, you lose all that money.